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,Lie to me别对我说谎,LIE TO ME is the compelling drama series inspired by the scientific discoveries of a real-life psychologist who can read clues embedded in the human face, body and voice to expose the truth and lies in criminal investigations. It is based on Paul Ekmans research and work, who is a pioneer in the study of emotions and their relation to the facial expressions. Mr. Ekman works as an psychologist at the University of California.,“Statistically speaking, the average person tells three lies per ten minutes conversation.” a genius psychologist with an expertise in body language, predominantly microexpressions, and a founder of The Lightman Group. His mother committed suicide while he was still young, leading him to discovering and researching microexpressions. The character is based on Dr. Paul Ekman,Dr. Cal Lightman (Tim Roth),A buffer(缓冲) against Cals extreme personality Has a open pact with Lightman: not to let their professional skill interfere with coworkers personal lives. This character is based on Dr. Maureen OSullivan, a emeritus(荣誉退休的) professor of psychology at the University of San Francisco.,Dr. Gillian Foster (Kelli Williams),“I have dated a lot of man. ” A “natural” in telling from lies. During the recruitment, Litghtman asked,” have you ever had any specialized deception(欺骗) training?” She said, “I have dated a lot of man.” Though talented and loyal, she lacks academic training and sometimes lets her emotions cloud (使模糊不清) her judgment.,Ria Torres (Monica Raymund),“Technical man “ with “radical honesty “(彻底的诚实) Acquired his skills in reading microexpressions through academic education and practice. Adheres to Radical Honesty, and thus rarely lies, even if that makes him appear rude or undiplomatic(不善交际的).,Eli Loker (Brendan Hines),Lie to me,If you are a man, you can watch it to learn how to tell a good lie. If you are a woman, you can watch it to learn how to tell from a lie.,SEVEN BASIC MICROEXPRESSIONS,Examples,Classic one-sided shrug. Translation: Ive absolutely no confidence of what I just said.,Once talking about a person, if he clenches his fists, then he hates this guy very much.,shameful,Look at that hand :Its tensed. Turned upwards at her side like this. Then the person is having an argument or quarrel with someone else.,Eyebrows go up, like this, the person knows the answer to the question theyre asking.,IN THE END,Its not a good thing when you are good at distinguishing every lies. But I think it is kind of necessary to learn such skills in case of being cheated. Hope you enjoy and finally love Lie to me.,
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