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广东省揭阳市揭西县河婆中学2019-2020学年高二英语下学期测试题(三)第一部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分 40 分)AMontreal, Quebec is a great vacation destination with a number of annual and on-going activities and events in the area. Find a variety of area activities and attractions, lodging options and complete vacation packages conveniently online!Winter in Montreal: Ice SkatingThe skating experience starts with a guide who will bring your group to a rink (溜冰场) that is best for learning. You can rent skates, and you will be taught how to skate comfortablywhether you are a beginner or an expert. The skating experience lasts 3 hours and an extrahour when you are allowed to take pictures and truly enjoy the rink experience.Montreal Tower ObservatoryThis 4-hour tour will take guests to the tallest inclined tower in the world, complete with an added tour of the botanical garden. Youll notice that the city is actually quite beautifulespecially from such a tall building. If you are bringing children along they will get a kick out ofhow unique the structure of the building is in the skyline of this big city. The trip to the top takes only approximately 2 minutes.Flavors of Old Montreal Walking TourThis is a 1.5-hour food walking tour. Youll basically explore all of old Montre al and you will see a place that has a rich culture and rich history. You will see what it was like in the olden days. You will see the life of the first and only French province in Canada. You will eat deliciousfoods like cheese, macaroons, and even more.Montreal Half-Day Bike TourMontreal half-day bike tour is family friendly which lasts almost 3 hours. This ride is acceptable for any skill level and any age. There are three routes to choose from including thecity tour, the Vista architecture tour and the city of contrast tour. Each course will have a tour guide who will introduce the sightseeing during the trip.1. How long does it probably take a tourist to experience the skating?A. 2 hours.B. 3 hours.C. 4 hours.D. 5 hours.2. What can you do on the tour of Montreal Tower Observatory?A. Take the fast trip to the top of the tower.B. See some precious plants from a bird view.C. Enjoy the beauty of the city in the botanical garden.D. Teach the unique structure of the building to your children.3. Which tour will you choose if you want to spend a weekend with your parents?A. Winter in Montreal: Ice Skating.B. Montreal Tower Observatory.C. Flavors of Old Montreal Walking Tour.D. Montreal Half-Day Bike Tour.BYou have heard the words “that which does not kill you makes you stronger”. I have found it true. But I also believe in the philosophy that we are not defined (定义)by what happens to us, but by what we do when things happen to us.Some friends think we have had far more than our share of bad things occur, but I dont think bad things are shared. They are events that occur as the result of many aspects,sometimes far past our control or even knowledge of them. I am also a firm believer in the lawsof unintended consequences one event causes things that are quite unexpected, sometimespositive, sometimes not.So as I considered the question of “What motivates me?” and sought an answer, it struck me that I simply refuse to be defeated. I wont let life or events tear me down to the point at which Iam no longer me, or simply stop being.In 2008, I battled three types of cancer, had four cancer operations, the firm I worked for closed without notice, my wife was in a horrible car accident, got laid off from her company, theeconomy devastated our life savings, and that was for starters.We also lost two family members and my closest friend. He was the last person I would expect to pass away out of our friends. But a disease took hold of him 9 years earlier. His memorial service was filled with love, and many of us told about his joy of life, humor, hisachievements, and the challenges he had overcome in his life which were many and painful. He would not be defeated in his life either.Today, my wife and I are hand-in-hand, continuing trying to live our lives with dignity, although living it differently from the end of 2007.4. Which of the following does the author most agree with?A. We should take our share of bad things.B. One event may cause many unexpected results.C. Many bad things could have been prevented by us.D. Humans are sometimes defined by their surroundings.5. Which of the following can best describe the authors experience in 2008?A. A bad beginning makes a bad ending.B. He who laughs last laughs best.C. Misfortunes never come alone.D. No pains, no gains.6. What does the underlined word “devastated” in Paragraph 4 mean?A. Destroyed.B. Increased. C. Supported.D. Included.7. Whats the authors purpose in writing the text?A. To complain.B. To advertise.C. To encourage.D. To explain.CChris Mazdzer won a silver medal in a mens luge (无舵雪橇) singles event at 2018 Py
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