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2014年9月份考试大学英语(3)第一次作业一、单项选择题(本大题共70分,共 35 小题,每小题 2 分)1. It is ( ) of Beijing to have such hot weather in July.A. tropicalB. typicalC. trialD. tradition2. He is ( ) a child. He should be allowed to make his own decisionA. foreverB. no longerC. absolutelyD. exactly3. The explorer told the boys about his ( ) in the Arctic.A. adventuresB. investigationC. applicationD. improvement4. Itwasnotaformaloccasion,sowewereaskedtowear()clothes.A. AregularB. BinformalC. CsimpleD. Dcheap5. Illneverknowallthatwasinhismind,().A. AnorwillanyoneelseeitherB. BnorwontanyoneelsetooC. CnoranyoneelsewillD. Dnorwillanyoneelse6. The ( ) of establishing a new amusement park seemed to be very attractive.A. outlineB. projectC. progressD. method7. AminutelaterJohnandIran()themandsooncaughtup()them.A. Aafter.withB. Bwith.forC. Cto.byD. Dfor.to8. He kept working, ( ) he was very tired.A. soB. howC. neverthelessD. though9. This took place in( ) Philadelphia.A. a 1930s B. the 1930s C. the 1930s D. 1930s10. By2000,scientistssurely()acureforthiskindofdisease.A. AhavediscoveredB. BmustdiscoverC. CarediscoveringD. Dwillhavediscovered11. He()towriteahistoryofcivilization.A. AsetoffB. BsetinC. CsetoutD. Dsetabout12. We ( ) supper when a policeman came to the door.A. just have B. were havingC. just hadD. had had just13. I can never remember ( ) drawer he keeps his shirts in.A. what. B. as C. which D. where14. Although George has many personal problems, he ( ) present every day since the first day of class.A. has been B. had been C. is D. was15. A. What kind of job did you do? B: ( ).A. worked at a bookstore on campus.B. Yes. I brewed coffee in the Student Union.C. But selling books was satisfying.D. I need to earn the money.16. Itsmyadvicethatshe()rightnow,orshemightbelatefortheplane.A. AstartB. BstartsC. CwouldstartD. Dwillstart17. Why dont you travel to New York on vacation? ( ).A. dont want to goB. Excuse me, because I cantC. I want to but I havent got enough moneyD. Because Im going to school today18. - Im a history major. And you? - ( ).A. Well, its nice. B. I know.C. Biology. D. You know that.C19. Several screws(螺丝) need ( ).A. widening B. enlarging C. tighteningD. shortening20. They said they would not make their final ( ) until the election result came out.A. decideB. decisiveC. decisionD. depict21. If the customer is ( ) to pay a bill, the company turns their account over to a collection agency.A. unusualB. unwillingC. unworthyD. unwanted22. It was a hot day and many people were ( ) their way to the beach.A. taking B. guiding C. setting D. making23. He couldnt remember( )A. what was the formulaB. what were the formulaC. what the formula wasD. what the formula were24. Taking photographs inside the museum is ( ) forbidden.A. narrowlyB. exactly C. strictlyD. firmly25. The clerk ( ) stole some money from the bankA. supposed to B. supposedlyC. supposedD. suppose26. Many college students like to chat on the Internet. They think talking with friends on the Internet is ( ) casual and exciting ( ) face to face.A. not only.but alsoB. less.thanC. more.thanD. neither.nor27. Can I help you? - ( ).A. Yes, you can.B. Id like a pair of sports shoes.C. NO. Its unnecessary.D. Sorry, I dont know.28. - Do you have any questions about the job? - ( ).A. What do you mean?B. NO. I wont.C. What is the salary? D. Yes. I will.29. Itwasbecausetheapplicantwastooproud()hefailedintheinterview.A. AthereforeB. BthatC. CsothatD. Dso30. Taking ( ) is one of Mikes hobbies.A. photo B. photosC. photoes D. photos31. ProfessorClarkcontinuedhisresearchworkand()hiscolleaguesadvice.A. AignoredB. BdeploredC. CexploredD. Dimplored32. Illgiveyoumytelephonenumberincaseyou()wanttogetintouchwithmeagain.A. AshouldB. BwillC. CshallD. Dneed33. Our teacher constantly ( ) to us that there is no shortcut(捷径) for learning English.A. points outB. points offC. points atD. points in34. The lecture was so ( ) that everyone went to sleep.A. boring B. bored C. interested D. interesting35. I said, “ I hope youll have ( ) nice birthdays.”A. many more B. much more C. very much D. enough many二、阅读理解单项选择题(本大题共30分,共 6 小题,每小题 5 分)1. You have been badly injured in a car accident. It is necessary to give you a blood transfusion because you lost a great deal of blood in the accident. However, special care must be taken in selecting new blood for you. If the blood is too different from your own, the transfusion could
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