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Unit Four,Where is my car?,MAINSCEN.SWF,desk,chair,书桌,椅子,Where is the book? (那本书在哪里?),Its in the bag. (它在书包里面。),in,在里面,Where is the book? (那本书在哪里?),Its on the desk. (它在桌子上面。),on,在上面,Where is the book? (那本书在哪里?),Its under the chair. (它在椅子下面。),under,在的下面,in,在里面,on,在上面,under,在下面,Where is the ruler?,Its _ the _ .,in,desk,on,under,chair,Ask and answer.,Its on the chair.,Where is the jeep?,Where is the bear?,Its under the desk.,Where is the rabbit?,Its in the box.,Its under the chair.,Where is the dog?,Lets play a game.,Guessing game: Where is the ball ? Its _ the box. 每组选一位同学猜猜球在哪儿,猜对可为本组加分,on,under,in,当堂测试,( )(1)Where is the pen? A. Its on the desk. ( )(2)Where is the bag? B. Its in the pencil box. ( )(3)Where is the dog? C. Its under the chair.,Look at the picture and match the sentences.,A,B,C,DO1.SWF,Bomb game!(炸弹游戏),under,in,desk,on,chair,Bomb game,under,in,desk,on,chair,Read and write,LEARN1A.SWF,
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