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凯程考研,为学员服务,为学生引路!第 1 页 共 3 页2018 年考研英语部分热词汉译英1. (股票) 停牌to suspend trading例句:With the efforts to stabilize A-share market still going on, more listed companies suspended trading.A 股保卫战还未结束,越来越多的上市公司宣布停牌。数据显示,9 日为本周停牌高峰日,共有超过 1600 家上市公司(listed companies)股票停牌(have suspended trading of their shares),两市停牌股票占比达 58%。如此规模的停牌潮为 A 股历史所罕见,被市场人士称为是 A 股史上最大规模停牌潮 (the largest suspension in A-share markets history)。面对波澜壮阔的股市,证监会祭出(roll out)多项措施维稳(stabilize the markets),重磅救市政策(measures to shore up the markets)密集出台。央行也发声支持股市稳定,称将提供充足的流动性(provide ample liquidity) 。随着本轮股市的狂跌(slump),入列彭博亿万富翁指数的 45 位中国富豪有超 80%都赔了钱(lose money),中国大陆和香港富豪们的净资产(net worth)因此蒸发超 340 亿美元。损失最严重的当属中国女首富、蓝思科技董事长周群飞,财富缩水 48 亿美元(Her fortune shrank by $4.8b)。相关词汇:跌停 slump by daily limit做空者 short-seller保证金交易 margin trading市盈率 PE ratio, price/earnings ratio低开 open low2. 助学贷款student loan例句:During an executive meeting Wednesday presided over by Premier Li Keqiang, the State Council decided to improve the student loan program to ensure more students from underprivileged backgrounds can access education.李克强总理 8 日主持召开国务院常务会议,会议决定加大国家助学贷款力度,为贫困学子创造公平成长环境。会议决定,高校学生在读期间助学贷款利息(interest on the loans)由财政全额补贴(will be fully covered by the State),毕业后在还款期内继续攻读学位(pursue post-graduate studies)或在校期间因病等休学的,也可申请贴息(apply for deducted interest repayments) 。同时,将助学贷款最长期限(maximum term of lending agreements for university students) 凯程考研,为学员服务,为学生引路!第 2 页 共 3 页由原先的 10 年、14 年,统一延长至 20 年(will be extended to 20 years)。将还本宽限期从 2年延长至 3 年,宽限期内只需还利息、不需还本金。相关词汇:学费 tuition奖学金 scholarship退学 drop out of school3. 有偿补课paid make-up classes例句:The Ministry of Education in China has announced a new regulation that bans any paid make-up classes organized by primary schools or middle schools.日前,我国教育部宣布新规,严禁中小学校进行有偿补课。一年一度的暑假(summer break)到了,也是中小学校学生补课的高峰期。有偿补课 可以用 paid make-up classes 表示。Paid 表示付费的、有偿的,如带薪休假(paid leave),待遇优厚的工作(a well-paid job),未付税款 (unpaid tax)。部分学校以课外活动(extra-curricular activity)的形式进行有偿补课,但有些老师强迫学生参加有偿补课(force students to take these paid classes)。根据规定,对于违反规定的中小学校,或将给予撤消荣誉称号(be stripped of any honors or titles)等处罚。规定将在寒暑假期间(during summer and winter breaks)严格执行(be strictly enforced)。同时,教育部还设立了群众举报热线(set up a public complaints hotline)。相关词汇:培训班 training class补习班 cram study session/off-campus session/after-school session应试教育 exam-oriented education4. 候任行长president-designate例句:China on Monday nominated Jin Liqun as the president-designate of the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB).中国政府 6 日正式提名金立群为亚投行候任行长中方候选人。亚投行协定规定,应通过公开、透明和择优的程序选举行长,行长应是域内(within the Asian region)成员国的国民。为确保亚投行成立后尽快投入运营,57 个亚投行意向创始成员国(prospective founding members)须在 7 月 31 日前提名候选人。亚投行有望于今年年底前正式成立(to be formally established before the end of the year)。之后,将在首次理事会上根据亚投行协定有关规定,将候任行长(president-designate)选举为行长。金立群出生在江苏常熟一个教师家庭。他精通英文,法语也不错,同时在中国古典文学方面造诣颇深。他常在国际场合用引用莎士比亚的名篇。公开资料显示,在海外的一次论坛上,他就曾借用莎翁的无事生非(Much Ado about Nothing)为与会的外国学者解释不折腾的内涵。金立群目前担任亚投行筹建多边临时秘书处秘书长,此前曾担任中国财政部副部长、亚洲开发银行第一副行长、中国国际金融有限公司董事长等职。相关词汇: 凯程考研,为学员服务,为学生引路!第 3 页 共 3 页创始成员国 founding member基础设施建设 infrastructure construction
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