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广告语欣赏与翻译,浙江省苍南中学 吴必宪,Appreciation and Translation of Advertising Slogans,Enjoy Coca-Cola,Impossible Is Nothing,Just Do It,To Be No.1,Tip 1:,Being short, simple but attractive,Group work,Im loving it,-耐克,-鸿星尔克,-可口可乐,-阿迪达斯,-麦当劳,Find out their characteristics(特征),Born To Shine.,-LG手机,Start Ahead.,I Am More Satisfied.,All Roads Lead to Holiday Inn.,Where There Is a Way, There Is Toyota.,Tip 2:,Playing on words and sentences,Hi-Fi,Hi-Fun,Hi-Fashion,Only from Sony.,-飘柔,-摩尔香烟,-假日餐馆,-丰田汽车,-索尼电子,Group work,Find out their characteristics(特征),Match,1.某快餐广告:Feel Good, Fast Food. 2.第比尔斯 :A Diamond Lasts Forever. 3.英特尔奔腾:Intel Pentium Inside. 4.诺基亚:Connecting People. 5.现代汽车的广告:Prepare To Want One.,众望所归,翘首以待 准备拥有一辆 快餐,感觉良好 快餐食品,可口温馨 内装奔腾芯 连接人类 给电脑一颗奔腾的“芯” 科技以人为本 钻石恒久远,一颗永流传 一颗钻石,流传永远,Tip 1:,Translate flexibly(灵活地).,1. 我们是烹鸡专家!,2. Bailing, beyond comparison,Individual work,1. Good to the last drop. -麦斯威尔咖啡,2. Melt in your mouth, not in your hand -M&M巧克力,3. 蚊子,杀! 杀! 杀! 雷达牌驱虫剂,5. Apple thinks different.-苹果电脑,4. 永不止步!-安踏,Good to the last drop. -麦斯威尔咖啡,滴滴香浓,意犹未尽,Melt in your mouth, not in your hand -M&M巧克力,只溶在口,不溶在手,Mosquito, Bye! Bye! Bye!,Apple thinks different.-苹果电脑,苹果电脑,不同凡“想”,蚊子,杀! 杀! 杀! 雷达牌驱虫剂,永不止步!-安踏,Keep Moving,Group work,Design an English advertising slogan for Wechat(微信) and translate it into Chinese.,Wechat, with it, whenever. 微信,时刻拥有,Assignment,Surf the Internet to find out more advertising slogans and try to translate them into Chinese.,Thank you!,
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