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河南省郑州市2020届高三英语上学期第八次周考试题第二部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分40分)第一节 (共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。 A The annual Hong Kong Book Fair is one of the largest of its kind in Asia,attracting the attendance of several hundred thousand book lovers. The Fair gives readers an opportunity to have a preview of new books and to communicate with book writers. It also aims at promoting local reading culture through the organization of various activities. During the seven-day event, its also hoped that visitors would respond and contribute to the Fairs appeal for environmental protection to make the Hong Kong Book Fair a green spotlight.Download app to reduce papers The HK Book Fair app is newly developed this year to provide instant fair updates for visitors. Go green and reduce the use of paper maps.Green travel To prevent serious traffic jams and reduce air pollution, ask your friends to visit the Hong Kong Book Fair together using public transport.Carry own shopping bags Plastic shopping bag charging has been fully conducted in Hong Kong. Exhibitors shouldn t distribute plastic bags to customers for free. Theyll have to charge customers no less than 50 cents for each plastic bag. Therefore, visitors are encouraged to carry their own bags!Waste recycle Categorized waste recycle bins are placed inside. Please support waste recycle.Share the love for forests During and after the Fair,you must be eager to share many photos with your friends, but please try to do so through your blogs or e-mails in order to reduce paper consumption, thus contributing to the protection of our forests. Also, drinking machines and paper cups are available inside. But please be environmentally friendly and try to bring your own bottle.21.According to the text, the Hong Kong Book Fair .A.takes place every year B. lasts a whole fortnightC. has had an app since its beginning D. just attracts thousands of book writers22.What are visitors to the Fair encouraged to do?A.Rent a car with their friends. B. Bring water bottles themselves.C. Stop using shopping bags. D. Share photos with friends in any way they like.23. What is the purpose of the text?A.Introducing activities of a book fair.B. Increasing attendance to a book fair.C.Providing details about a book fair.D. Offering green tips for a book fair.B Looking at Rosa Ferrignos new suit, you could swear it was knitted (织)with regular yam(毛线).Its only when you touch it and hear the characteristic rustling(沙沙声)of plastic that you realize theres something special about it. In fact, the suit is made out of over 300 plastic grocery bags. Ferrigno, who once worked as a tailor before starting a family, got the idea for her unique hand-made suit last August. She was at a family picnic and saw one of the other guests carrying a purse made from re-purposed plastic bags. It attracted her, so she and her daughter searched for instructions on how to make one on YouTube. The 75- year-old ended up making a purse from colorful plastic bags. But that was only the beginning. After finishing her second plastic bag purse,Ferrigno realized she needed something to match it with,so last November she told her daughter she was going to make a skirt and jacket suit out of plastic bags,as a winter project. Rosa started by cutting up the plastic bags into strips(条)and then tying them together to make longer, yam- like strips that could be knitted. But to knit the plastic yam, she needed large needles that didn t exist on the market, so she made them on her own. The suit took Rosa two months to complete. The jacket was made out of 170 plastic bags, and the skirt required another 140. Although she didn t even use a pattern when knitting the impressive suit, it ended up fitting her perfectly, and when she finally showed it off at the supermarket earlier this month, everyone went crazy. “We love it when our customers reuse or recycle grocery bags, but never have we seen a work of art like Rosa s! Its really fantastic! ”Jo Natale, the supermarket chain s vice president of media relations, said.24. What makes Rosa Ferrignos new suit special?A.Its unique way of knitting. B. Its unusual knitting material.C. Its being knitted by an old lady.D. Its being able to sing when touched.25. How did Rosa learn to make purses out of plastic bags?A.By modelling a guest. B. By consulting her daughter.C. By watching YouTube videos. D. By asking a tailor for instructionsf26. What do Jo Natales words in the last paragraph suggest?A. She thinks highly of Rosas behavior.B. Rosas work of art will become popular. C. The potential of grocery bags needs further developing.D. She thinks all customers should follow Rosas footsteps.27. What can be inferred about Rosa from the text?
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