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2019年12月英语四级考试写作真题及范文同学们期盼了很久的2019年12月大学英语四级考试正式结束了,希望各位在备考过程中积累的知识得到了充分发挥。此次考试的写作话题比较中规中矩,但各位要注意,我们需要写的是应用文中的信件,所以格式不能出错。关于推荐学习汉语的大学,内容上和文化、或地域优势挂钩都可以。文都网校四六级老师现将四级写作(第一套)的参考范文及译文供大家参考。【题目要求】Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a letter to a foreign friend who wants to learn Chinese. Please recommend a university to him. You should write at least 120 words but no more than 180 words.【参考范文】Dear Lucy,I am delighted to hear that you are going to learn Chinese in a Chinese university. Since you have asked for my advice about choosing which university, I will try to give you some useful suggestions here.It is well known that Peking University is a great place to learn Chinese. There are several factors accounting for this choice and the following are the most typical ones. First and foremost,Peking University is one of the top universities in China and the birthplace of many great minds. Therefore, it can provide high-quality teaching resources, which is essential for a foreigner learner.In addition, Beijing is the capital of China and there are various historic buildings. They provide foreign students a good chance to know Chinese culture and history.I hope you will find these suggestions helpful and wish you all the best.Yours,Li Ming【参考译文】亲爱的露丝:得知你要来中国的大学学习汉语,我很高兴。既然你针对大学的选择问题询问了我的看法,我将在这里给你提供一些有用的建议。众所周知,北京大学是学习汉语的好地方。做出这种选择有多种原因,但以下是最典型的。首先,北京大学是中国最顶尖的大学之一,这里也培养出了许多栋梁之才。因此,它可以提供高质量的教学资源,这对于外国学习者来说是最根本的。此外,北京是中国的首都,这里有各种各样的历史建筑。这些建筑能为外国学生提供了了解中国文化和历史的好机会。希望以上建议对你有帮助,祝一切顺利。诚挚的,李明2019年12月大学英语四级作文之向外国友人推荐一个学汉语的地方第二套2019年12月大学英语四级考试刚刚结束,考过的同学不知感受如何,今年的四级作文题目与推荐相关,向外国友人推荐一个学习汉语的地方,对于这个话题,大家可以从中国历史景点,城市或博物馆入手,与中国传统文化联系起来。【题目要求】Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a letter to a foreign friend who wants to learn Chinese. Please recommend a place to him. You should write at least 120 words but no more than 180 words.【参考范文】Dear Jack,I am so glad to hear that you will pay a visit to China next month. Since you told me you are interested in learning Chinese, I am writing this letter to recommend you some famous and interesting attractions for better understanding Chinese characters.As you know, the Forbidden City, which is also known as the Palace Museum, embodies this nations profound and diversified ancient culture with its magnificent architecture and precious treasures. Besides, it provides you with a variety of tourist introduction including its origin,cultural background as well as its translation in multiple languages, which will open a window for you to have a better understanding about the splendid Chinese characters.I hope my recommendation will not make you disappointed. I cant wait to be your guard. With best wishes.Yours sincerely,Xiao Ming【参考译文】亲爱的杰克,我很高兴听闻您将在下个月来中国。您曾告诉我您对中国汉字很感兴趣,因此我写这封信是想为您推荐一些著名有趣的地点去更好的了解中国汉字。正如你所知,紫荆城,又名故宫博物馆,体现了这个国家深邃而多元的古代文化,在那里您可以欣赏壮丽的建筑及珍贵的宝藏。另外,景点会提供一系列的介绍,包括来源,文化背景以及不同语言的翻译。这会给你打开一扇窗,更深刻的了解璀璨的中国汉字。我希望我的推荐不会让你失望。我期待成为你的向导,最衷心祝愿!你真诚的,小明2019年12月大学英语四级真题作文之介绍城市第三套大学英语四级考试刚刚结束,其中写作其中一个话题是为外国友人推荐一个城市。但是有些考生对于英文的表达不太熟悉,文都网校将和大家分享一下关于本话题的写作范文。希望同学们能够认真学习并有所收获。【题目要求】Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a letter to a foreign friend who wants to learn Chinese. Please recommend a city to him. You should write at least 120 words but no more than 180 words.【参考范文】Dear friend,I am delighted to write this letter to recommend a city for you. I know that you have a strong desire to learn Chinese in recent days. I suppose when you read this letter, you must be satisfied about what I recommend.Here are some detailed information that I would like to share with you. The first city flashing in my mind is Beijing, the capital of China. Additionally, language environment has a key role in the process of language learning. As a consequence, Beijing, as a modern city,provides an excellent language environment for language learners. The vast majority of people in Beijing speak Mandarin,and I am sure that you will benefit from the environment to a large extent. Finally, I hope that you could take my suggestions into serious consideration.Thank you for spending time reading this letter and I am looking forward to your reply at your earliest convenience. Good luck to you with all aspects of life.Yours sincerely,Li Ming【参考译文】亲爱的朋友,我很高兴写这封信为你推荐一个城市。我知道你最近有强烈意愿来学习汉语。我想当你读这封信时,一定会对我的建议感到满意。以下是一些我想与您分享的详细信息。我想到的第一个城市是中国的首都北京。 此外,语言环境在语言学习过程中也起着关键作用。因此,北京作为一个现代化城市,为语言学习者提供了绝佳的语言环境。北京的绝大多数人都说普通话,我确信你一定会在很大程度上获益。最后,希望你能认真考虑我的建议。感谢你花时间阅读此信,我期待在你最方便时的回复。祝你事事如意!你真诚地,李明
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