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XXX大学XXX学位论文基于ARM的多道脉冲幅度分析器数字系统设计姓名:XXX申请学位级别:XXX专业:核工程与核技术指导教师:XXXXXX摘 要I基于ARM 的多道脉冲幅度分析器数字系统设计摘要随着电子技术的不断发展,各种智能核仪器逐步走向自动化、智能化、数字化和便携式的方向发展。针对传统的多道脉冲幅度分析器体积大,人机交互不友好,不方便现场分析等的缺陷5。新型的高速、集成度高、界面友好的多道脉冲幅度分析器的陆续出现填补了这一缺点。随着电子技术的发展,以ARM 为核的处理器技术的应用领域不断扩大,相比较单片机而言,它的主频高、运算速度快,可以满足多道脉冲幅度分析器的苛刻的时间上的要求。而且ARM 处理器功耗小,适合于功耗要求比较苛刻的地方,这些方面的特点正好满足了便携式多道脉冲幅度分析器野外勘察的要求。同时,由于以ARM 为核的处理器具有丰富的外设资源,这样就简化了外设电路及芯片的使用,降低了功耗并增强了产品的信赖性。另外,ARM 芯片可以方便的移植操作系统,为多道脉冲幅度分析器多任务的管理和并行的处理,甚至硬实时功能的实现提供了前提。而且在ARM 平台使用嵌入式linux 操作系统使多道脉冲幅度分析器的软件易于升级。智能化和小型化是多道脉冲幅度分析器的发展趋势。智能化要求系统的自动化程度高、操作简便、容错性好。智能化除了需要控制软件外,还需要软件命令的执行者即硬件控制电路来实现相应的控制逻辑,两者的结合才能真正的实现智能化。小型化要求系统的体积小、功耗小、便于携带;小型化除了要求采用微功耗的器件,还要求电路板的尺寸尽量的小且所用元件尽量的少,但小型化的同时必须保持系统的智能化,即不能减少智能化所要求的复杂的逻辑和时序的控制功能。为此采用高集成度的ARM 芯片实现控制电路能满意地同时满足智能化和小型化的要求。在研制的多道脉冲幅度分析器中,几乎所有的控制都可以用控制芯片来实现,如阈值设定、自动稳谱以及多道数据采集,在节省了元件的数目和电路板的尺寸的同时仍能保持系统的智能化程度。linux 内核精简而高效,可修改性强,支持多种体系结构的处理器等,使得它是一个非常适合于嵌入式开发和应用的操作系统。嵌入式Linux 可以运行的硬件平台十分广泛,从x86、MIPS、POWERPC 到ARM,以及其他许多硬件体系成都理工大学硕士学位论文II结构。目前在世界范围内,ARM 体系结构的SOC 逐渐占领32 位嵌入式微处理器市场,ARM 处理器及技术的应用几乎已经深入到各个领域,例如:工业控制,无线通讯,网络,消费类电子,成像等。本课题采用三星公司生产的ARM(Advanced RISC Machines, 先进精简指令集机器) 芯片S3C2410A 设计并研制了一种便携式的核数据采集系统设计方案。利用ARM 芯片丰富的外设资源对传统的多道脉冲幅度分析器进行改进和简化。系统由前端探测器系统,以及由线性脉冲放大器、甄别电路、控制电路、采样保持电路组成的前置电路,中央处理器模块,显示模块,用户交互模块,存储模块,网络传输模块等多个模块组成。本设计基于ARM9 芯片S3C2410,并在此平台上移植了嵌入式linux 操作系统来进行任务的调度和处理等。电路板核心板部分设计采用 6 层PCB 板结构,这样增加了系统可靠性,提高了电磁兼容的稳定性。数据采集系统是多道脉冲幅度分析器的核心,A/D 转换直接使用了S3C2410 内置的ADC(Analog to Digital Converter, 模数转换器),在2.5 MHz 的转换时钟下最大转换速度500 KSPS(Kilo-Samples per second,千采样点每秒),满足了系统最低转换时间5 s 的要求,并且控制简单,简化了外部接口电路。由于SD(Secure Digital Card, 安全数码卡)卡存储容量大、携带方便、成本低等优点,所以设计中采用其作为外部的数据存储设备,其驱动部分采用SD卡软件包,为开发带来了方便。本设计采用640*480 的6.4 寸LCD(Liquid CrystalDisplay, 液晶显示)屏作为人机交互的显示部分,并且通过Qt/Embedded 为系统提供图形用户界面的应用框架和窗口系统。其中包括了波形显示部分和用户菜单设置部分,这样方便了用户操作。系统的数据存取方面是基于SQLite 嵌入式小型数据库而进行的。为了方便数据向上位机的传输,系统设计中采用XML(EXtensible Markup Language, 可扩展标记语言)格式来组织传输的数据,通过基于TCP/IP ( Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol )协议的Linux 下Socket 套接字编程,来进行与上位机或PC(Personal Computer, 个人计算机或桌面机)等的连接和数据传输。关键词:多道脉冲幅度分析器数据采集 ARM Linux Qt/EmbeddedAbstractII IDesign of Digital System of Multi-Channel Pulse AmplitudeAnalyzer Based on ARM-LinuxIntroduction of the author: Libingbing, male, was born in January, 1981 whosetutor was Professor Wujianping . He graduated from Chengdu University ofTechnology in Nucleus Science and Applicationmajor and was granted the MasterDegree in June, 2009.AbstractWith the constant development of electronic technology, a variety of intelligentnuclear equipments become more intelligent, more portable gradually. For thetraditional multi-channel pulse amplitude analyzer bulky, and human-computerinteraction unfriendly, not convenient for analysing pulse in the scene5. High-speed,highly integrated, user-friendly multi-channel pulse amplitude analyzer appeared to fillthe shortcomings.With the development of electronic technology, processors based on ARM corehas been used more and more widely. compared to single-chip, MCU based on ARMhas advantages of high speed, and can meets time requirements of multi-channel pulseanalyzer. Power consumption of ARM processor is very low, so the type MCU issuitable for some field occasions that required low consumption. the characteristics ofARM can just meet requirements of portable multi-channel pulse amplitude analyzer.At the same time, the ARM core processor has a wealth of peripheral resources, thussimplifying the peripheral circuits, reducing power consumption and enhancing thereliability of the product. In addition, ARM chips can easily portable with varibleoperating system, this can help multi-channel pulse amplitude analyzer to managemulti-tasks and parallel processing routines, and even provide a chance to come truehard real-time system. Using embedded linux operating system based on ARMplatform enables multi-channel pulse amplitude analyzers software modules upgradeeasily.Miniaturization is a trend of intelligent instruments and multi-channel pulseamplitude analyzer. Intelligent systems require a high degree of automation, operationfriendly, good fault tolerance. In addition to the need for intelligent control, system alsoneed for hardware control circuit to achieve the corresponding control logic.combination of two above can meet requirements of a real intelligent instruments.Requirements for small-scale systems that need small size, low power consumption,easy to carry; In addition to need micro-consumption components, also the size ofcircuit board and fewer components is required. but the miniaturization of the systemmust be maintained at the same time intelligent, that requirement of intelligence need成都理工大学硕士学位论文IVnot to reduce the complexity of the logic and timing control functions. Useing highlevel integrated ARM chips can be sa
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