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2014年陕西省普通高等教育专升本招生考试大学英语试题注意事项:1. 考生领到试题后,须按规定在试题上填写姓名、准考证号和座位号。2所有答案必须在答题卡指定区域内作答,在试题上作答无效。考试结束后,将本试题和答题卡一并交回。3满分为150分。考试时间为150分钟。I. Vocabulary and Structure (40分)Directions: In this part, there are 40 incomplete sentences. For each sentence there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. You should decide on the best choice and mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the centre.1. If only I_ more money, I could afford a copy of this current English dictionary. A. have B. will have C. had D. had had2. Id rather you_ those important documents with you when you began to take a trip. A. dont take B. didnt take C. wont take D. not take3. He said the driver must have had an accident; otherwise he_ by then.A. would have arrived B. must have arrivedC. should arrive D. would arrive4._ the help of their group, we would not have succeeded in the investigation.A. Besides B. Regardless of C. But for D. Despite5. Our demand is that another experiment_. A. shall be made B. will be made C. must be made D. be made6. In the case of an opera, the composers wrote their music following the original texts, _ in Italian, French or German.A. they being B. be they C. were they D. being they7. They organized a club, Torn_ its chairman. A. was B. he C. is D. being8. There are fifty students in the class; half of_ are from the United States. A. them B. which C. whom D. those 9. Neither of the young men who had applied for a position in the university_. A. has been accepted B. have been accepted C. was accepted D. were accepted10. Im sorry I couldnt get in touch with him before he left, I_ him earlier.A. had a telephone B. have phoned D. should be phoned C. should have phoned11. Had the weather been good, the children_ out for a walk. A. had gone B. could have gone C. would go D. went12. The generals command was that he_ this important task at once. A. would carry out B. carry out C. carries out D. has carried out13. Peter wishes that he_ law instead of literature when he was at college. A. could study B. studied C. had studied D. would study14. I really appreciate_ from you two years ago when I was at college. A. being heard B. hearing C. to hear D. having heard15. The man in the corner confessed to_ a lie to the manager of the company three weeks before.A. have told B. be told C. being told D. having told16. We all feel sorry for_ for so long after your arrival. A. keep you waiting B. having kept you waiting C. waiting for you D. keeping you waiting 17. There was so much noise that the speaker couldnt make himself_.A. hearing B. being heard C. to hear D. heard18. The manager has his employees_ a business report every week.A. to write B. written C. writing D. write19. The famous novel is said _ into Chinese. A. to have translated B. to be translate C. to have been translated D. to translate20. Young _he is, he knows what is the right thing to do. A. that B. as C. although D. however21. Experts say walking is one of the best ways for a person to_ healthyA. preserve B. stay C. maintain D. reserve22. People are more_ to spend money on goods with an attractive look than those without. A. attracted B. tempted C. persuaded D. tended23. They are always on good_ with their next-door neighbors for the childrens sake. A. friendship B. relations C. terms D. intentions24. He spoke so quickly that I did not_ what he said. A. catch B. accept C. take D. listen25. As the journey was a long one, he took a friend with him for_.A. pleasure B. entertainment C. company D. defence26. Weve _ sugar. Ask him to lend us some.A. run away with B. run down C. run off D. run out of27. I
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