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教案-孔迪-unit6 topic1 -2017春季第4周(Topic 1 I have some exciting news to tell you.)Section A 学习目标1、词汇:field, proper, mount, vehicle, airline, price, total, partner2、短语:spring field trip, a three-day visit, find out, decide on sth.3、句型:(1)I have some exciting news to tell you!(2)Were going on a three-day visit to Mount Tai.(3)But it will take us a few days to get there by bike.(4) Lets find out some information about the cost.重难点1、 活用所学的词汇及短语。2. 学习谈论旅游,激发对旅游的爱好及丰富业余生活。学习流程Step1. Review Talk :What do usually do when you feel sad or lonely?Step 2. Presentation1. Watch a short video of visiting Sanya.Group work:1. Read the words together.Help each other in group.2. 突袭单词: 根据首字母提示填空。 1Which v_ do you like best ,bus ,car or train?2Can you see a sheep eating grass in the green f_?3If you add 30 and 45 the t_ is 75. 4We d_ to go there by airplane.5. Whats the p_ of you book? 3. 组长展示学习成果。Step 4 Learn 1a carefully.1. Show a picture of Mount Tai.2. Talk about Mount Tai:Key words: in Shandong , wonderful, famous, clean, quiet, friendly, delicious , more trees, mountain, sky, air, fresh, food, people, Vehicle: by bike, by train, by bus, by plane3. Listen to 1a. Q: Where are there going? 4. Read and practice 1a in groups.5. Learn in Group, then write down some key words or phrases like this:( 你们可以有更好的构思)Miss Wang: exciting news, spring field trip. Mount TaiMaria: happy, How?Michael: by bike?KangKang: take a few days to by bikeMiss Wang: make a decision, too far to. by bike, choose proper Michael: Yes, find out, the cost, Miss Wang: the cost for the train, the cost for the bus,Jane: by planeMiss Wang: OK. Information, decide on.6.合作探究,从1a 中找出以下句子并且翻译成汉语:(1)、I have some exciting news to tell you!(2)、But it will take us a few days to get there by bike.(3)、Helen, you need to find the cost for the bus.(4)、Well decide on the best way to travel on our field trip. Step 5. Project知识拓展Make a learning tree.field -spring field tripmountMount Tai, Mount Wuzhivehiclebike, bus, car, train, ship, planeprice-the price of my housepartner-friend, classmatesairline-Hainan Airline, Nanfang Airlineproper-right, correct, good, nicetotal-all, whole练习().Lucy wants to have a _visit to the Great Wall. She is excited. A. two-days B. two- day C. two days D. two day( )2.Which is the best _to go to Mout tai by bus, by train or by air? A. way B. hour C. time D. idea( )3.How much _it cost to Beijing by plane? 500 yuan. A.cost B. does C. is D. costs( )4.What a beautiful sweater!How much did you _for it? A.take B.cost C.pay D.spend ( )5.-Why not swim in the river? -Oh,no.Our teacher told us_here.Its dangerous. A.will swim B.will not swim C.to swim D.not to swim( )6.This house is _small to live in. A. tooB. veryC. soD. quite( )7. He was very _when he knew the _news .A. exciting, excited B. excited, excitedC. exciting, excited D. excited, excitingSection B学习目标:知识目标: 1. 学生能正确掌握元音连读的技巧,拼读并运用黑体单词。2. 学生能正确掌握pay, cost, spend 和take 表示花费时的不同用法。 3. 学生能自如地运用以下句式提供帮助:Can I help you? / What can I do for you? 4. 学生能学会如何用英语预订车票、房间。5. 学生能进一步掌握动词不定式的用法。能力目标: 1. 能听懂有关预订车票、房间的短文或对话,并从中获取信息。2. 能使用英语预订车票或房间等。3. 能理解有关旅游、预订等方面的叙述,并从中获取需要的信息。4. 能用英语制订旅游计划学习重点: 1. 正确掌握元音连读的技巧。2. 正确掌握pay, cost, spend 和take 表示花费时的不同用法。3. 学会如何用英语预订车票、房间。4. 初步掌握动词不定式的用法。教学过程:复习通过小组合作竞争的形式来复习前一课所学的词汇和重点句型。 田野 正确的,恰当的 价格 总的,全部的 vehicle airline mount suitable导入师生问答有关Section A的内容,引入问题:旅行之前要准备什么?导入本课。呈现利用图片和设置的情景教学本课一些生词。呈现1b表格,学生阅读并明确任务后进行听力练习,填写答案。巩固观看1的flash动画,理解并巩固其主要内容。学生完成根据1a对话改编的短文填空任务。呈现关键词,学生进行角色扮演,练习对话。练习呈现图片,引导学生进行讨论并明确任务。学生朗读并表演对话。听力训练,听对话并填空。呈现听力文本,充分利用听力材料,让学生加以练习。课堂练习:单项选择。语音学习并模仿“连读”小结引导学生自主归纳本课重点。拓展学生谈论其它的订票、订房间的方式。写出网上预订火车票的步骤。作业复习本课重点并背诵1a对话; 同步练习册Section B;预习新课。学后反思Section C学习目标: 1. 学生能正确拼读并运用黑体单词。2. 学生能正确掌握look forward to doing sth. 的用法。3. 学生能进一步掌握动词不定式的用法。学习重点: 1. 正确掌握look forward to doing sth. 的用法。2. 掌握动词不定式的用法。教学过程:复习采用小组竞赛模式进行词汇、句型和的复习。1. 一张电影票的费用是58元,我们花116元买了两张。(cost, pay)A ticket to the movie costs 58, and we paid 116 for two. 2. 他们有98元的贵宾(VIP)票。They have tickets at 98 for the VIP. 3. 我要预订一间双人的标准房间。(book)I want to book a standard room with two single beds. 4. 房间里的空调让他觉得很舒服。The air conditioner in the room made him feel comfortable.完成有关订票的对话并进行小组竞赛,表演对话。A: Hello, Fuzhou Railway Station. _B: Id like to _ _ _ to Mount Huang. A: OK. The train leaves at 10:00 p. m. and _ _ Mount Huang Railway Station at 11:00 a. m. B: A
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