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,Module8 Unit 2,There are lots of games.,In England, they sit around tables.,In China, we sit in lines.,In China, we do morning exercises.,In England, they sing songs together.,I usually at break time.,play on the slide,Listen and choose :,A. paintings,B. books,A. ducks,B. games,A,B,Read the text , find the words you dont know and circle them.,自己阅读课文,找出不会读的单词,并把它们圈出来。,Read and retell:(小组读课文并复述),This is Englis school. There are on all the walls.,an,childrens,paintings,There are games. English children can .,lots,of,have,fun,at,break,time,They . They every day .,study,hard,do,homework,Play a game:,The rules of the game(游戏规则): 小组比赛说出中国和英国在学校方面有什么不同和相同之处。(先小组讨论,再站起来抢答说,哪个小组说对一句就可以得一颗星星,看到最后哪个小组得第一,并为这个组得到星星的同学发小贴画。),do homework,study hard,lots of games,sit around tables,sit in lines,sing songs,do morning exercises,In China,In England,Writing(写出刚才所说的句子):,In England, they .,They .,In China,we . We .,We should study hard and make progress every day!,Homework: Imitate this text following the tape. 2. Do activity 4 on P33 with your parents. (和家长讨论完成33页第4题,下节课找同学起来说。),Thanks for listening!,
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