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1三年级英语期中试卷一、听力测试 50%I. Listen and choose the word. 听录音,选出你听到的单词的标号。每小题读两遍。10%( ) 1. A. uncle B. aunt ( ) 2. A. grandfather B. grandmother( ) 3. A. daughter B. son ( ) 4. A. brother B. sister( ) 5. A. eleven B. twelve ( ) 6. A. four B. five( ) 7. A. eight B. ten ( ) 8. A. seven B. six( ) 9. A. school B. book ( ) 10. A. classroom B. story bookII. Listen and number. 听录音,按听到的顺序用 1-10 为下列图片标号,每小题读两遍。10% ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )III. Listen and tick or cross. 看句子,听录音,用或判断句子内容与录音是否一致。每小题读两遍。10%( ) 1. Shes my sister. ( ) 2. Im seven.( ) 3. Lets go home. ( ) 4. Thats my grandma.( ) 5. Nice to meet you. ( ) 6. Its eleven oclock.( ) 7. Im in Class Two ( ) 8. Look at your face.( ) 9. Thats OK. ( ) 10. I have a new bag.IV. Listen and choose the right answer. 听录音并选择正确答语。每小题读两遍。10% ( ) 1. A. Glad to see you again. B. Ok. Lets go.( ) 2. A. Wow, how nice! B. Sure. Here you are.( ) 3. A. A Chinese book. B. Very good.( ) 4. A. My name is Mary. B. Im in Class Three.学校: 姓名: 班级: 分数: 2( ) 5. A. I am Ben. B. I am ten.V. Listen and number. 听录音,用 15 将下列对话排列通顺。对话读两遍。1 0%( ) Lets go to school! Goodbye!( ) What time is it?( ) Oh, five oclock! ( ) Excuse me, Grandpa.( ) Its five oclock.二、基础知识 50%I. Choose the right word. 选择适当的单词填空。10%( ) 1. -Whats in _ bag? -An English book.A. my B. me C. I ( ) 2. -What _ is it? -Green.A. colour B. time C. class( ) 3. -Whos that man? -Hes my _. A. aunt B. father C. sister( ) 4. I have _ apple.A. the B. an C. a( ) 5. -How old _ you? -Im eleven.A. am B. is C. are( ) 6. My fathers father is my _.A. uncle B. grandfather C. grandmother( ) 7. Your mothers sister is your _.A. aunt B. uncle C. daughter( ) 8. Hes my fathers brother. Hes my _.A. mother B. brother C. uncle( ) 9. Shes my sister. Shes my mothers _.A. aunt B. daughter C. son( ) 10. Shes my fathers daughter. Shes my _.A. sister B. brother C. auntII. Read and complete the dialogue. 用所给的词语完成对话。 10%A 组A: Good morning. _ your name?B: _ name is David.A: How _ are you?B: Im _. Im _ Class One, Grade Three.A. old B. in C. My D. Whats E. nine 3B 组A: Hello. _ to see you again.B: Hello. Look, I _ a new bike.A: _ I see it?B: Here you _.C. Wow, its _!III. What would you say? 在下列情境中如何正确表达。 10%( ) 1. 想知道对方的名字,可以这样问:A. How old are you? B. Whats your name?( ) 2. 祝同学生日快乐 ,可以说:A. Nice to meet you. B. Happy Birthday!( ) 3. 班里来了新同学 ,你可以这样和他打招呼:A. Glad to see you. B. Lets go.( ) 4.你想知道照片上这个人是谁,可以这样问:A. Whos that? B. Whos this?( ) 5.向同学介绍你的姐姐,可以这样说:A. This is my sister. B. Whos this girl?( ) 6. 要打扰别人的时候, 最好先说:A. Excuse me. B. Sorry.( ) 7. 想知道同学的年龄, 可以这样问他:A. How old are you? B. How are you?( ) 8. 想问妈妈时间, 可以这样说:A. Whats in it? B. What time is it?( ) 9. 邀请同学一起去上学,可以这样说:A. Lets go to school. B. Lets go home.( ) 10. 请别人猜你的包里有什么,可以这样说:A. Guess whats that? B. Guess whats in my bag?IV. Read and choose. 根据情境选择对应的电话号码,将电话号码前的标号填入题前括号内。 4%( ) 1.看到有小偷偷东西。 ( ) 2.发现有火灾发生。( ) 3.有危重病人需要急救。 ( ) 4.买到劣质商品需要投诉。 A. one one nine B. one two o A. are B. Nice C. haveD. cool E. Can 4C. one two three one five D. one one o V. Complete the dialogue. 完成下面的对话。6%A: _! Nice to see you again. B: Hi, Tom! Glad to see you again.A: _!B: Oh, good!A: _.B: OK. Let go.VI. Form sentences. 将句子正确顺序的标号写在横线上。6%1. is This Liu Miss_.2. have I crayons red some_.3. my Hes uncle_. 4. my new car Lookat_.5. five Its oclock_.6. time What it is_?VII. Read and choose. 有外宾来你的学校参观,请你介绍一下自己的情况。看看下列哪些句子适合。在适合的句子前括号内打“” ,不适合的句子前括号内打“” 。4%( ) 1. I like English very much.( ) 2. Im in Class 2, Grade 3.( ) 3. Im ten.( ) 4. How old are you?( ) 5. I have a new ship.( ) 6. Its nine oclock. ( ) 7. My name is( ) 8. Nice to meet you.1. Lets go to school 2. Hello, Peter3. Look at my new bag3.
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