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Unit8 lesson4 Journey to the Antarctic,How much do you know about the Antarctic?,the Antarctic the southernmost continent,mostly uninhabitable,penguin,seal,salangane,Picture Show,Geography,Land:,14 million sq km (280,000 sq km ice-free, 13.72 million sq km ice-covered),Location:,the southern most continent,the coldest, windiest, and driest continent,mostly uninhabitable,penguin, seal, salangane,Climate:,Inhabitation:,Animals:,What do you think of the Antarctic? Can you use some adjectives to describe it?,beautiful,fantastic,amazing,freezing,dangerous,mysterious,Antarctica is so fascinating that people always try to explore it. But can you imagine how dangerous it is to go to the Antarctic?,on ones way Norwegian preparation sledge break down shock goal ambition exhausted run out of,在途中 n. 挪威人 n. 准备,预备 n. 雪车,雪橇 损坏,不能运转 vt. 震惊,惊骇 n. 目的,目标 n. 志向,抱负 adj. 疲惫的 用完,耗尽,Vocabulary,hopeless cheerful distant carry on within sadness function patience nationality aim,adj. 没有希望的 adj. 愉快的,高兴的 adj. 远处的,久远的 继续做(某事) prep. 在里面 n. 悲哀,忧伤 vt. 运转,起作用 n. 耐心,忍耐力 n. 国籍 n.目标,目的,Vocabulary,Reading,Look at the title and photos and guess the answers to these questions. 1.Which Pole did they race to? 2.When did they go? 3.Who reached the Pole first?,The Race to the Pole,Amundsen,Amundsen, Norwegian, the first man to break the awesome silence of the worlds southernmost point in 1911,L to R: Wilson, Evans, Scott, Oates and Bowers,Scott and his four companions had a race with Amunden to the South Pole, but they arrived one month later.,1.The South Pole 2. 1910-1911 3. Amundsen,Answers to the questions,Skim the passage to get main ideas,1. Whats the writers attitude towards Captain Scott and his team? He is mildly critical. He is strongly critical. He is in favor of them. His attitude is not clear.,Reading Comprehension I,2. The author quoted Scotts words in order to make the article _. better-known B. better-organized C. more persuasive D. more interesting,Amundsens team won the race.,The return journey which was of great difficulty.,Scott and his companions became heroes because of great courage.,Get the main idea of each part.,Read the passage carefully to solve difficult points,1. expedition go on an expedition 去探险 make an expedition 远征,探险 a polar expedition 极地探险队,Language points,探险; 远征; 探险队,Then came the total darkness of the polar winter.,主语“the total darkness of the polar winter.” 谓语“came” 完全倒装 total a.总的,总体的;n.总体,全体; v.合计,总计 in total =in all 总共,2.because of 和 because,Because of 是介词短语,其后接名词、代词、动名词 Because 是从属连词,引导原因状语从句 eg:They went back because of being cold. They went back because it was very cold.,3. break down a. (机器, 车辆等)坏了 We are sorry to arrive late, but the car broke down. b. (身体)跨了 His health broke down.,break in 蹩脚英语 break in on/upon 非法进入, 强行进入 break out 使人心碎 break ones heart 爆发, 突然讲出 broken English 打搅, 使停顿,4.run out of 和 run out,Run out of 主语是人,宾语是sth 某人用光某物 不用于被动语态 Eg: We have already run out of our food. Run out 主语是物 ,sth run out 后边不再接宾语,不用于被动语态 Our food has run out.,5. have difficulty/problem with sth. have difficulty/problem (in) doing sth. 干某事有困难 e.g. I dont have much difficulty with English grammar. He has some difficulty (in) understanding that mans accent.,6.Carry on with sth./doing sth.,=carry sth on After his death, his children will certainly carry on his career. carry sth. out =carry out sth.实现;执行 They swear to carry out their duties faithfully.他们发誓要忠实履行自己的职责。 carry sb. through sth. 帮助某人渡过难关 His determination carried him through.,Thank you! Bye!,
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