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江苏省中等专业学校集体备课电子教案备 课 组英语组主备人执教人课时安排第 1 至 课时 总 7 课时课 题Unit 5 speaking课 型时 间 年 月 日教学目标1. Topic: Danger and Safety2. be aware of the dangers of daily life.3. Listen to the dialogue, know about the main idea of the dialogue, and make a simple dialogue.4. and train the ability of speaking 教学设想重点Speaking and get the useful expressions.难点How to practice and improve the students listening skills 教法学法talking, reading and speaking教学手段Computer教 学 程 序 与 策 略个性化修改复习导入: some questions:ask students to talk about safety sign 讲授新课:Speaking: help! help! Step one warm up1. Look at the safety sign in activity 1, ask students to talk about them and try to understand each picture, and match them with the correct warnings in the box.Slip v. 滑 slipper n.拖鞋 slippery adj.狡猾的.2. Ask the students to talk about the question:What can you do in case of the following emergencies?Read the given advice and complete the table below. Make sure the students understand them. If the students have any difficulties, they may get some help from their group or the teacher may give some help during their talking if necessary.Check the answers with class. (Key: omitted)Step two: listening and speakingListen and talk about the question: (Why is Lily calling for help?)Step three read the conversation1. Ask students to read the conversation by themselves, and then underline the sentences about shopping and bargaining in the conversation.(Key: omitted)2. Ask students to practice the conversation in the class.3. Useful expressions. Ask students to read the useful expressions, they should understand the expressions about the topic of asking for heip and possible responses4. Use the expressions youve learned to complete the conversation below.Check the answers: (Key: omitted)Step four practiceSituation: suppose you met robbers on your way home one night. You didnt fight them on the spot. Instead, you called the police after they left.Work in pairs and complete the conversation below. Ask students to practice the conversation. Step five Homework Read the conversation after classRead the useful expressions again and again.教后反思江苏省中等专业学校集体备课电子教案备 课 组英语组主备人执教人课时安排第 2 至 课时 总 7 课时课 题Unit 5 listening课 型时 间 年 月 日教学目标1. Topic: caution is the parent of safety2. Listen to the dialogue and act it out. 3. Try to improve the speaking skills.教学设想重点Read the dialogue and act it out.难点Improve the speaking skills.教法学法Reading, listening and speaking教学手段Computer教 学 程 序 与 策 略个性化修改复习导入: List some expressions about shopping:Follow me跟踪 a safe neighborhood一个安全的社区 Look out 留神,注意 footstep脚步声I got to go. 我该走了 you havent done that 你没有那样做Caution is the parent of safety. 小心驶得万年船。讲授新课:Speaking: caution is the parent of safety. 小心驶得万年船。Step one: talkingAsk students to talk about the picture, make sure they know them. Listen to the conversation and tick your answer. (Key: angel thought she was followed by some one)Step two: listening.1. Ask students to read the statements, make sure they understand them. Teacher may give some help where necessary if the students have any difficulties.2. Ask students to listen to the dialogue, write down some key words. Make sure they understand the dialogue and then tick the best answer.Check the answers with the students.Step three: practiceAsk students to read the following situations, make sure they understand them and know what to do. Let the students talk about them: what might happen according to your experience? And try to finish it according to the example.Example: walk along in the dark evening. You might get attacked and robbed.Check up the answers with the students.Step: four bargainSuppose your house is on fire and you must leave in two minutes. What would you do and why? Role-play a conversation with your partnerExample:A: if my house were on fire. I would run out of the house immediately.B: if I were you, I would take my computer with me before I leave.A: why is that?B: because all my important stuff is on my computer.Ask someone to act out the dialogue with his partner.Step four: homeworkRead the expressions.Act out the dialogue.教后反思江苏省中等专业学校集体备课电子教案备课组英语组主备人执教人课时安排第 3 至 课时 总 7 课时课 题Unit 5 reading课 型时 间 年 月 日教学目标1. Topic: Make Your Home a Safety Place2. learn some new words and phrases3. read the passage and students can understand them4. finish the exercises教学设想重点Read the passage and they know detailed information.难点Reading comprehension教法学法Reading, practice教学手段Computer教 学 程 序 与 策 略个性化修改一、复习导入: Some questions:Ask students to talk about the unsafe place at your h
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