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六级听力练习II 听力原文Conversation OneW: Well, tonight we have Andrew Green in our studio to talk about music.Andrew is a great guitarist and has his own band.So, Andrew, welcome.M: Thanks a lot. My pleasure to be here tonight.W: Now, Andrew, perhaps you could tell us something about the future trends for the global music industry?M: Sure. Well, from my perspective as a musician, I can see a dramatic increasein the popularity of Latin music, even now. If this trend continues, I imagine the popularity of Salsa dancing will also rise dramatically. This may result in a slight decrease in the popularity of other types of music.W: What do you think of the sudden drop in interest in classical music?M: I think this trend has been in the works for quite some time. As more and more varieties of music become available to consumers, the classic standards may suffer in the popularity contest. I think the drop in interest of classical music hasnt been sudden at all, its been slow and steady for many years now.W: Is there any type of music that is consistently popular with most people?M: If you look at the numbers, rock and roll music has remained a steady constant through the years. I expect the popularity of rock and roll will stay the same in the coming years.W: Its said that rock music might make one livelier and happier. What do you think of it?M: Thats true. Research suggests that music can influence a persons feelings and character. Theres clear evidence that people who listen lively music are lively people.Questions 1 to 4 are based on the conversation you have just heard.1. What kind of music will be most popular in the future according to the man?2. What does the man think of peoples interest in classical music?3. What kind of music is consistently popular according to the man? 4.What does the man say about the rock music?Conversation TwoM: Ms. Roth. This is David Wong from ABC Insurance Company. Id like to make an appointment to see you about our insurance plans for foreign employees.W: Oh, how did you know my name?M: In fact, a friend of yours is one of my clients. He thinks that you may find it helpful to know more about insurance in Hong Kong.W: May I know who he is?M: Well, Ms. Roth. Youll know his name soon enough if youll just let me see you.W: What kind of insurance are you talking about here?M: Well, its rather comprehensive. Thats why Id like to see you personally so that I can present to you the products we have to offer.W: Sorry, Mr. Wong. My company has provided me a whole insurance package.M: Oh, Im glad to hear that. But as I said, our insurance plans are specially designed for foreign staff like you. They are somewhat different and more beneficial to you Im sure. And our meeting wont take longer than fifteen minutes. Will two oclock tomorrow be convenient to you?W: Well, Ive been very busy lately.M: Ms. Roth, as I said, itll be a short appointment. Im sure youll find our products informative and useful. Perhaps when you need our service in the future, youll know who to call. Will two tomorrow be okay to you?W: Well, then, make it three.M: Alright. Ill be there at your office tomorrow at three sharp.Questions 5 to 8 are based on the conversation you have just heard.5. What does David Wong strongly recommend to Ms. Roth?6. Why does David Wong insist on seeing Ms. Roth in person?7. On what condition does Ms. Roth agree to see David Wong?8. Whats the womans attitude towards the insurance business?Section BPassage OneYou probably dont have much in the way of savings, and with all your expenses, it doesnt look like youll be able to improve that situation soon. If you wonder how to cut corners, theres an obvious place to look at your spending habits. Do you buy a soda each weekend? Waste one dollar a day for forty years, and when you are set to retire, youll find your account is short by 190,000 dollars. Grab a calculator and youll discover that, over forty years, going out to dinner twice a month at forty dollars each time amounts to half a million. Even a pack-a-day cigarette habit will lighten your retirement account by 330,000 dollars. And the same with cable TV and those cool earrings. They will probably amount to as much as one million. So, the first clue to accumulating wealth is this: focus on your spending habits. Here are a couple of tricks to help you save even if you swear you cant afford to. Stop buying things that fall rather than rise in value. Pay yourself first. Before you pay the monthly bills, send 25 dollars to a mutual fund. Stop spending coins. From now on, spend only paper currency, and keep the change every day. Get your family involved, and youll double your savings. Use discount tickets at the supermarket, but use them correctly. How? If you really want to make these tickets worthwhile, you actually must invest into your mutual funds the amount you save by using the tick
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