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高中英语Module1BritishandAmericanEnglish试题(含解析)外研版必修5Module 1 British and American EnglishEnglish expressions contributed by China in recent years中式英语席卷全球On the video website of The Wall Street Journal, a word has attracted peoples attention. In order to report the news that Chinese elderly women help increased the gold price, The Wall Street Journal creates the word dama (elderly women), an English word which comes from Chinese Pinyin. This shows that English expressions which are contributed by China have integrated into every aspect of international life.华尔街日报视频网站中的一个词语引起了人们的关注。在一篇报道中国大妈们帮助抬高金价的新闻中,该报就使用了dama一词(老妇女),该词源自中文拼音。这表明,中文对英文的表达影响已渗透到了国际化的方方面面。Pinyin becomes English words Words that are borrowed from another language, such as dama, are called loanwords. This is not a new phenomenon in linguistics.拼音成了英语单词,从另一种语言中借用的词汇,比如dama,叫做外来词。这在词汇学中已不是新鲜的现象。Since modern times, Chinese vocabulary has borrowed many English words, such as copy, cool and cola. These words are vivid and highly literal. Retaining the English pronunciation, they can express their Chinese meaning. 自从进入现代化以来,中国词汇就有许多是从英语中借来的,例如复制,酷和可乐。这些词汇生动且平实。在保留英语发音的同时,又表达出了中文意思。Meanwhile, English words that derive from Chinese Pinyin can be seen in overseas media reports. About 10 years ago, foreigners took delight in talking about guanxi (relationship). Unlike relationship, guanxi is used to describe the unique and complex relative network in China. Later, this word is included in Rules and Networks, a business college textbook used in many English-speaking countries.与此同时,由中文拼音演化的英语单词同样会出现在海外媒体报道里。约10年前,外国人喜欢谈论guanxi(关系)。与relationship一词不同,guanxi用来形容中国复杂又特别的社交网。随后,该词便被条文和网络所接纳,也被编入了英语国家的商业大学教材里。Global Language Monitor thinks highly of Chinglish in terms of a global vision and the development of English, calling Chinglishs a delightful mixture.全球语言检测机构从全球视野和英语发展角度来看,是高度推崇中式英文的,并将中式英文称为美丽的结合。Linguistic contribution reveals national power Most of the English words come from other languages, such as Latin, German and French. Now, an increasing number of English words are contributed by China.语言贡献展示了国家力量 大多英语词汇来自外族语言,比如拉丁语,德语和法语。如今,中文对英语的贡献也日益增多。British EnglishandAmericanEnglish 英式英语vs美式英语British and American letter writers to the Financial Times have spent the past few weeks crapping over whetherone-timeis a better phrase thanone-off, how far cricket metaphors travel and whetherbackstop comes from baseball or from the older English game of rounders.过去几周,英国和美国读者致信英国金融时报展开激辩,辩题包括一次性用one-time还是one-off来表达更好、板球术语的比喻用法能流传多广,以及接球手(backstop)一词是来源于美式棒球还是历史更悠久的英国圆场棒球。One UK correspondent expressed irritation over the Americans who would have said the past several weeks rather than the past few in sentences such as the one above.一名英国读者对美国人把过去几周说成the past several weeks而不是past few表达了反感。A sub-theme was the infiltration of American and British words into each others speech and how bad this was. When Brits use American words, their more fastidious compatriots take it as evidence of declining standards, while Americans see those who adopt Britishisms as pretentious and snobbish.一个子话题是美式英语和英式英语词汇的相互渗透,以及这是多么糟糕。当某些英国人使用美式英语的词汇时,他们吹毛求疵的同胞会认为,这是英语标准降低的证据,而美国人则觉得使用英式英语的人特别装腔作势。This linguistic fractiousness has been going on for a long time. In 1828, Noah Webster, champion of a US vernacular that did not look across the Atlantic for validation, published An American Dictionary of the English Language. The languages never diverged much, in spite of Websters efforts; UK and US English remain siblings and, like many siblings, they squabble.这种语言的龃龉由来已久。1828年,美国本土语言的捍卫者挪亚韦伯斯特(NoahWebster)出版了美国英语词典(AnAmericanDictionaryoftheEnglishLanguage),而美式英语并不打算寻求大西洋彼岸的承认。尽管韦伯斯特编纂了这样一部词典,但两国的语言其实从未产生太多差异,英式和美式英语一直亲如兄弟,而就像许多兄弟姐妹一样,它们也会拌嘴。. 核心单词1. _ vt. 比较2. _ vt. 陈述;提出(观点、计划等)3. _ n. 努力;尝试4. _ adj. 令人困惑的;难懂的_ v. 使困惑;使迷惑不解_ adj. 困惑的,不解的5. _ vi. 不同,有区别_ n. 区别;差异_ adj. 不同的6. _ vt. 加;增加_ n. 增加7. _ adj. 与众不同的8. _ vt. 批评9. _ adj. 标准的10. _ adj. 显然的,显而易见的_ adv. 显然地11. _ n. 种类_ adj. 各种各样的_ v. 改变;变化12. _ n. 评论;讲话_ adj. 显著的;非凡的13. _ adv. 不断地;持续地_ adj. 持续的,逐渐的;稳定的,牢固的14. _ n. 声明;宣告_ v. 声明;宣告15. _ vt. 简化_ adj. 简单的16. _ n. 参考;查阅_ v. 查阅;提到;涉及(to). 重点短语1. 有相同的特点_2. 有影响,使不相同_
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