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民法总则中英对照版 编者序编者序:译仁译智译仁译智,译无止境译无止境 本次编译英译本,更多是为寻找灵感,而查字典、读国际公约、品原版教材,就是源头活水、灵感之源。为此,专设“参考资料”一栏,来纪录 和分享这些灵感。 英译本,从翻译、校对到编辑,用时不到一个月,时间有限,且本人才疏学浅,译文部分难免有所疏漏。因此,真诚希望读者,无论是法律人 士还是英语爱好者,多关注引用的参考资料,品读原汁原味英文,感受规则之间的共通性以及差异性 。受篇幅和排版限制,参考资料中,仅录入英文原文,无对应 译文,还望读者见谅。 “参考资料”一栏,援引的文献如下: 1.布莱克法律词典(第10版) 2.国际商事合同通则(2010年版) 3.国际货物销售公约 4.世界人权宣言 5. Apen: Contracts Examples specif., principles and standards regarded by the legislature or by the courts as being of fundamental concern to the state and the whole of society . Courts sometimes use the term to justify their decisions, as when declaring a contract void because it is “contrary to public policy.” 2. Apen Contracts, 13.13 Contracts Contrary to Public Policy(节选节选): Sometimes, the law does not actually forbid a particular contract, yet it is apparent that the laws policy goals are incompatible with the recognition and enforcement of a contract of this kind.When a contact is not illegal, but offends public policy, the same rules are generally applicable, but not with the same degree of force. No civil person may engage in civil activities against law or pubic order and good morals. 1. “公序良俗”, 为避免歧义,本 版译为public order and good morals。 2. 英美法系也有类似的制度。 英美契约法中,违反public policy的合同无效。public policy 不是指官方书面文件,涵盖面 较广。经查,“不得强制用工” 、“不得实施竞业限制”等都曾 在个案中被认定为public policy 。注意,如果某行为后被法律 禁止,则相关合同因违法 (illegality)而无效。 第第9 9条条 民事主体从事民事活动,应当 有利于节约资源、保护生态环 境。 Civil persons shall act in an energy-efficient and ecology- conserving manner. 第第1010条条 处理民事纠纷,应当依照法 律;法律没有规定的,可以适 用习惯,但是不得违背公序良 俗。 布莱克词典布莱克词典custom词条词条: A custom that operates as a binding rule of law, independently of any agreement on the part of those subject to it. Often shortened to custom. Civil disputes shall be settled in accordance with the provisions of law, or in the absence of relevant provisions, in accordance with custom, provided that the custom to be applied does not offend public order and good morals. “法律另有规定的,依照其规定 ”,本法中经常出现这样的表 述,如第104、138、180条等。 有些英译本中,译为unless otherwise provided by law,这 样的翻译不准确。 译者认为,这类措辞,主要是 为合同法、物权法等 单行法及未来的民法分则中, 具体的细化性规则的适用,作 铺垫。比如本条中,“另有规定 ”就指向法律适用法。 因此,“法律另有规定的,从其 规定”,在本版中统一译作 where there are other provisions in this respect, such provisions shall apply. 第第1111条条 其他法律对民事关系有特别规 定的,依照其规定。 In the event that other laws have specific provisions regulating civil relations, such provisions shall apply. 第第1212条条 中华人民共和国领域内的民事 活动,适用中华人民共和国法 律。法律另有规定的,依照其 规定。 All civil activities occurring within the territory of the Peoples Republic of China shall be subject to the law of the Peoples Republic of China. Where there are other provisions in law concerning the application of law in civil activities, such provisions shall apply. 第二章 自然人(Chapter II Natural Persons) 第一节 民事权利能力和民事行为能力(Section I Civil Status and Civil Capacity) 法律规定参考资料参考译文译者注 第第1313条条 自然人从出生时起到死亡时 止,具有民事权利能力,依法 享有民事权利,承担民事义务 。 布莱克词典布莱克词典status词条词条: 1. A persons legal condition, whether personal or proprietary; the sum total of a persons legal rights, duties, liabilities, and other legal relations, or any particular group of them separately considered . A natural person has civil status from birth till death, during which he enjoys civil rights and assumes civil obligations in accordance with law. “民事权利能力”,本版统一译 为civil status。 第第1414条条 自然人的民事权利能力一律平 等。 Natural persons are equal in civil status. 第第1515条条 自然人的出生时间和死亡时 间,以出生证明、死亡证明记 载的时间为准;没有出生证明 、死亡证明的,以户籍登记或 者其他有效身份登记记载的时 间为准。有其他证据足以推翻 以上记载时间的,以该证据证 明的时间为准。 The date of birth and date of death of a natural person are such dates that are recorded in his birth or death certificate, or in the absence of such certificates, are such dates that are recorded in the household registration or other valid identification registration systems. Where there is sufficient evidence to invalidate the above dates, the dates stated in such evidence shall prevail. 本版中,代词人称统一用 he,包含阴性人称代词及中 性。 第第1616条条 涉及遗产继承、接受赠与等胎 儿利益保护的,胎儿视为具有 民事权利能力。但是胎儿娩出 时为死体的,其民事权利能力 自始不存在。 A fetus is deemed to have civil status only in cases that estate succession, or acceptance of gift is involved or his other interests are to be protected. However, if that fetus is stillborn, he has no civil status ab initio. 第第1717条条 十八周岁以上的自然人为成年 人。不满十八周岁的自然人为 未成年人 布莱克词典布莱克词典minor词条词条: Someone who has not reached full legal age; a child or juvenile. Also termed infant. A natural person aged 18 or older is an adult. A natural person aged under 18 is a minor. “未成年人”,本版译为minor 。另有juvenile,infant等译法 。 第第1818条条 成年人为完全民事行为能力 人,可以独立实施民事法律行 为。 十六周岁以上的未成年人,以 自己的劳动收入为主要生活来 源的,视为完全民事行为能力 人。 布莱克词典布莱克词典“capacity”词条词条: The power to create or enter into a legal relation under the same circumstances in which a normal person would have the power to create or enter into such a relation; specif., the satisfaction of a legal qualification, such as legal age or soundness of mind, that determines ones ability to sue or be sued, to enter into a binding contract, and the like . An adult has full capacity to in
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