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师范生就业意向调查研究以石家庄学院小学教育专业为例【摘要】高校扩招以来大学生的人数不断在增加,就业形势也越来越严峻,尤其是师范生,专业性强,就业面窄,更是加大了就业压力。本研究的主要目的是了解石家庄学院小学教育专业学生的就业意向现状以及存在的问题,并对其原因进行分析和研究,从而提出相应的对策。笔者通过文献分析法了解了师范生就业意向的现状,就业意向研究方面的相关理论;通过问卷调查法了解了石家庄学院小学教育专业学生就业意向的基本现状,并对师范生的就业意向现状、影响因素以及问题进行了数据分析。通过调查研究,对石家庄学院小学教育专业应届毕业生就业意向的现状和影响因素进行了总结分析,并在此基础上提出了对策和建议。从政府方面来说,要完善服务体系,放宽就业限制和加大资金投入。从学校来看,要引导师范生树立正确就业观,培养并提高师范生的综合素质。从家庭方面来说,父母要转变传统观念,潜移默化地引导师范生正确看待教育行业,形成正确的择业观。从师范生自身来说,要树立科学合理的就业观,主动提高自身综合素质。 【关键词】师范生 就业意向 影响因素 对策A survey of employment intention of normal students -Taking Shijiazhuang Universitys primary education as an example【Abstract】Since the expansion of college enrollment, the number of college students has been increasing, and the employment situation is becoming more and more severe, especially for normal students, with a strong professionalism and narrow employment level, which has increased the pressure of employment. The main purpose of this study is to know the employment intention of Shijiazhuang college primary school education major students present situation and existing problems, and analyzes the reasons and research, and then puts forward the corresponding countermeasures. Through literature analysis, the author has learned the current situation of employment intention of normal university students, and related theories of employment intention research. Through the questionnaire survey to understand the Shijiazhuang college primary school education major students the basic situation of employment intention, and the present situation of students employment intention, influencing factors and problems in data analysis.Through investigation and research, this paper summarizes and analyzes the current situation and influencing factors of the employment intention of education college students in Shijiazhuang college, and puts forward some countermeasures and Suggestions on this basis. In terms of government, we should improve the service system, relax employment restrictions and increase investment. From the point of view of the school, we should guide normal students to set up the correct employment view, cultivate and improve the comprehensive quality of normal students. From the perspective of the family, the parents should transform the traditional concept and subtly guide normal students to look at the education industry correctly and form a correct view of career choice. It is necessary to set up a scientific and reasonable employment outlook and actively improve its comprehensive quality.【Key Words】Normal university student Employment intention influence factor Countermeasures目 录引言.1(一)问题的提出.1(二)选题意义.11. 理论意义.12. 现实意义.13. 个人意义.1(三) 概念界定.11. 师范生.12. 就业意向.2(四) 国内外研究现状.21. 国内研究现状.22. 国外研究现状.3(五) 研究设计.41. 研究思路.42. 研究方法.43. 研究对象.4一、 师范生就业意向的调查结果分析.5 (一)师范生毕业后首选出路分析.5(二)师范生择业单位性质倾向分析.5(三)师范生对学校类型的选择分析.6 (四)师范生对就业地区选择分析.7 (五)师范生的薪酬期望分析.82、 师范生就业意向的影响因素分析.9 (一)师范生自身因素的影响.9 (二)父母观念的影响.10 (三)学校就业指导方面的影响.11 (四)有关就业政策和待遇的影响.12三、 师范生就业意向的对策与建议.14(一)有关政府部门要完善就业政策.14 1. 加大资金投入,开拓就业市场.14 2. 完善服务体系,放宽就业限制.14(二)学校要开展好就业指导课.15 1. 引导师范生准确定位.152. 提升师范生的教学技能.153. 提供便捷的就业信息平台.16(三)父母要正确引导孩子择业.161. 父母要转变传统观念.162. 父母要尊重孩子选择.16(四)自身要树立正确就业观.16 1. 树立合理的就业观,增强就业自信心.
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