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農產運銷學14. 休閒產業行銷,1,授課教師:國立臺灣大學農業經濟學系 雷立芬教授,【本著作除另有註明外,採取創用CC姓名標示非商業性相同方式分享台灣3.0版授權釋出】,本課程使用教材為 Kotler, P., J. T. Bowen, J. C. Makens. Marketing for Hospitality and Tourism, 5th Edition, Pearson Education, Inc. 請讀者自行準備。,Outline,Hospitality and Tourism Service Characteristics Intangibility, inseparability, variability, and perishability Management Strategies Differentiation, service quality, resolving customer complaints, tangibilizing the product, employees as part of the product, perceived risk, capacity and demand Experience Economics Agritourism,2,Hospitality and Tourism,Hospitality industry made up of those businesses that do one or more of the following: provide accommodation, prepare food and beverage service and / or entertainment for travelers Tourism: a stay of one or more nights away from home for holidays, visits to friends or relatives, business conferences, or any other purpose, except such things as boarding, education, or semi-permanent employment,3,Service Characteristics,4,Figure 2-1 Four service characteristics.,資料來源:Kotler, P., J. T. Bowen, J. C. Makens. Marketing for Hospitality and Tourism, 5th Edition, Pearson Education, Inc. p.42,Intangibility-2,To reduce uncertainty caused by service intangibility, buyers look for tangible evidence that will provide information and confidence about the service. tangibles provide signals as to the quality of theintangible service condition of the grounds they just leave and never come back When a customer does complain, management should be grateful. it gives them a chance to resolve the complaintand gain the customers repeat business Most complaints come from loyal customers who want to return, but they also want management to fix the problem so it will not occur on their next visit.,25,Resolving Customer Complaints-5,Managers must develop methods to encourage customers to complain. customer hotlines encourage calls about problems comment cards encourage customers to discuss problems trained employees can look out for guests who appear dissatisfied and try to determine their problems a service guarantee is a way to get customers to complain; to invoke the guarantee, they have to complain Customer complaints are one of the most available yet underutilized sources of customer and market information.,26,Tangibilizing the product-1,Promotional material, employees appearance, and the service firms physical environment all help tangibilize service. a hotels promotional material might include a meeting planners packet, photographs of the hotels public area, guest rooms, and meeting space A banquet salesperson for a fine restaurant can make the product tangible by taking pastry samples on morning sales calls. this creates goodwill and provides the prospective client with some knowledge about the restaurants food quality,27,Tangibilizing the product-2,The salesperson may be the prospective customers first contact with that business. one who is well groomed, dressed appropriately and who answers questions in a prompt, professional manner can do a great deal to help develop a positive image of the hotel Everything about a hospitality company communicates something.,28,Tangibilizing the product-3,Managers work hard provide their guests with positive reinforcement, and physical evidence thatis not managed properly can hurt a business. Negative messages communicated by poorly managed physical evidence include: signs that continue to advertise a holiday special two weeks after the holiday has passed signs with missing letters or burned-out lights parking lots if it goes badly, she may be blamed in arranging the meeting, the salesperson has to trust the hotels salesperson Good hotel salespeople alleviate client fears by letting them know they have arranged hundreds of successful meetings.,32,Perceived risk-2,A way to combat concern is to encourage the client to try the hotel or restaurant in a low-risk situation. hotels and resorts offer familiarization (fam) trips to meeting planners and travel agents airlines often offer complimentary flight tickets because they are also interested in creating business fam trips reduce a products intangibility by letting the intermediary customer experience the hotel beforehand The high risk people perceive when purchasing hospitality products increases loyalty to companies that have provided a consistent product in the past.,33,Capacity and Demand-1,Corporate management is responsible for matching capacity with demand on a long-term basis. unit managers are responsible for matching capacitywith fluctuations in short-term demand Managers have two major options for matching capacity with demand: change capacity or change demand. airlines swap small aircraft for larger aircraft onflights that are selling out faster than normal if a larger plane is not available, they can reduce demand by eliminating discounted fares & charging a higher fare,34,Capacity Management,Involve the customer in the service delivery system Cross-train emplo
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