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Unit 21-Unit 22提纲挈领单元考查重点及热点Unit 21单词unfair customer avoid suitcase ahead manage fold vary crazy part firm handshake bow fist bend tap gently anger useless occur focus specific短语ahead of give sb. a hand get through tear down hold up make a face in order句型while句型结构Unit 22单词amusement souvenir attraction collection castle minority cartoon thrill educate conservation coastal divide section shuttle butterfly injury rocket helicopter carve achievement civilization prevent handbag twist darkness imagination designer endless短语cut off tell the truth take turns stare at a variety of句型“问路及应答”的交际用语Unit 21理解:要点诠释单词1.avoid讲: v. 避免;防止;回避;避开;躲避avoid可以跟名词、代词或动名词作宾语例:Fortunately,we were able to avoid an accident.我们幸而逃过了一场灾难。I tried to avoid meeting him because he always bored me.我尽量避免遇见他,因为他总是使我厌烦。A single woman should avoid walking on dark streets at night.单身女子应该避免夜间在黑暗的街道上走路。Ive been avoided getting down to work all day.我一整天都刻意不投入工作。链接提示 (1)avoidable adj. 可避免的 (2)avoidance n. 逃避;回避练:I crossed the street to _ meeting him,but he saw me and came running towards me.A.get B.avoid C.try D.stop提示:从下文可知,我不想见他。故选B。答案:B2.manage讲: v. 经营;管理(同义词:operate);操纵;对付;设法做成;设法维持例:He is managing the business for his father.他在代他父亲做生意。He couldnt manage his horse,and it threw him to the ground.他驾驭不了他的马,马把他摔在地上。He managed to organize a live concert.=He succeeded in organizing a live concert.他设法组织了一次现场直播的音乐会。I have to manage with 10 dollars till payday.我得用10块钱支撑到发薪日。Can you manage another cake?你还能再吃个蛋糕吗?链接提示 (1)manage to do sth.=succeed in doing sth.设法做成某事;try to do sth.表示尽力做某事,但不知道最终的结果;try doing sth.试图做某事;attempt to do尽力做。 (2)management n. 经营;管理;处理操作 (3)manager n. 经理练:(1)Would you like me to do it for you?No,thanks._.A.Im on my own B.Its my businessC.Its up to you D.I can manage myself提示:从 “No,thanks”可知,答话人谢绝了对方的帮助,因此用I can manage myself表示“我自己能应付得了”。答案:D(2)I _ him to give up smoking,but failed.Let me try.A.persuaded B.managed to adviseC.tried to persuade D.suggested提示:从下文可以看出,没有劝成。故选C。答案:C(3)I _ to send him a telegram to congratulate him on his marriage,but I _ it.A.hoped;hadnt managed B.has hoped;didnt manageC.hope;dont manage D.had hoped;didnt manage提示:表示“原希望做某事,实际上没有做成”,用had hoped。答案:D3.occur讲: vi. 发生;(念头、想法等)想起;浮现;出现;存在例:It is said that the accident occurred at midnight.据说那车祸是深夜发生的。Three misprints occur on the first page.第一页有三个地方印错。链接提示 (1)短语occur to sb.的意思为come into sb.s mind “想起;想到”。 An idea has occurred to me.我想到了一个主意。 也可以使用句型:It occurs to sb.that. It occurred to me that we should go there more often. 我想到我们应该更经常地到那里去。 (2)下列动词或短语都有“发生”的意思,并且都是不及物动词,不能用于被动语态:happen,take place,break out;come about。练:It suddenly _ to the detective that the millionaire was probably murdered by his own daughter.A.happened B.occurred C.thought D.took place提示:分析语境可以看出,此处应该使用occur to sb.短语结构,表示“突然想到”。此句中的it为形式主语,that从句为实际主语。答案:B短语1.get through讲:该短语的义项有:接通(电话);完成(工作);通过(考试);抵达例:The Bill didnt go through.该议案未被通过。Tom failed but his sister got through.汤姆考试不及格但他妹妹及格了。A smile can help us get through difficult situations.一个微笑可以使我们摆脱困境。I called all day yesterday,but I couldnt get through(to you).昨天我打了一天电话,但是都没有办法打通(联络到你)。He has got through all his money.他的钱都花光了。链接拓展 (1)get across 过(不用被动语态);与沟通 The bridge fell down just after we got across(it). 我们刚过去桥,桥就塌了。 I just cant get across to him.我无法和他沟通。 (2)get along/on设法度过;相处(和with连用);进展(和with连用) Well get along without that much money somehow. 即使没有那么多的钱,我们也能设法过日子。 How are you getting along with your new girlfriend? 你和新女友相处得如何? How are you getting along with your work? 你的工作进展得如何? (3)get away (from)摆脱(某人);逃离(某地);离开;脱身 Im afraid I cant get away from the meeting. 我恐怕难以从会议上脱身。 (4)get down 下来 The kitten climbed the tree and couldnt get down. 那只小猫爬上树但下不来。 (5)get down to 开始做(to为介词) He got down to business immediately he sat at the desk. 他一坐下就开始工作。 (6)get around/about传播;流传;各处走动 She gets around with the help of a stick. 她拄着拐棍到处走动。 News soon gets around that he has resigned. 他辞职的消息很快传开了。 (7)get back返回;回去;回家;找回 What time did you get back last night? 你昨晚什么时间回家的? I never lend books you never get them back. 我的书从不外借 借出去的书就收不回来。 (8)get together聚会;联欢 We must get together for a drink sometime. 我们什么时间得聚在一起喝一杯。练:(1)How can he _ without money for food duri
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