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声光控自充电LED节能灯设计摘 要:声光控电路的产品已成为人们日常生活中不可或缺的必需品,就声光控电路的概念设计出声光控节能灯,能自动控制灯光的亮灭。为了实现这个功能,把电路分为五大部分,分为: 电源电路,声控电路,光控电路,单片机控制电路,继电器驱动电路。平常的时候,大家一直使用各种各样的灯,但无论哪种光源,它们的作用都是一样的 - 照明。因此,设计实用方便的照明使我们走向更好的未来。大家在生活中看到的灯光是白炽灯。用在各个地方走廊、阳台、起居室,但说起节能,最需节能就是走廊的灯。平时住在住宅楼的我们应该记得走廊很小,晚上走路很不安全。但是呢如果走廊一直亮着,那么就不可避免的会浪费电。那么就是浪费能源,所以设计一种不浪费电、方便好用的照明体系是就很好用了。这里就是介绍声光控制的电路设计。声光控制由光敏电阻实现。当光敏电阻在背光中时,光会慢慢地熄灭,也就是说,当人走过时。在某些电路中,这个概念也可以就声音的振动来实现。当人走过时,就简单地用手布置灯来自动打开灯,然后人关闭然后熄灭。这为路人提供了便利,在同一时刻也达到了节电和节能的目的;延长灯的寿命。越来越好用。在很多公共基础设施里面,长时间照明的现象非常非常多,这出现了巨大的能源浪费现象。还有就是,因为越来越多切换,墙上开关的坏掉的几率很大,强化了维护量,浪费钱。而我的设计是声光控制照明的设计,我做出了一个声光双控白炽灯节能照明。在该设计中,夜晚有人经过发出声音时,灯会自动点亮并且延时一段时间在熄灭,在白天即使有声音,灯也不会亮。电路原理是驻极体话筒接收到声音和光敏电阻检测到光线比较弱时,经过电压比较器进行电压比较,在经过单片机的控制,从而接通或者断开继电器,继电器的通断接通灯的亮灭。电路经过检测证明该设计有实用价值、性能比较稳定、可以大范围推广、操作更是方便、并且还能节约能源,这种控制方法很好用在楼道宅区、工厂、教学楼、办公室 等公共场所。对低碳环境起到重要的作用。关键词:光电二极管;延迟电路;与非门放大;可控开关。Acousticlight-activatedLEDenergy-savingfloodlightdesignAbstract: The products of acoustooptic control circuit have become indispensable necessities in peoples daily life. According to the conceptual design of acoustooptic control circuit, the acoustooptic control energy-saving lamp can automatically control the lighting. In order to achieve this function, the circuit is divided into five parts: power supply circuit, sound control circuit, light control circuit, single chip control circuit, relay drive circuit. Usually, people always use a variety of lights, but no matter what kind of light source, their ability is the same - lighting. Therefore, the design of practical and convenient lighting enables us to move towards a better future. The light you see in your life is incandescent. Used in all places - corridors, balconies, living rooms, but when it comes to energy saving, the most important thing is the corridor lights. Usually living in residential buildings, we should remember that corridors are very small and it is not safe to walk at night. But if the corridor is always on, it will inevitably waste electricity. So it is a waste of resources, so it is very useful to design a lighting system that does not waste electricity and is convenient and easy to use. Here is the introduction of acoustooptic control circuit design. Acousto-optic control is realized by photoresistor. When the photoresistor is in the backlight, the light will slowly extinguish, that is to say, when people pass by. In some circuits, this concept can also be realized by the vibration of sound. When people pass by, they turn on the lights automatically by simply arranging them with their hands, then turn them off and then turn them off. This provides convenience for passers-by and at the same time achieves the purpose of saving electricity and energy, and prolongs the life of the lamp. More and more easy to use. In many public infrastructures, the phenomenon of long-term lighting is very many, which has resulted in a huge waste of energy. Also, because of more and more switching, there is a great chance that the wall switch will break down, which strengthens the maintenance and wastes money. And my design is the acousto-optic control lighting design, I made a dual-control incandescent lamp energy-saving lighting. In this design, when someone passes by to make a sound at night, the lamp will automatically light up and be put out for a period of time. Even if there is sound during the day, the lamp will not light up. The circuit principle is that when the electret microphone receives sound and the photoresistor detects that the light is weak, the voltage is compared by the voltage comparator and controlled by the single chip computer, so that the relay can be turned on or off, and the relay can be turned on and off, and the light can be turned on or off. The test results show that the design has practical value, stable performance, can be widely popularized, convenient operation and energy saving. This control method is suitable for public places such as corridors, residential areas, factories, teaching buildings, offices and so on. It plays an important role in low carbon environment. Keywords: nand gate amplification; Photodiode; Controllable switch; Delay circuit.第一章:序言61.1背景61.2国内外趋势713LED简介91.4 LED组成101.5照明定义101.6LED灯的历史101.7 LED灯的优点11第二章LED灯具体分析122.1发光分析1222 光学优点132.3 LED封装132.4 LED实验测量方法142.4.1正向电压法142.4.2蓝白比法142.5实验装置及数据采集系统152.6 实验结果分析152.7 LED的启动特性162.8 LED灯的使用17第三章 LED灯的具体设计183.1方案设计183.2方案制作20第四章 结果分析224.1实验结论224.2 总结22谢辞24参考文献25第一章:序言面对严峻的能源、环境压力,加快能源节约型和环境友好型社会的建设己成为国家经济和社会发展的战略性决择。发光二极管LED C Light Emitting Diode)拥有节能、环保、寿命长三大优势,是继白炽灯、荧光灯之后的第四代照明光源。据统计,目前照明用电占全球总用电量的19%,利用现有的LED高效照明解决方案至少可减少40%的照明能耗,每次可少排放5.55亿吨二氧化碳。因此,我国在国家科学和技术发展中长期规划纲要中将“高效节能、长寿命的半导体照明产品”列为“重点领域及其优先主题”,把LED光源技术在城市照明、城市景观、交通照明和居民照明工程中的使用作为重大科技节能专项来推广,并列为“十二五”战略性新兴产业。目前LED己广泛使用于背光、显示、通用照明、指示灯、汽车前大灯等领域,正逐步取代传统光源,渗透到人们的日常生活当中。LED的最大特点是,
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