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Lu Ban and the saw A long time ago, there a craftsman. His name was Lu Ban. One day, Lu Ban was work on a mountain. A leaf (cut) his finger. Lu Ban (think), “ could such a small leaf (hurt) my finger?” He looked at the leaf (careful). There many teeth on the leaf, and the teeth sharp. “Could I make a to (l, o, t, o) with teeth like these? I could cut things with it easily (easy),” Lu Ban said to (himself/myself).,Soon Lu Ban made a (a, w, s). It was the first saw in the world. People are using this tool today.,was,at,cut,thought,How,hurt,carefully,were,were,tool,easily,himself,saw,first,still,(l, t, l, s, i),5.2 Lu Ban and the saw Lu Ban was a craftsman. One day, Lu Ban was at work on a mountain. A leaf cut his finger. Lu Ban thought (think), “How could such a small leaf hurt my finger?” Lu Ban looked at the leaf carefully (careful). There were many teeth on the leaf, and the teeth were sharp. Lu Ban said (say) to himself, “Could I make a tool with teeth like these? I could cut things with it easily (easy).” Soon Lu Ban made a saw. It was the first saw in the world. People are still (l, l, s, t, i) using this tool today.,
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