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中 文 摘 要经考证盛乐古城是各历朝历代北方地区的政治、军事、经济和文化中心之一,沿用时间长达两千年是内蒙古地区使用时间最长的城址,内蒙古的有关专家和学者称其为草原第一都。盛乐文化是我国历史上一个民族大融合时期所产生的以北方游牧文化和农耕文化相结合的文化。盛乐文化在宗教信仰、婚丧习俗、发式服饰、生活习惯、政治礼仪等方面进行民族融合,盛乐文化的特色是既有北方游牧文化又有中原农耕文化,它们相互融合形成了盛乐文化。盛乐博物馆是展出盛乐文化史的专题博物馆,本应对盛乐文化的形成和发展做深入浅出的展示,使观众通过展示内容看到盛乐文化的而发展历程。但是由于对盛乐文化现有资料不足和盛乐文化符号不鲜明,盛乐博物馆的内容缺乏、展陈空间设计中大量运用的是北魏和山西大同云冈石窟的元素进行设计,并且由于随着时间推移,盛乐博物馆的功能已经不能满足现在参观游览的需求,落后和单一的展陈方式也令人感到乏味,因此研究提炼鲜明的盛乐文化符号,构建盛乐文化符号系统并应用到盛乐博物馆设计当中,是本文研究的原因和目的。本文的研究内容有五个部分,第一部分为绪论,主要内容是概述研究的背景、目的和意义,基于三种研究方式进行研究的内容。第二部分为盛乐文化的溯源,主要内容是对盛乐文化进行梳理和分析,界定盛乐文化形态。第三部分是盛乐文化符号的提炼和符号系统的构建,主要内容是运用符号学的基本原理和方法对于盛乐文化进行符号提炼,将散乱的符号根据各朝代和符号原理进行分类组合,构建出属于盛乐文化独特的盛乐文化符号系统。第四部分是盛乐文化符号系统的构建与应用,将盛乐文化符号进行视觉化转换和分类解析,概述运用的方法。第五部分是盛乐文化符号在盛乐博物馆空间设计的应用,用构建的符号系统与博物馆空间设计相结合,从视觉符号形象、功能设计、空间设计、动线规划、室内装饰、展陈方式等各方面与盛乐文化符号结合,设计出具有盛乐文化特色的盛乐博物馆。本文的创新点就是首次提出“盛乐文化”符号这一融合时期文化结合的形态符号定义,通过视觉符号浓缩盛乐文化;通过盛乐古城演变复原来了解盛乐文化;通过历史事件搭配文物展示来传播盛乐文化;解决盛乐文化符号空洞和文化符号不够鲜明的问题,使盛乐博物馆换发新的生机。盛乐博物馆设计的研究过程如下,首先是对盛乐文化的发展进行分析,总结盛乐文化发展的要点是千年历史积淀和民族融合,从而提炼设计概念并赋予意义;其次,根据设计概念要求,提取符合设计概念的符号元素,并对进行空间中的发散设计,结合功能、和空间、动线设计,完成具有盛乐文化特色的盛乐博物馆设计。为发展盛乐文化、完善特色博物馆的设计提供可参考的思路。关键词:盛乐文化,符号提炼,博物馆,空间设计内蒙古师范大学硕士学位论文ABSTRACTBy research shengle city is in the northern dynasties one of political,military,economic and cultural center,is the Inner Mongolia region continue to use the longest time in the history of an ancient city,the experts and scholars called it the grassland of Inner Mongolia first. Shengle culture is a cultural form that combines the nomadic culture and the farming culture of the north during the great integration of the nation. Shengle culture in religion,marriage funeral custom,fashion clothing,living habits,such as political etiquette for integration,shengle culture is both the northern nomadic culture and central plains farming culture,they formed the shengle culture mutual fusion.In this context,shengle museum is the carrier of shengle culture. But because of the lack of available data shengle culture and shengle cultural symbol is not bright,shengle museum space in the design of a large number of use of the northern wei dynasty and shanxi datong yungang grottoes element in the design,and because as time goes by,shengle museum function cannot have satisfied the demand of the tour,now behind and the single way of ZhanChen also feel boring,so the extracting bright shengle culture symbol,construct shengle cultural symbol system which is used in the design of the shengle museum,is the reason and purpose of this paper studies.The research content of this paper has three parts,the first part is the origin of shengle culture,and the main content is to comb and analyze the shengle culture,and define the form of shengle culture. The second part is shengle culture symbol of refining and symbol system building,main content is to use the basic principles of semiotics and the method for shengle culture symbol,will be scattered symbols classified according to the principle of dynasties and symbol combination,build a unique shengle cultural symbol system belongs to shengle culture. The third part is the shengle cultural symbols in shengle museum,the application of building the symbol system and the combination of museum space design,function,use a line from the space planning,interior decoration,ZhanChen way and so on various aspects and shengle culture symbols,shengle museum design with shengle culture characteristics. The innovation point of this paper is to put forward the form definition of shengle culture in the fusion period,and enrich the culture through visual symbols. To learn about shengle culture through the evolution of shengle ancient city; To spread the culture of shengle through historical events and cultural relics display; Let the shengle museum renew its vitality.Shengle museum design research process is as follows,the first is to analyze shengle cultural development,summarizes shengle culture development is the main points of the one thousand history and ethnic fusion,calculated the refining design concept is the precondition of design and shengle museum; Second,according to the design concept from two aspects of natural environment,cultural heritage analysis,extraction and comply with the design concept of the element,and about the function and use a line planning,to the planning need space design; In the end,the design of shengle museum with shengle cultural characteristics was completed.Through the research on the application of the shengle cultural symbol in the space design of shengle museum,this paper summarizes the shortcomings,and provides a reference for the development of shengle culture and the design of small museums with special features.KEY WORDS:Shengle Culture,Symbol Abstraction,Museum,Exhibition Design内蒙古师范大学硕士学位论文目 录一、绪论1(一)研究背景和选题意义11.研究背景12.研究目的及意义1(二)研究方法、研究内容21.研究方法22.研究内容3二、盛乐文化溯源3(一)盛乐文化的融合和主旨3(二)盛乐文化的特点5(三)盛乐文化现状51.出现的问题52.解决方法6三、盛乐文化符号提炼6(一)符号学的基本原理和方法61.符号学的特点
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