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Unit 3 Im more outgoing than my sister第三课时Section B (1a1e)【学习目标】1学生能掌握本课时的核心重点单词和短语:talented, be talented in, truly, care, care about, laugh,能正确运用句型the sameas和asas。2通过听力训练,提高学生综合听说能力。3了解人与人之间的差异性,了解自己对朋友的看法,明确自己需要什么样的朋友。【学习重点】用所学的功能语言,与学生交流什么样的朋友才是最好的朋友。【学习难点】听力训练,提高学生的综合听说能力Learning action tips:When we talk about our friends, we use comparative degrees of adjectives and adverbs, for example:He is quieter than me.Have a free communication between teacher and students, and describe their own friends with the comparative degrees of adj. and adv.Learning action tips: Preview the words on Page20 in the word list. Students read the words by phonetic symbols, then underline new words in the text and mark the Chinese meaning.【Method coach】look 作系动词的用法look the same 看起来look similar 看起来相似look different 看起来不同make me laugh的用法(1)make sb.do sth. 意为“让某人做某事”,make作“让”解时,其后的宾语补足语须用省去不定式符号to的动词原形。(2)laugh作动词,意为“笑”。常用于laugh at 短语中,表示“取笑、讥笑、嘲笑”。【导练】( D )(1)We should not laugh _ others when they are in trouble.AtoBforConDat(2)This photo often makes me think(think) of my teachers in the primary school.情景导入生成问题1T:Do you have friends?S:_2T:Do you think what kind of things are important in a friend?S:_自学互研生成能力Task 1Lets read the new words and the phrases.1I can read.(我会读)talented,be talented in, truly, care, care about, laugh2I can write.(我会写)翻译下列短语:(1)be good at擅长于(2)care about关心(3)make me laugh使我发笑 (4)a good listener一个好的听众(5)cool clothes凉爽的衣服(6)do the same things as me和我做同样的事情(7)be talented in music在音乐方面有才能(8)a little quieter更文静点(9)be different from与不同(10)look similar看起来相似3I can use.(我会用)辨析the sameas与asas两者都意为“和一样”,但用法有别:(1)the sameas中same是形容词,后接名词。(2)asas中第一个as是副词,后接形容词或副词的原级。第二个as多为连词,后面常接从句;也可作介词,后接名词或代词等。即:asadj./adv.原级as名词/代词(主格/宾格)/句子。李雷和我一样高。Li Lei is the_same height as meLi Lei is as tall as me.Task 2Lets listen to the tape and finish 1c,1d.Task 3Make conversations about your good friends.1I can practice.(我会练)A:What kind of things are important in a friend?B:I think a good friend truly cares about me and is a good listener.A:Who is your best friend?B:Tom.A:Why do you like him?B:Because he usually makes me laugh.A:Is he(1) different_from(与不同)you in any way?B:Well, Yes, Im good at sports. I exercise harder_than Tom.2I can make conversations.(我会编对话)你能结合课文内容编写对话,来介绍什么样的朋友才是最好的朋友吗?运用句型Who is your best friend? What do you like about her/him? Why do you like her/him? A:Hi,_Molly._Who_is_your_best_friend? B:My_best_friend_is_Mary. A:What_do_you_like_about_her? B:Well,_she_does_the_same_as_me,_and_thats_important_for_me.both的用法(1)“both of主语”意为两者都,谓语动词用复数形式。(2)bothand意为“和都”如:Both Tom and Jim are good at English. 汤姆和吉姆都擅长英语。Task 2Learning action tips:1Listen to the tape on Page20 and finish the listening tasks in 1c. Then students listen to the tape again and finish the task in 1d.2Require students to imitate listening, practice the dialogue in role and ask students to show in class. To see which one is the best performance.Task 3Learning action tips: Read the dialogue, students imitate and make a dialogue. Have dialogue practices with“What kind of things are important in a friend?”and“Who is your best friend? Mary is.”“Why do you like her? Because she ”Learn to create scene to perform dialogues while making the dialogues.【备注】3.I can summarize.(我会总结)两者进行比较的句型:the sameas,likes to do the same things as methe same和as可以连用,也可以分开用,意为“和一样”,其中same前必须用定冠词the。 这里的as是一个连词,其后的me也可用主格“I”,还可以用省略的“主语助动词”结构。如:Hollys best friends like to do the_same things as she does. (Holly 最好的朋友们喜欢与她做一样的事情。)交流展示生成新知Preshow:Show in groups. (Time:six minutes)Task 1:First read the words and phrases in groups,then read together and sum up the usage of the words in groups,mark the difficult words in pronunciation and understanding(students can ask teacher for help)At last,write them on the blackboard.Task 3:First discuss and check the answers in Task 3 in groups, then discuss and set scenes to perform the dialogues,introduce their good friends. At last write them on the blackboard.Promotion show:Class show. (Time:sixteen minutes)Task 1:1.I can read.(1)Read together,pay attention to the pronunciation of the words;(2)Consolidate the words by word games
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