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醫學術語,潘德樑 高雄榮總 97.06.08,內容大綱,學習目的 醫學術語的組合 常見縮寫 病歷範例 應用實例 簡易解剖圖解 結語,學習目的,醫學術語是醫護、醫療管理 相互間溝通專業語言 幫助學習者發展對醫療語言 的閱讀與了解能力 進一步應用於實務作業,醫學術語的組合,字根法(Word Root) 字尾法(Suffix) 字首法(Prefix) 多重組合(Multiple combination) 聯結母音(a,e,i,o,u),字根法(Root),Cardi/o = heart 心臟 Hepat/o = liver 肝臟 Pneum/o = lung 肺臟 Nephr/o = kidney 腎臟 Ren/o = kidney 腎臟 Arthr/o = joint 關節 Cerebr/o = cerebrum 腦,字尾法(Suffix),Endoscopy = endo + scopy in + examination 內部 + 鏡檢(法、術) Gastritis = gastr + itis stomach + inflammation 胃 + 發炎 Nephrotomy= nephro + tomy kidney + incision 腎 + 切開,字尾法(Suffix),Splenomegaly = spleen + megaly spleen + enlargement 脾臟 + 腫大 Arthrodesis = arthro + desis joint + fixation 關節 + 固定 Rhinoplasty = rhino + plasty nose + plastic 鼻 + 整形術,字尾法(Suffix),Cystocele = cyst + cele bladder + hernia, protrusion 膀胱 + 突出 Adenoma = aden + oma gland + tumor 腺體 + 腫瘤 Leukemia = leuk + emia white + blood 白血病,字尾法(Suffix),Dysentery = dys + entery pain + intestine 疼痛 + 腸道(痢疾) Tonsillectomy = tonsil + ectomy tonsil + excision 扁桃腺 + 切除 Pyuria = py + uria pus + urine 膿 + 小便,字首法(Prefix),Antipyretic = anti + pyretic gainst + fever 對抗 + 發燒 Antepartum = ante + partum before + labor 在之前 + 生產 Polyarteritis = poly + arteritis many + arteritis 多處 + 動脈炎,字首法(Prefix),Hemiplegia = hemi + plegia half + paralysis 一半 + 麻痺 Hypertension = hyper + tension above + pressure 高 + 壓力(血壓) Bradycardia = brady + cardia slow + heart 心跳過慢,字首法(Prefix),Tackycardia = tacky + cardia rapid + heart 快的 + 心臟 Polyneuralgia = poly + neuralgia multiple + never pain 多的 + 神經痛 Subcutaneous = sub + cutaneous under + skin 皮下,字首法(Prefix),Dysphasia = dys + phasia impairment + speech 障礙 + 言語 Dysuria = dys + uria painful + urine 疼痛 + 小便,多重組合(Multiple combination),electro cardi o gram 字根 字根 字尾 電 心 圖 salpingo-oophor ectomy 字根 字根 字尾 輸卵管 卵巢 切除,多重組合(Multiple combination),gastro entero stomy 字根 字根 字尾 胃 腸 造口 Esophago gastro duodenoscopy 字根 字根 字根 字尾 食道 胃 十二指腸 鏡檢,聯結母音(Combining vowel),Nephropathy Cardiomegaly Osteotomy,聯結母音(Combining vowel),Gastrectomy Cystitis 字尾的開頭即為母音 Hepatoma 故不需另加其他母音,字尾及其組合元素實例,cele: hernia, tumor, protrusion cystocele: hernia of the bladder gastrocele: hernia of the stomach Hydrocele: serous tumor of the testis,字尾及其組合元素實例,emia: blood hyperglycemia: abnormally high blood sugar itis: inflammation gastritis: inflammation of the stomach nephritis: inflammation of the kidney,字尾及其組合元素實例,malacia: softening osteomalacia: softening of the bone splenomalacia: softening of the spleen pathy: disease neuropathy: any disease of nerve myopahty: any disease of muscle,字字尾及其組合元素實例尾及其組合元素實例,centesis: puncture thoracentesis: puncture and aspiration of the pleural cavity,字尾及其組合元素實例,ectomy: excision, remove tonsillectomy: removal of tonsils oophorectomy: removal of ovary plasty:surgical correction, plasty repair of hernioplasty: plasty repair of hernia proctoplasty: surgical repair of rectum,字尾及其組合元素實例,scopy: inspection, examination bronchoscopy: examination of the bronchi with an endoscope cystoscopy: examination of the bladder with an endoscope,字尾及其組合元素實例,stomy: creation of an opening colostomy: creation of an opening into the colon through the abdominal wall gastroduodenostomy: creation of an opening between stomach and duodenum,字尾及其組合元素實例,osis:increase, condition arteriosclerosis: hardening of the arteries lymphocytosis: increase in number of lymph cells,字尾及其組合元素實例,penia: deficiency, decrease leukopenia: decrease of leukocytes in the blood angio: blood vessel angiotomy: dissection of blood vessel,字根及其組合元素實例,crani: skull craniotomy: surgical opening of skull cyt:cell erythrocyte: red blood cell,字根及其組合元素實例,derm:skin dermatitis:inflammation of skin enter: intestine enteritis: inflammation of the intestine,字根及其組合元素實例,hematemesis: vomiting of blood hematoma: a blood tumor hyster: uterus hysterectomy: excision of the uturus,字首及其組合元素實例,ante: before antenatal: before birth epi: upon epidermis: outer layer of the skin hemi: half hemiplegia: paralysis of one-half the body,字首及其組合元素實例,hyper: above, beyond, excessive hypertension: high blood pressure endo: within endocarditis: inflammation of the endocardium peri: around pericarditis: inflammation of the pericardium,英文診斷疾病全名英文縮寫中文全名 Adenocarcinoma Adenoca 腺癌 Atrial fibrillation Af 心房纖維顫動 Alpha-fetoprotein AFP -胎兒蛋白 Acute glomerulonephritis AGN 急性腎絲球腎炎 Acquired immune AIDS 後天免疫缺乏症候群 deficiency syndrome,常 見 縮 寫,英文診斷疾病全名 英文縮寫中文全名 AppendicitisAPP 闌尾炎 Abdomino-perineal resectionAPR 腹會陰切除 Adult respiratory distress ARDS 成人呼吸窘症候群 syndrome Acute renal failure ARF 急性腎衰竭 Atrial septal defectASD 心房中膈缺損 Atherosclerotic heart disease ASHD 粥樣硬化性心臟病,常 見 縮 寫,英文診斷疾病全名 英文縮寫 中文全名 Abdominal to
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