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Introduction check your understanding1. f Syntax and semantics each have their own strengths.2. f Pragmatics is also interested in how language use affects the language system.3. t 4. f 5. tIn-Class Activities1. ASK(1) Yes, hes coming.(2) Yes. No, he isnt coming(3) His knowledge about whether Pat likes cognitive linguistics or not.2.(1) a. John is obviously not Hitler. There is only one Hitler in the world.b. Golf as an inanimate object cant play a human being (John).c. It is a case of tautology that conveys no new information.d. “Idea” doesnt have color and cant sleep since it is inanimate. The whole sentence doesnt make sense.(2) a. it can be used for communication in a context where John shares some personality with Hitler.b. when John is a poor player of golf.c. in a context where a certain boy has done something wrong (out of naughtiness).(3) when the sentence is used in poetry to personalize the word idea.3.(1) a. In an entrance of a park.b. In the restroom of some public places like an airport.a. People are forbidden to bring dogs into the park.b. This place is for adults to change infant diapers.4. (1) Here the speaker wants to express his complaint that the couple are talking too loudly (and the implicit request for them to stop talking).(2) By saying so, the young man wants to convey their refusal to “my” request.The background knowledge we need is that since it is usually impolite to listen to other people private conversation, it is normal that “I” cant hear a word (thus the couple can continue their talk). 5.(1) This notice implies that all those who jump the red light are uncivilized, whatever the reason.(2)讲卫生的人不会随便吐痰。6. (1) This is an advertisement for a holiday inn and its food is so delicious that it can make the customers wife jealous. The “French toast” probably means a type of specialty provided by this holiday inn.(2) C: 你去哪里? 吃饭了没?E: How are you? Hows everything going?7. (1) He means he doesnt speak French.(2) Russian majors dont speak French.(3) Yes. It helps to indicate a negative answer.8. (1) a. He uses “that” under the assumption that his mom knows which letter is being referred to. b. He uses an imperative sentence to ask her mother to close the window, which is impolite.(2) Johnny: Mom, Ping Ping is coming to visit us this afternnoon. Mother: Who is Ping Ping?(3) Wang: Its not my fault, is it? Li: Yes. - Native speaker: Hi, you look good. Zhang: Not good, not good at all.Exercises Task3.1. when we get someone to do something, we tend to minimize the effort to be involved, but when we complain we tend to exaggerate the complaint. People want to be polite by mitigating(缓解,减轻,平静)the imposition, which is face-threatening.2. The first imperative is a general grammatical form, but the second, though still an imperative, can be used to sound more polite because of the addition of will you3. (in the office)Boss: Come to my office later.Clerk: Yes, sir.-(during the afternoon tea)Boss: How is your dad, Tom?Clerk: Hes fine. Thanks, Pat.4. He wants to suggest that he did not break the window because he was engaged with (? ) in something else in other places.5. In the novel The Catcher in the Rye, Holden, a middle school student always breaks the pragmatic conventions and in that way shows his rebellion.6. While we teach English to Chinese students, we not only impart linguistic information (phonetics, phonology, morphology, and syntax of English) but also pragmatic information (appropriate use of English in dynamic context). For instance, how we can use the question tag(反了?tag questions) to sound more tentative and be polite.Unit 1Check your understanding1. f That is the view held by John Austin in the early stage. 2. f Implicit performative utterances do not have a performative verb.3. f 4. f The completion of the perlocutionary act requires the addressees cooperation.5. t In-Class Activities1.(1) If youve ever said “I promise” or “I apologize”, you have performed those actions by the simple act of saying them. But “I know” and “I believe” are declarative. Saying them does not bring about any immediate change in the belief or knowledge of the speaker.(2) a. I wish you a great success.I admit Im wrong.b. I misunderstand your point. I see what you mean.(3) Yes. For example, when we say “我在这里向你道歉”,we are performing the act of apologizing.(?)2.(1) “A full apology” here means a wholly performative utterance of apology like “We apologize to the Chinese government and the Chinese people”. Indeed, “sorry” is not a performative verb.(2) To some extent, “sorry” can implicitly perform the act of apology.3.(1) The kidnapper intends to perform the acts of threatening and requiring.(2) He wants to make his words sound like an advice instead of a threatening.4.(1) a. locut
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