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Procrastination 拖延症,TEAM: Mr.Sang Mr.Liu Mr.Jing,What is procrastination?,1. Do you always not be able to get out of your bed ?,What is procrastination?,2. How many times do you put off your important work later .and later and later, finally to find there is no time left to fnish it ?,What is procrastination?,3. Do you ever stay up late to do the homework or prepare for tomorrows examination ?,What is procrastination?,procrastination is: a habit of putting off till tomorrow what you should be doing today. doing something that starts with a long period of nothingness but ends in a flurry of late activity . the avoidance of doing a task which needs to be accomplished . Indecisive about what to do and how to do.,What is procrastination at all ?,The side effect of procrastination,Maybe some of you are a procrastinator, but youre not alone. Because everyone of us has experienced it at one time or another. Is this habit a good or bad one? Does it matter?,Maybe some of you are a procrastinator, but youre not alone. Because everyone of us has experienced it at one time or another. Is this habit a good or bad one? Does it matter?,It is natural to procrastinate occasionally. But excessive procrastination can have painful consequences. Excessive procrastination creates: Low achievement.,The side effect of procrastination,The side effect of procrastination,Feeling guilty that you are not getting anything done.,Ineffective personal organisation.,Much stress and anxiety.,Causes of Procrastination,Lack of clear goals and objectives. Underestimating the time required to complete the tasks. It is too boring and you are not inspired and motivated to do it. Perhaps each time you think of that task, you can think of things that are much more fun to do.,Causes of Procrastination,You feel overwhelmed with the task, because it is too challenging for you and you dont have all the skills that needed to complete it. You are a perfectionist, you desire to do everything perfectly, completely, and to your high standards. Do any of these apply to you?,How to get rid of this habit?,Some tips to banish procrastination: Determine why you delay working on your task. Is it a specific task that youre putting off, or do you procrastinate everything ? What is it about this task that stops you from doing it? * Are you scared of failing?* Do you fear that youll fall short of whats expected of you?* Are you just lazy?* Are you resentful of whoever put this obligation upon you?,How to get rid of this habit?, Get rid of clutter. Clutter is a drain on your mental energy. Remember that the things clutter your space are robbing you of your peace., Make a list of what needs to be done and prioritize these. One way of doing this is by deadlines. Arrange them in order of when they are due. You may also choose to rank them by how important it is to get them done.,How to get rid of this habit?,Just begin to do it from now. It sounds simple enough, but few notice it. Maybe you delay the task because is too overwhelming. But, you will stress and worry during the final moments before its due.,How to get rid of this habit?,Break it down. Most big jobs can be broken down into smaller pieces. Focusing on one small task at a time can keep you from getting overwhelmed. List the steps for your project, complete the tasks on your list one by one until the project is completed. Seek the help of a professional organizer. If you find that your procrastination is due to your lack of organization, a professional can help you regain control quickly. An organization professional is the fastest way to turn a life of chaos into complete order.,How to get rid of this habit?,Take breaks. Taking scheduled breaks while working. If you go for a 10-minute walk or work on a Sudoku puzzle(数独), youll feel re-energize and youll be in a better frame of mind to go on. Reward yourself. Bribe yourself with a small reward . A warm bubble bath, your favorite TV show, or indulging in your favorite hobby are possible rewards.,Conclusion,Without procrastination you can have anything for yourself ! * Lovely family. * Financial freedom. * Girlfriend/Boyfriend. * Be more productive. * Pursue your hobbies and have time for everything else you love. * Eat healthy, quit eating bad foods, candy, sweets, and chips. The sooner you get started on the process of achieving your goals, the better they will be realized.,Thank you!,
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