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学 海 无 涯 专门用途英语课程系列:大学学术英语视听说教程上 Unit 1 Belonging to a Group Chapter 1 The Marriage, Family, and the Home Reading and thinking about the topic B. Answer the questions 1、Increased industrialization, greater geographical mobility, higher divorce rates and greater equality for women are among the changes that have affected family structure over the past century. 2、In the extended family, many generations live in the same household. In the nuclear family, two married adults live together with their children 3、Alternative family structures include single-parent families, couples living together without getting married, divorced couples who remarry, and blended families. Listening for factual information A. Fill in the chart 1、Egypt 2、Niger 3、South Africa 4、Argentina 5、Canada,学 海 无 涯 6、the United States 7、China 8、Japan 9、France 10、Spain B. Listen and fill in the chart 18 29 27 27 31 18 16 34 35 27 32 30 34 33 Interview 1 -The Stress of Teaching First-Graders Examining vocabulary in context: 1、compared to most people 2、food prepared at home 3、stop fighting 4、hardly 5、customs 6、origins 7、protection, a place to live 8、competition between brothers and sisters 9、telling others what to do 10、give up and cooperate Listening for details: 1、C 2、B,学 海 无 涯,3、B 4、C 5、B 6、B 7、C 8、A Interview 2- Family Stories Examining vocabulary in context: 1、entertained, kept her from paying attention to something 2、laughing in an uncontrolled way 3、defrost 4、really funny 5、object that belongs to the family 6、distinctive, different 7、worth a lot of money 8、an object that remains in the family for many years 9、a family member with a bad reputation Responding to questions: 1、Thanksgiving a big dinner 2、plastic packaging 3、make them throw the turkey out,学 海 无 涯,4、froze 5、a bow 6、unique and beautiful a baby 7、pass it on to her children in the future 8、uncle 9 、 had a big disagreement with them Listening for stressed words: Expert 1 A C Expert 2 A C Expert 3 B C Expert 4 A C Expert 5 B,学 海 无 涯,C Before the Lecture Main ideas and supporting details: 1.2 2.1 3.1 4.2 5.2 Lecture Part 1-Lecture Part 1 Rewards and Punishments Guessing vocabulary from context: 1-5: iacjf 6-10: gdbhe Organizing your notes in columns: Main Idea 1 family the most basic unit of social structure how families are changing nontraditional families: good or bad effect on children Main Idea 2 punishments Main Idea 3 eat vegetables then ice cream Children get gifts for good behavior.,学 海 无 涯,Main Idea 4 second important way in which children are socialized Parents dont let children watch TV if they get bad grades. Main Idea 5 Hitting on hand/spanking doesnt teach children anything. Lecture Part 2 -Modeling Guessing vocabulary from context: 1、f 2、d 3、e 4、b 5、a 6、g 7、c Organizing your notes in columns: Main Idea 6 learning to behave by following an example Main Idea 7 First role models are often parents Peter likes to study because his mother studies with him. Main Idea 8 do as I tell you,学 海 无 涯 Studies: If you smoke, probably ineffective to tell a child not to smoke. Main Idea 9 family members, friends Main Idea 10 from TV: 80% of programs contain violent behavior Main Idea 11 grow up in environment with fair rules that are followed Chapter 2 The Power of the Group Reading and thinking about the topic B. Answer the questions: 1、People can belong to different groups: families, friends, groups at work, at school, and in religious settings, and societies and nations. 2、Peer pressure is pressure put on others of the same age or in the same situation. 3、The groups we belong to may influence our opinions, interactions, and decisions. Getting Started Listening for specific information/B: 1、would would not 2、would,学 海 无 涯,would 3、would would not 4、would not would not 5、would would not Before the Interviews Before the Interviews: a 、 go along with the crowd b、jumping on the bandwagon c、Two heads are better than one. d、theres no “I” in team e、Dont be a backseat driver. f、youre all in the same boat Interview 1 -Living with Teenagers Examining vocabulary in context: 1、move or change 2、becomes fully developed 3、with a quick look 4、a new fashion that is suddenly popular 5、watch it carefully,学 海 无 涯 6、place a limit on what is permitted 7、intimidated, frightened by others 8、groups of friends with shared interests 9 、 people who copy others behavior Listening for main ideas: 2 3 4 7 8 Interview 2- Expressions about Groups Examining vocabulary in context: 1、student studying for an advanced degree, like an MA 2、stress, focus on the importance of 3、a person specializing in languages 4、people who are similar do similar things together 5、spend time with 6、acting in the same way as other people 7、large numbers of people went to the concert 8、suggests Listening for specific information: 1、A,学 海 无 涯,2、B 3、B 4、A 5、A 6、B 7、B Listening for tone of voice: 1、joking 2、serious 3、joking 4、serious 5、joking Before the Lecture Organizational phrases: a、7 b、2 c、4 d、1 e、8 f、3 g、5 h、6,学 海 无 涯 Lecture Part 1 -
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