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“耶”随着一阵欢呼声及掌声,我们的指挥走上舞台,领下“红歌比赛一等奖”的奖状。 你可别以为这只是一个偶然的画面,要知道,这次的成功可是用我们的汗水所换来的。 早在两个月以前,我们就接到了要举办“红歌比赛”的通知。本来时间还早,其他班对此还不大重视,可我们班的班主任似乎一刻也不能等,不仅给我们排好了班歌,还让我们在每天早晨、下午练歌,让我们做着充足的准备迎接挑战。有一次,我们班主任还特的请来了一位音乐老师来指导我们,特别准备了两节课来练歌。当然,我们也不负众望,练得十分认真:有的脸涨红了;有的嗓子练哑了;有的甚至还在这严寒之际,唱出了汗水,渗透了衣裳。离红歌比赛还有一两周了。我们班主任又给我们编了队形,还给我们制出了道具:整个道具呈圆形,飞盘状,一面是咱们班“北山雄鹰”的班徽,一面是代表咱们六班每一棵“小树苗”的绿叶。你可别小看它,它不仅是我们比赛的制胜“法宝”,而且,为了给我们班69名同学每人一个,我们班的几位同学硬是忍冻挨饿,直至晚上十点半左右,才完成了那69个道具。还有几天就要比赛了,同学们抓的更紧了。在一次训练时,一个调皮的同学问道:“老师,你说我们会拿一等奖吗?”这句话打破了紧张的练习,大家都把目光投向班主任那儿。班主任笑着说:“当然啦!我们付出了这么多,如果连我们也拿不到第一,那恐怕就没有人敢去夺第一了。”班主任的一番话有使我们信心大增,再次点燃了我们心中的斗志,想着比赛做着最后的冲刺。比赛当天,我们班除了领唱和指挥,其余人员全部穿着统一色的校服,配上鲜艳的红领巾,再加上耀眼的班徽,给人一种“不拿第一,誓不罢休”的感觉。比赛时,我们忘却了练习时的辛苦,忘掉了站在舞台上的紧张,只是注视着指挥的每一个手势、每一个动作,满怀激情地唱出那嘹亮的歌声,完全沉浸在这优美的旋律里。知道主持人说出:“红歌比赛一等奖的获得者是初20级6班!”便出现了开头的那一幕。成功的花,人们只惊慕她现时的明艳!然而当初她的芽儿,渗透了奋斗的泪泉,洒遍了牺牲的血雨。英语专业八级词汇专项自测题十套(1000 题)By 朱晓慧(北大出版社)Edited by Adam Brown Shenstone- 2 -804. When toxic fumes from the factory chemical spill began to drift toward ourhomes, we were told to _.A. evacuate B. excavate C. exhale D. exhort805. The head of the department has a great _ for public speaking.A. flex B. flax C. flail D. flair806. They claim that the lack of collection _ into which rain and spilt liquids can draincould contaminate the surrounding land.A. aquatics B. sumps C. gauzes D. torsos807. Missionaries travel all over the world to preach the _.A. Gospel B. Gourmet C. Granary D. Gosh808. He worked as a builder in Chicago and _ half his monthly wage to his family inthe Philippines.A. refunded B. remitted C. reposed D. rebuffed809. Spread the cream evenly over your arms and legs and _ it into the skin.A. mastermind B. massacre C. massage D. message810. The painter has managed to capture every _ of the womans expression.A. nuance B. hysteria C. bison D. bitch811. She is one of the few professors in this department who have _.A. bogey B. tenure C. cessation D. penitence812. My idea of a holiday is to book myself into a five-star hotel and just _ in theluxury for a week.A. bellow B. burrow C. fallow D. wallow813. Health inspectors _ the kitchen staff for poor standards of cleanliness.A. castigated B. capitulated C. corroded D. debilitated814. He was _ when he touched the bare wires.A. slaked B. slaughtered C. enervated D. electrocuted815. Its wrong that some people have a _ of food, while others dont have any.A. beet B. surfeit C. gong D. rooster816. In human reproduction, one female egg is usually fertilized by one _.A. spike B. sperm C. spew D. sphere817. She found him sleeping in a _ hanging between trees.A. larva B. larynx C. hammock D. gut818. Since its _ in 1968, the company has been at the forefront of computerdevelopment.A. inception B. hearth C. amnesia D. banter819. _ is one component in several affective disorders, such as depression.A. Manor B. Mania C. Mantis D. Manila820. To make a Halloween lantern, you first have to _ out the inside of the pumpkin.A. connote B. belie C. accrue D. gouge821. He left what little furniture he owned to his landlord in _ of rent.A. lilac B. lesion C. lieu D. levity822. He went to strike her face but she _ his hand with her arm.A. adulated B. parried C. harried D. griped823. The ladder _ dangerously and I nearly fell off.英语专业八级词汇专项自测题十套(1000 题)By 朱晓慧(北大出版社)Edited by Adam Brown Shenstone- 3 -A. controverted B. teetered C. deciphered D. derogated824. Most political prisoners were freed under the terms of the _.A. curator B. diocese C. amnesty D. inquest825. Industrial waste is _ the environment.A. deflected B. deployed C. detracted D. despoiling826. In the suburbs the spacious houses stand in _ contrast to the slums of the cityspoor.A. foolhardy B. furtive C. insidious D. stark827. If the dam breaks it will _ large parts of the town.A. inundate B. bootleg C. circumvent D. gird828. Her later writing so lacked subtlety that it almost read like a _ of her earlierwork.A. urn B. satin C. consortium D. parody829. It is a _ of contemporary psychology that an individuals mental health issupported by having good social networks.A. tenor B. tenet C. tensile D. tentacle830. The companys sales _ from $ 11 million to $ 160 million.A. zoomed B. doomed C. bustled D. buttedII. Each sentence has a word or phrase underlined. There are four words or phrasesbeneath each sentence. Choose the ONE word or phrase which would best keep themeaning of the original sentence if it were substituted for the underlined part:831. The climate in the great plain is arid.A. hot and dry B. hot and wet C. cold and wet D. cold and dry832. The armaments race among the great powers is a threat to world peace.A. arms B. army C. armour D. armature833. He was assailed with questions after his lecture.A. astonished B. frightened C. assaulted D. disappointed834. Many of the old houses have
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