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人教版英语八年级下册Unit 2 Ill help to clean up the city parks知识点总结及单元测试卷(附答案)【教材内容解析】Section A1. You could help to clean up the city parks. (P. 9)(1) help sb. with sth. 帮助某人某事Can you help me with my homework? help sb. (to) do sth. 帮助某人做某事He often helps his mother clean do housework.(2) clean up意为“打扫干净”Nancy, please clean up your room.2. The girl could visit the sick kids in the hospital to cheer them up. (P. 9)cheer up意为“使开心”,代词用作宾语时,要当在cheer和up之间。Cheer up! Everything will be OK.3. The boy could give out food at the food bank. (P. 9)give out意为“分发、散发”,相当于hand out。Here are some toys. Please give them out to the children.4. The girl could volunteer in an after-school study program to teach kids. (P. 9)volunteer用作动词,表示“义务做、自愿做”,后接不定式作宾语,volunteer to do sth.“志愿做某事”。Tom volunteered to help us.5. Lets make some notices, too. (P. 10)also, too, as well与either都可以表示“也”,但是用法不同。also放在句中行为动词前,be动词、助动词和情态动词之后。He also wants to go.too用于肯定句中,放在句尾,前面用逗号隔开。He wants to go, either.as well用于肯定句中,放在句尾,前面不用逗号隔开。He wants to go as well.either用于否定句句末。He doesnt want to go either6. We need to come up with a plan for the City park Clean-Up Day. (P. 10)come up with表示“相出、提出(主意或者想法)”。Maybe she can come up with a good idea.7. Oh, what did they ask you to help out with? (P. 10)help out意为“帮忙分担、帮一把”。Bill helped me out when I was in trouble.8. They told me stories about the past and how things used to be. (P. 10)辨析:be /get used to doing sth., used to do sth.与be used to do sth.be /get used to doing sth.习惯于做某事His father is used to watching TV before going to bed.used to do sth.过去经常做某事The boy used to play computer games.be used to do sth.被用来做某事More and more wood is used to make paper.9. Yeah, a lot of old people are lonely. (P. 10)lonely作形容词表示“孤独的、荒凉的、偏僻的”;alone既可以作形容词也可以作副词,作形容词时只能作表语,不能作定语。He feels lonely at home himself.It is a lonely mountain.His grandfather was alone.Mr Smith lives alone.10. We should listen to them and care for them. (P. 10)care for意为“照顾、照料”,后接名词或者代词作宾语,相当于look after或者take care of。She cares for her little brother after school.11. I get such a strong feeling of satisfaction when I see the animals get better and the look of joy on their owners faces. (P. 11)such用作形容词,表示“这样、如此”,用来修饰名词,可以修饰可数名词单数,也可以修饰可数名词复数或者不可数名词。Its such a nice day.I hope to have such delicious food every day.12. She could read by herself at the age of four. (P. 11)at the age of表示“在岁时”,表示年龄。He started school at the age of six.13. Last year, she decided to try out for a volunteer after-school reading program. (P. 11)try out for意为“参加选拔、争取成为”。Many boys tried out for the football team.14. I can do what I love to do and help others at the same time. (P. 12)at the same time意为“同时”。You can not do your homework and watch TV at the same time.15. Our class is trying to.(P. 12) try to do sth. “尽力做某事”The doctor tries to save the sick girl. try doing sth. “尝试做某事”The boy tried playing the piano.Section B1. I take after my mother. (P. 13)take after意为“长得像”。Mary takes after her father.2. I fixed it up. (P. 13)fix up意为“修理”,代词作宾语时,放在fix和up中间。My computer doesnt work. Can you fix it up for me?3. I gave it away. (P. 13)give away意为“捐赠、赠送”,还可以表示“泄露(秘密)”。My sister gave away her toys to the poor children.Dont give away the secret.4. Im similar to her. (P. 13)be similar to意为“与相似”,be similar in“在方面类似”。Her ideas are similar to mine.The twins are similar in appearances.5. I didnt keep it. (P. 13) keep sth. 保留某物You can keep the book until the next weekend. keep doing sth. 一直做某事The thief still kept stealing things after he went out of the prison. keep+adj. 保持The girl eats a little to keep slim. keep sb./sth.+adj./介词短语 保持某人/某物We should keep the window open while we are asleep.My mother keeps the vegetables in the fridge. keep sb. doing sth. 保持某人做某事The mother kept the baby crying on the bed.6. Who wrote the letter to Miss Li? (P. 14)write a letter to sb.=write sb. a letter=write to sb. “给某人写信”He is writing (a letter) to his parents.7. You helped to make it possible for me to have Lucky. (P. 14)有些动词后面接复合宾语时,常用it作形式宾语,而真正的宾语则由动词不定式来担当,并位于宾语补足语之后。常见的这样的动词有find,think,feel,make等。I find it interesting to play computer gamesWe all think it very difficult to finish the work in an hour.8. Lucky makes a big difference to my life. (P. 14)make a difference to意为“对有影响、对起作用”,后接名词、代词、动名词作宾语。Changing schools made a difference to my life.The rain made no difference to the game.9. Or imagine you cant walk or use your hands easily. (P. 14)imagine表示“想象”时,后常接动名词或者从句作宾语。He often imagines having a big house.You cant imagine how fast the player ran.10. I cant use my arms or legs well, so normal things like answering the telephone, opening and closing doors, or carrying things are difficult for me. (P. 14) bring表示“带来”,强调从别的地方带到说话的地方,常与副词here连用;
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