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,The Lord of the Rings(指环王),Name: The Lord of the Rings Director: Peter Jackson Original: J.R.R. Tolkien (原著),Peter Jackson,John Ronald Reuel Tolkien J.R.R.托尔金,The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring(指环王:护戒使者) 2001,Sauron creates one Ring of Power designed to rule over the other Rings of Power; it will give him the power to rule the world. Sauron is defeated and the One Ring is lost for many years. The Ring is found by the Hobbit(霍比特人) Bilbo Baggins.,Bilbo gives the One Ring to Frodo; Frodo and his friends find their way to Rivendell(瑞文戴尔 ). At Rivendell, the Fellowship of the Ring is formed in order to destroy the Ring in the fires of Mount Doom, Mount Doom is the only place where it can be destroyed. The Fellowship travels through the Mines of Moria(莫里亚矿洞), where Gandalf falls in order to destroy the Balrog(炎魔) that hindered the Fellowship. The Fellowship is attacked by orcs(兽人) at Amon Hen, Boromir dies, and the Fellowship is broken. Frodo and Sam head towards Mordor(魔都) to destroy the Ring; Merry and Pippin are captured by the orcs.,The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers (双塔奇兵) 2002,Frodo and Sam continue on their journey to Mount Doom. Gandalf returns from the dead. Aragorn, Gimli, and Legolas aid Thoden, the King of Rohan(罗罕).,The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King (王者归来) 2003,Frodo and Sam continue on their journey to Mount Doom, and destroy The ring. Saurons armies attack Gondor (刚铎), the realm (王国) of Men. Aragorn, Gimli, and Legolas take the Paths of the Dead to help save Gondor. Thoden and the Rohirrim(罗罕人) also come to aid Gondor. Saurons armies are debated. Aragorn is crowned King of Gondor.,Main characters,Frodo Baggins 佛罗多,Frodo is the cousin of Bilbo Baggins. He has to take the Ring to Mordor and destroy it with the fires of Mount Doom.,Gandalf 甘道夫,Gandalf is a wizard in grey(灰袍巫师) in the first film but he becomes white. Grey and white determine the power of the wizard. He has amazing fighting skills with his staff and sword.,Aragorn 阿拉贡,Aragorn is a ranger of the west and heir(继承者) to the King of Gondor. He has supreme(超高) fighting skills with a sword. He is also the holder of the broken sword.,Legolas 莱格拉斯,Legolas is a woodland elves(山地精灵) and he is the prince of the Mirkwood. His fighting skills are amazing with the Bow(弓) and his white knives.,Saruman 萨鲁曼,Saruman is a wizard with the idea that he gets the Ring of power if he finds it first.,Sauron 索伦,Sauron is the owner of the Ring. He has wanted to take over Middle Earth(中土).,Nazgul 戒灵,Nazgul were men once. Then Sauron gave to them nine rings. Each of them fall into darkness. Now theyre under Saurons control.,Back,Map of Middle Earth,Back,The story revolves around a magic ring which will give its possessor immense power. The power-hungry Dark Lord Sauron desires to obtain the ring in order to dominate Middle Earth. Through a strange twist in fate the ring has been given to a small Hobbit named Frodo. Frodo must make an epic quest to the Cracks of Doom in order to destroy it! Through mountains, snow, darkness, forests, rivers and plains, facing evil and danger at every corner the Fellowship of the Ring must go. Their quest to destroy the Ring is the only hope for the end of the Sauron!,Saruman,Gollum,Race :god He yields to the power of the Ring,but at last is defeated by gandalf,Race :Hobbit He Crouches to Suaron and becomes an ugly creature,Back,Orcs,Ringwraiths,Race :Elf Be recreated into crazy monsters by Suaron.Forming the Dark Army,Race :Human once kings controling the land.Then they changes to stooges of Suaron.,Hobbiton Hobbiton is the hometown of Frodo. The hobbits lived here for thouthands of years. There s hardly anyone knows about the small country, nor does anyone hear about the Hobbit people. So,throughout the whole war which happened in the Middle Earth ,Hobbiton is always the quiet and peaceful paradise for the hobbits.,Back,The Hobbits enjoy living in the caves. So you can see almost every hill in Hobbiton are built into houses. This picture shows the scene when Gandalf visited Frodo the first time. And it is also the beginning of the whole story .,Back,Back,In Rivendell, a meeting is held in order to find the way to destroy the ring as well as to defeat the Dark Lord Suaron. After this significant meeting,four hobbits,two men,a wizard,a dwraft and an elf is chosen to form a team. From Rivendell, the Fellowship of the Ring started their journey to Mordor.,Back,Gondor Gondor is the capital city of the whole human country. The White tree representing the king of human is planted in this Palace. Suaron started his crazy attack towards Gondor.And Gondors defenders are also prepared to fight against the Dark Army.,Back,Gondor won the battle and at the same time gave a strong shock to Mordor. Suaron started to realise the brave and couragement of human beings. The Union Army of Human reaches the agreement that only fighting together can they get the final sucess.,Back,
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