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Getting to Know You【课题】 Lesson3 Getting to Know You【学习目标】 1.一定要掌握本课的单词! Immediately glad ahead pancake lemon pizza hate either comb2.理解并记忆重点句子及短语 go ahead play the violin 3.通过学习课文,让学生能够用简单的英语相互问答【重点】 play the violin too either also 的区别【难点】用英语表达【知识链接】interest interesting interested【学法指导】自主学习,交流展示【自主学习】1. 自主学习单词(根据音标拼读拼写单词并牢记小组长听写过关到下面空白处)2 .短语翻译并记忆。1)go ahead _ 2) play the violin _3)get out of bed_【新课学习】1 考查自主学习部分。2 导入新课,让学生听录音完成p7“Lets do it”第一题。3 自由度课文,完成p7“Lets do it”第二题。4 分角色朗读,个人读,小组读等练习,让学生勾出下列知识点,教师点拨。师生共同解决。1. Lets see加拿大习惯上用Lets see来表达let me see的意思。2. I like donuts best.Like.best意为_ like.better意为_Like.very much 意为_like.a little 意为_Dont/does nt like.at all意为_翻译:我最喜欢英语_我根本不喜欢篮球_他非常喜欢香蕉_3. I like to play the violin.Play 后跟乐器时要加冠词。后跟球类时不加冠词翻译短语:打篮球 _ 弹钢琴_ 踢足球_弹吉他_4. I have one more question.One more 另一个相当于another two more 另两个相当于another two翻译:你想再要一杯咖啡吗?Would you like _ _cup of coffee?我想再要两个苹果。Id like _ _ apples.5. I dont like rain either.She is a student ,too.I dont like rain either.He is also in the classroom.They also watch TV in the evening.根据上面例句试着写写too either also的区别too 用于_句句_ either 用于_句句_also用于_句句_(be 动词之_,行为动词之_)【交流展示】小组完成课后project,进行展示【达标检测】1. Lets _(have) a test.2. She _(马上)goes to talk with others.3. I have _(另一个)question,Do you like living in the USA?4. 他不喜欢打篮球,他喜欢弹钢琴_.5. I want you _(answer) the question.6. The book is _ and I am _(interest) in it.7. I have one more question.(同义句)I have _ _.8. What are your _(interest)?9. 用too either also填空My mother is a teacher,_He does nt go to work by bus,_.She is _a careful girl.【自主反思】3
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