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第二部分 单项填空考点 12 情景交际表示劝告、建议或征求对方意见的交际用语问候、感谢、祝愿及其应答道歉、遗憾与应答特殊场所或情景下的交际用语避免将汉语的思维方式运用到英语中在口语中,某些特殊动词应该用特殊的应答方式经典易错题会诊命题角度 1 表示劝告、建议或征求对方意见的交际用语1 (典型例题)Shall we go to the art exhibition fight away? .A. Its your opinion B. I dont mindC. Its all up to you D. Thats your decision 考场错解 B 专家把脉 B项中的Idont mind意思是“我不介意”。本题中问话者是在向对方征求意见,C项“Its all up to you”意思是“由你决定”,刚好符合语境。D项不合语言习惯。 对症下药 C2.(典型例题南)Its cloudy outside. Please take an umbrella. A. Yes, take it easy B. well, it just depends C. Ok,just in case D. All right,youre welcome 考场错解 B 专家把脉 B项中it all depends的意思是“视情况而定”。本题中问话者是在向对方提建议,即建议要带雨伞,符合语境的只有C项,in case意为“以防万一”。A、D均不能对提建议应答。 对症下药 C 考场错解 B3.( 典型例题) would you like me to turn down the radio a bit? . Im used to working with the radio on.A. No,I dont like it B. Yes,it doesnt matterC. No,its all right D. Yes, please考场易错 B专家把脉 根据下文信息“我习惯开着收音机工作”可知对上文的回答应该是“不用,没关系”。 对症下药 C4.(典型例题) I enjoyed the food very much. Im glad you like it, Please drop in any time you like. . A. Is it all right B. Im afraid I wont be free C. Yes, I will D. Thats great 考场错解 A或B 专家把脉 当向对方建议做某事时,对方可用Yes, I will,或certainly I will回答。用Is it all right?或I wont be free,回答很不客气。Thats great意思是“那太好了”,不合语境。 对症下药 C5.(典型例题 )Can I look at your menu for a few minutes before I decide? Of course, sir. A. Make yourself at home B. Enjoy yourself C. It doesnt matter D. Take your time 专家把脉 本题考查交际用语。Make yourelf at home意思是“随便,别拘束”;Enjoy yourself意思是“玩得愉快”It doesnt matter是“没关系”;Take your time意思是“别急,把握好时间,慢慢来”。根据语境选项D符合语意。 对症下药 D专家会诊在表示劝告、建议或征求对方意见时可用到下列表达方式: A.表示劝告的句型: Youd better(not).最好(不) You shouldought to.你应该 You need (to).你需要 I suggest that.我建议 B.表示建议的常用句型: Shall we.我们,好吗? Lets.咱们吧。 WhatHow about.?怎么样? Why not.?为什么不呢? Why dont you.?你为什么不呢? C.接受劝告或建议的应答语: Thats all right.好的。 All right.yes,please.是的。 Certainly.当然。 D.不接受劝告或建议的应答语: Im sorry,but.很抱歉,但是 Im afraid that.我恐怕 Id likeloveto,but.我想去,但是考场思维训练1 What about having a drink?A. Good idea B. Help yourselfC. Go ahead, please D. Me, too答案: A解析:What about是提建议的常用句型,对方可用同意或不同意作出应答。A项“主意不错”是同意的另一说法。2 I think you shoud phone Jenny and say sorry to her. . Its h fault.A. No way B. Not possibleC. No chance D. Not at all答案: A解析:No way意思是“不可能,没门”,不采纳对方意见。3 Lets go swimming,shall we?A. Its my pleasure B. It doesnt matterC. Yes,lets go D. I agree with you答案: C解析:当对方用Lets征求意见时,可用Yes,1ets回答。4 May I take your order now?OK, I will come back in few minuies.A. Could you bring us the bill B. Sure,wed love to C. Yes,have it isD. No, We need more time答案: D解析:根据“OK,Ill come back in few minutes”可知顾客还未定下来。5 Would you mind if I use your telephone? .A. Yes, do please B. Go aheadC. Of course D. All fight答案: B解析:根据语境,最佳选项是B,意为“用吧”。命题角度 2 问候、感谢、祝愿及其应答1 ( 典型例题)-Its been a wonderful evening. Thank you very much.A. My pleasure B. Im glad to hear thatC. No,thanks D. Its Ok 考场错解 B 专家把脉 Mypleasure是回答对方感谢的客套话,意思是“这是我高兴做的”,B项的意思是“听到这件事我很高兴”,No,thanks是中式英语,Its Ok意思是“好的”。 对症下药 A2.(典型例题)Im taking my driving test next week. ! A. Cheers B. Good luck C. Come on D. Congratulations 考场错解 D 专家把脉 Congratulations是当对方取得成绩时,向对方表示祝贺的用话,cheers意思是“欢呼、喝彩”,come on表示劝说,意思是“来!快!”,Gook luck是向对方表示祝愿的用语,刚好符合语境。 对症下药 B3.(典型例题)I had a really good weekend at home. . A. Oh,thats very nice of you B. Congratulations C. Its a pleasure D. Im glad to hear that 考场错解 C 专家把脉 A项是对某人的评价,B项是对别人成功时的祝语,C项一般是对表示感谢的回答,D项是表示听到对方好消息时的态度:很高兴听到它。 对症下药 D4.(典型例题)Youve given us a wonderful dinner, Mrs. Wang. . A. Oh,Im afraid I didnt cook very well B. Im glad you enjoy it C. Come again when you are free D. Its not necessary to say so 考场错解 A或D 专家把脉 Youve given us a wonderful dinner是在称赞对方,此时对方可以说Thankyou或Im glad you enjoged it。 A、C、D三项均是中式英语。 对症下药 B5.(典型例题模拟试题)You speak very good English . A. And so do you B. Very good C. Worse than you do 考场错解 A或C 专家把脉 在英语中,当受到对方夸奖时,应表示感谢,用thank you或thanks。A、C答案为中式英语。 对症下药 D专家会诊A.表示感谢的常用的语有: Thank you(very much).非常谢谢。 Thanks a lot多谢了。 Many thanks.多谢。 Tanks for.多谢B.应答语:Its very kindnice of you to say so.你真是太客气了。 Not at all.不用谢。 Its/Thats all right。没关系。
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