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Module 4 Unit 1 I havent done much exercise since I got my computer.,学科网,B: He/ She has got a .,A: Whats the matter with him/her?,toothache,fever,a cold,cough,headache,stomach ache,backache,A: Whats the matter with? B: I have got a A: How long have you been like this? B: Maybe for(three days/since last Sunday, this morning. A: Doctor, what should I do? B: Its a good idea to .You should.Do not .,Work in Pairs,fever,stomachache,cough,headache,toothache,Z.x.x. K,1. Listen and choose the correct answer.,1. Whats the matter with Daming? A. B. C. 2. Has Daming seen the doctor? A. Yes, he has. B. No, he hasnt. C. We dont know 3. When did Betty see a doctor? A. this morning B. yesterday morning C. this afternoon,2. Listen and write down the missing words.,A: Hi, Betty. B: Hi, Daming. You dont look very well. Whats the _ with you? A: (groaning) Ive got a stomach ache and a _. B: Have you _ a doctor? A: No, I havent. B: You should go and see one!,Zx.xk,A: OK. You dont look very well _, Betty. Whats the matter with you? Have you got a _? B: Yes, Ive _ a temperature. and a cough. A: You should see a doctor too. B: Ive seen a doctor. I saw a doctor this morning. Ah! A: Whats the matter? B: Ive got a _ as well!,3. Listen and choose the best answer.,1. Whats the matter with Daming? A. got a stamach ache B. got a headache C. caught a cold 2.How long has Daming been like this? A.Since Friday B. Since Monday C. Since Saturday 3. Does Daming have breakfast? A.Yes, he does. B. No, not usually. C. Yes, not usually. 4. How often does the doctor ask Daming to take the medicine? A. Four times a day B. Three times a week C. Three times a day,4. Read and check the sentences T or F.,1.Daming feels ill ( ) 2. Daming has caught a cold. ( ) 3. Daming has a fever. ( ) 4. Daming usually eats fast food. ( ),5. Complete the passage with the correct form of the words.,Daming has _ a stomach ache since Friday. He has been ill _about three days and he went to see the doctor. The doctor _the temperature and asked him some questions. Then he found Damings lifestyle is _to his health. So the doctor told Daming _eating fast food, have breakfast every day and get some _. Then gave Daming some medicine and asked him to take it three _ a day.,time take get healthy exercise stop for,Act out a conversation between a doctor and a patient.,Card 1,Card 2,Card 3,Scene A: stomach ace dialogue between Daming and doctor,Scene B: have got a cold,A: Good morning, _ B: I dont feel _ , I have got a _and I have _ A: Have you taken your temperature? B: Yes, its really . A: Open your mouth and say ah B: Ah. A: How long have you been like this? B: Maybe for. A: Oh, I see. Youve got a . B: What should I do? A: _(stay in bed, rest, drink water). Ill give you some . B: How often do I take the medicine? A: _ B: Ok. Thank you.,symptom 症状:headache, a fever(high), cough advice: stay in bed Dont eat . You should not drink.drink more. Its a good idea to do some exercise,A: Good morning, _ B: Good morning, young _. Whats wrong with you? A: Ive got a _. And my _hurts badly. A: Ok. open your _let me see. say Ah B: Ah. A: How long have you been like this? B: . A: Oh. How often do you brush your teeth? B: _ A: Do you like eating chocolate or candies? B: Yes, I do. I like _. By the way, is it serious? A: well, dont worry_ B: Then is it necessary to pull out my teeth? A: . Now I want to give you some advice_ If you take my advice, you will get better soon. A: Thank you, doctor.,Scene C: toothache,symptom 症状:headache advice: eat more vegetables, fruit Dont eat chocolate . You should not drink. Its a good idea to brush your teeth.,Homework 1. Recite new words. 2. Make up the Doctor-Patient conversation. 3. Finish off the exercise in the workbook.,A: Whats the matter with? B: I have got a I feel . A: How long have you been like this? B: Maybe for/since. A: Oh, I see. Youve got a B: What should I do? A: .and I will give you some medicine B: How often do I take it? A: . B: Thank you, doctor.,
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