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like doing的用法,舞钢市第一小学 黄珺,外研版小学英语 五年级上册,like doing 的肯定和否定用法,exercises,I like playing football.,We like singing.,He likes fishing.,She likes watching TV.,They like playing chess.,She likes drawing.,like+doing 表示喜欢做某事。用来表达一个人的爱好、习惯。 在肯定句中,当主语是I/We/You,以及第三人称复数时,结构为:like doing 当主语是第三人称单数时,结构为:likes doing eg. like reading. likes eating apples.,I We You They,He/She/It,I dont like dancing.,He doesnt like playing basketball.,It doesnt like fishing.,They dont like playing chess.,在否定句中,当主语是I/We/You,以及第三人称复数时,结构为:dont like doing,当主语是第三人称单数时,结构为:doesnt like doing,eg. dont like reading. doesnt like eating apples.,I We You They,He/She/It,Tips: does 一出现,动词要还原。,Exercise 1,Finish the blanks by using like doing. 1.I_ (shop). 2. We _ (sing) 3. She _(swim) 4. Sam and Amy _(play) chess. 5.The dog _ (eat) bones.,like shopping,like singing,likes swimming,like playing,likes eating,Exercise 2,Finish the blanks by using dont/doesnt like doing. 1. I _ (shop). 2. They _(read). 3.He _(swim). 4. Sam and Amy _(play) football. 5.My father _(sing).,dont like shopping,dont like reading,doesnt like swimming,dont like playing,doesnt like singing,THANKYOU,
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