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Unit 1 Cultural relics.单词拼写1She plays an active part in _(当地的)politics.2We _(辩论)on the question till late into the night.3I dont know why they have to hold this _(审判)here.4The bomb was _(爆炸)by remote control.5The boat _(沉没)in a violent storm at sea.6He appointed to meet us at the _(入口)of the theatre.7He proposed a series of _(非正式的)meetings.8The building stood _(分开地)from others.9In the absence of firm _(证据),the prisoner was set free.10Her activities include tennis and _(绘画).单项填空1There isnt enough _to prove her guilty now.AclueBkeyCdataDevidence2The time bomb a young man brought with him _ in the street and several people were injured.AexploredBsankCexplodedDdropped3(2013定远高一月考)Mary never does her reading in the evening,_Aso does JohnBJohn does tooCJohn doesnt tooDnor does John4She _ with her roommate about who should do the housework last night,but she didnt think it was her fault.AdiscussedBdebatedCarguedDquarrelled5In order to buy tickets,there have been many people waiting at the _ to the railway station recently.AexitBdoorCentranceDsign6It is proved _ China has made great progress in astronomy(天文)AwhenBbecauseCthatDif7Accident happened and the ship under construction _AroseBattackedCraisedDsank8He works at the _ post office and married a _ girl.Anatural;singleBnative;lonelyClegal;nationalDlocal;local9You should _ the TV set to find out whats wrong with it.Apack upBbreak downCsearch forDtake apart10He was _ by his colleagues though he himself didnt think he had done anything special.Athought little ofBthought poorlyCthought highly ofDthought highly.阅读理解APetra may be the treasure of the world,hidden among mountains. Its most beautiful scenery makes it the greatest ancient site stillstanding nowadays. Common sense says,“Perhaps theres nothing on the planet that resembles it.”Without doubt,theres nothing in the world that resembles it. The rockcarved(雕刻的)rosered town of Petra is filled with mysterious charm;it had been “designed to strike wonder into all who entered it”Petra is the most wellknown and beautiful site in Jordan that is about 262 km south of Amman,and 133 km north of Aqaba. The Dead Sea is 80 km north of it. It was the legacy from the Nabataeans,who settled in the southwest of Jordan a lot more than 2,000 years back. Because of its excellent culture,buildings and many water channels,Petra has become a UNESCO world heritage site and one of the New Seven Wonders of the world that attracts visitors all over the world.To get there,you must pass through a kilometer long,cool,dark and narrow gorge(峡谷)whose two high sides keep the sunlight out. Suddenly the gorge opens right into a natural square covered with Petras most wellknown monuments(遗址),which glow in the bright sun. The old town shows the visitors its beautiful look. It leads people to think about the creativity of the Nabataeans who made Petra as their capital.Petra flourished for more than 400 years at about the time of Rome until it had been occupied by the Roman legions in 106 AD. Petra has 800 monuments,including buildings,tombs,baths,halls,temples and streets,which were mostly carved in the pretty sandstone.Petra sights are in their finest at the beginning of morning and late afternoon. Once the sun warms the colorful stones,you will see the greatness of Petra since it was seen first when discovered in 1812 after being lost through the 16th century for nearly 300 years!1From the text we can learn that _APetra is on the top of a high mountainBPetra is a palace of the king in the old daysCno place in the world can be similar to PetraDthe Nabataeans built Petra in 106 AD2What does the underlined phrase “mysterious charm” in Paragraph 1 mean?AThe unbelievable power to attract people.BAll kinds of visitors from the world.CA number of usual places of interest.DThe shops,restaurants and hotels.3According to the writer,Petra is _Aabout 133 km south of AqabaBabout 262 km north of AmmanC80 km south of the Dead SeaDin the southeast of Jordan4What can we learn from the text?AYoud better enjoy the beautiful scenery at the beginning of morning and late afternoon.BBecause it had been occupied,Petra was lost through the 16th century.CPetra was developing quickly and strongly for more than 800 years.DPetras monuments were all carved in the light red stones.BYoung people can have problems with their minds. Some students become worried because they have to study very hard. Others have trouble getting on well with people like their parents and classmates.Li Wen,a junior 2 student from No.2 Middle School,could n
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