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辽宁省盘锦市2017-2018学年高二英语上学期第一次月考试题第一部分: 单选题(每小题1.5分,共30分 ) 1If the printer should _under guarantee, we would repair it at our expenseA. break down B. break up C. break in D. break out2The girl_ for us is ten years old.Asings Bsung Csang Dsinging3. We finished the run in less than half the time_.Aallowing Bto allow Callowed Dallows4. The lights were left on all night long.Yes. It seems that Tom is_. He was the last one who left the classroom yesterday evening.Ablaming Bblamed Cto blame Dto be blamed5. It was not until midnight _ they reached the camp site.Athat Bwhen Cwhile Das6.Penicillin(青霉素)_ him of pneumonia(肺炎)Acured Btreated Cattended Dremoved7. The question is so _that there is a _expression on his face.Apuzzling;puzzled Bpuzzled;puzzlingCpuzzling;puzzling Dpuzzled;puzzled8. _by the beauty of nature, the girl decided to spend another two days on the farm.AAttracting BAttractedCTo be attracted DHaving attracted9. What do you think of the book?Oh, excellent. Its worth _ a second time.Ato read Bto be read Creading Dbeing read10. The teacher stressed again that the students should not _any important details while retelling.Abring out Blet out Cleave out Dmake out11. Please take the piano out;it _too much room.Apicks up Bcomes up Ctakes on Dtakes up12. In those days,our _concern was to provide people who were stopped by snow storm with food and health care.Anormal Bconstant Cpermanent Dprimary13. My father, who is strict _his work, is quite strict _me as well.A. with;in B. in;with C. in;in D. with; with14. My first _ of him was that he was a kind and thoughtful young man.A. expression B. attention C. satisfaction D.impression15. I found _ to answer all the questions within the time given.Ano possibility B. there was impossibility Cimpossible Dit impossible16. When could you have a meal with me?Id like to go whenever it is _ to you.AfitBnice Cconvenient DSuit17. _ all these media have in common is _ they inform us of the latest news.AWhat;what BThat;that CThat;what DWhat;that18. Eating too much fat can _ heart disease and cause high blood pressure.A. result from B. contribute to C. attend to D. devote to19. Why is he feeling down today?Because the suggestion he_ has been turned down.Aput out Bput off Cput down Dput forward20.You seethelightning _ it happens, but you hearthethunder later. A. the instant B. for aninstant C. onthe instant D. in aninstant第二部分:阅读理解(共两节,满分40分) 第一节:(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项。ATo: Jenny 126.com From: Li-Ming yahoo, com Subject: Autumn! Date: 29 /09 8: 02 p.m.Hello, Jenny!I love autumn! Mid-autumn Festival is this week We will watch the moon tonight, and look for Change and Wu Gang My mother bought moon cakes, and I have eaten many of them!National Day is also in the autumn, on October 1 My mother and father will not have to work for eight days! We will do many things together, I like going to the National Day celebration(庆祝)The best thing in autumn is my birthday; I will be fifteen years oldGood-bye !Li MingTo:Li-Mingyahoocom From: Jenny 126.com Subject: Thanksgiving Date: 29/09 9:12 PMDear Li Ming,Thank you for your e-mail! I love autumn, too In Canada, we have an autumn holiday called Thanksgiving Families always celebrate Thanksgiving together I will go to my grandmother and grandfathers house My uncles, aunts and their children will be there, tooCanadian Thanksgiving is in early October In the US, they celebrate Thanks-giving in late NovemberHave a good time on your birthday, Li Ming! On my birthday, I have a cake with candles Everyone sings Happy Birthday Then I blow out the candles! Will you have cake on your birthday?Your friend,Jenny21Americans celebrate Thanksgiving Day_A. in early October B. in early NovemberC. in late November D. in late October22What do Canadians usually do in Thanksgiving?AEat cakes BStay togetherCWatch the moon DSing the song23What must Li Ming and Jenny use when they wrote to each other?A Pens BPaperC ComputersD. TelephonesBDo you love holidays but hate the increase weight that follows? You are not alone. Holidays are happy days with pleasure and delicious foods. Many people, however, are worried about the weight that comes along with these delicious foods. With proper
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