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摘要近年来随着社会主义市场经济体制的不断完善,陕西省政府积极响应党的政策号召,适时转变政府管理高职教育的职能,明确地方政府在与高职院校在探索实践校企紧密型合作的过程中的引导、管理、评估等职能,并辅之以法律政策予以规制。但是面对激烈的市场竞争,在以校企合作为基础的高职教育在取得快速发展的同时也暴漏出诸多的问题,如在校企合作中,政府的职能定位缺失,支持、监督和引导力量不够,执行力不足等等,这些因素的存在极大限制校企的发展,影响该省高职教育的质量。研究认为,研究认为,在高职教育的发展过程中,校企合作是一个十分重要的环节。在高职院校的人才培养过程中对实践能力的培养是放在首位的。在陕西省内,众多高职院校都认识到了这一点,明确了通过这一方式可以不断的提高学生的实际操作能力并更好的适应社会。因此学校在动用一切资源来和企业之间达成协议,让自己的学生可以深入企业进行预岗工作。在校企合作的过程中,除了学校和企业需要投入大量的精力,政府也必须及时的给予强有力的支持,可以说政府在这一环节之中所起到的桥梁导向作用是不可或缺的。陕西省政府在校企合作中存在机制以及模式上的不足,这主要是因为观念落后、政策不完善、机制运行不畅以及相关经验推广不到位导致的。在高职院校和企业之间不断深化校企合作的过程中,政府必须要进一步发挥其作用,对合作工作进行宏观的指导,为其提供政策性的支持并进行必要的监督工作,发挥政府在校企合作中的职能,提高政府服务效果,以确保校企合作深入开展。同时,还应该革新观念,需要根据需求变革合作模式不断的对其合作模式进行引导,确保这一模式的高效性。关键词:政府职能,定位,校企合作,高职院校49AbstractAbstractIn recent years, with the continuous improvement of the socialist market economic system, the Shaanxi provincial government has responded positively to the call of the partys policy, changed the functions of the government management of higher vocational education in a timely manner, and promulgated laws and regulations, and made clear that vocational colleges, Cooperation in the process, the local government guidance, management, assessment and other functions. However, in the face of fierce market competition, higher vocational education based on the cooperation between schools and enterprises has also made many problems in the rapid development of vocational education. For example, in the cooperation between schools and enterprises, the governments job orientation is missing, support, supervise and guide Lack of strength, lack of execution, etc., the existence of these factors greatly limit the development of school-based enterprises, affecting the quality of higher vocational education in the province.Research suggests that school-enterprise cooperation is the only way for higher vocational education. The cultivation of practical ability is the focus of personnel training in higher vocational colleges. More and more vocational colleges in Guangdong Province realize that school-enterprise cooperation is an important way to improve practical ability and shorten the distance between schools and enterprises. Students transported to the professional counterparts business internship or graduate design, to achieve a seamless employment and employment docking. School-enterprise cooperation requires not only the broad participation of schools and enterprises as the main body, but also the governments strong action. The government should be the instructor, coordinator and supervisor of the cooperation between enterprises and enterprises in vocational colleges, and play a bridge, link and guide role in the process of school-enterprise cooperation.Shaanxi provincial government in the school-enterprise cooperation in the existence of the mechanism and the lack of mode, which is mainly because the concept of backwardness, policy is imperfect, poor operation of the mechanism and the promotion of relevant experience is not in place. The government should play the functions of the government in the cooperation between schools and enterprises in order to improve the effectiveness of government services in order to ensure the cooperation between schools and enterprises in the cooperation between schools and enterprises in the vocational and technical cooperation in vocational colleges, such as organization and coordination, policy guidance, fund investment protection, process supervision and evaluation incentives In-depth development. At the same time, we should also reform the concept, need to change the mode of cooperation according to demand, so that both schools and enterprises in the public management departments to guide and support the construction of long-term development mechanism of school-enterprise cooperation.Keywords:Government function;Orientation; School enterprise cooperation; Higher vocational school目录目录摘要IABSTRACTIII目录V1 绪论11.1 研究背景11.2 研究目的及意义11.3 国内外相关研究21.3.1 国外研究文献综述21.3.2 国内研究文献综述31.3.3 国内外文献评述41.4 研究内容及研究思路41.5 研究方法52 相关概念及其理论分析72.1 概念界定72.1.1 高职教育72.1.2 高职院校校企合作概括72.1.3 高职院校校企合作中的政府职能92.2 相关理论102.2.1 新公共管理理论102.2.2 系统论112.2.3 公共选择理论113 陕西省政府在高职院校校企合作中政府职能现状153.1 陕西省高职教育的发展历程153.2 陕西省高职教育校企合作中政府职能的现状分析153.2.1陕西省政府职能在高职教育校企合作中积极作用分析273.2.1 陕西政府在高职教育校企合作中应发挥的职能作用293.3陕西省政府实现高职校企合作变革探讨303.3.1 根据实际需求,创新校企合作模式303.3.2 成立行业专业职教集团,做大做强324陕西省高职院院校企合作中政府职能存在的问题成因分析:以西安航空职业技术学院为例244.1西安航空职业技术学院校企合作中政府职能现状分析174.1.1 西安航空职业技术学院校企合作现状174.1.2 西安航空职业技术学院校企合作中政府职能发挥的现状分析234.2陕西省高职院院校企合作中政府职能存在的问题成因分析244.2.1 政府对校企合作相关政策规定不够完善244.2.2 政府对于校企合作缺乏有力监督244.2.3 政府参与的合作模式与建设不足254.2.4 政府没有建立有效校企合作信息沟通平台254.2.5 校企合作中缺乏经验总结与反思改进265 完善陕西省高职院校校企合作政府职能的建议355.1 完善法律法规,保障合作顺利进行355.2 转变政府职能,明确政府定位365.3 加强政府监管,引导校企合作规范操作385.4 引导企业发展,积极参与校企合作395.5 搭建合作平台,创新政府服务模式405.6 健全体制机制,完善校企合作管理方式426 结论45参考文献47致谢511 绪论1 绪论1.1研究背景高
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