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VR&AR技术简介,2017/07/27,VR 基本概念,VR的基本特性: 沉浸感(Immersion) 三维立体图像生成 置身虚拟环境 身临其境的感觉 交互性(Interation) 在虚拟环境中进行交互 有如真实世界的感知 构想性(Imagination) 获取新的知识,深化概念,萌发新的联想 启发人的创造性思维,Virtual reality(VR) is acomputertechnology that usesVirtual reality headsets, sometimes in combination with physical spaces or multi-projected environments, to generate realistic images, sounds and other sensations that simulate a users physical presence in a virtual or imaginary environment.,Source: https:/en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Virtual_reality,VR headsets,水平锥齿轮,运动装置,中间锥齿轮,显示位置调节单元,Samsung Gear,Sourse: 1. http:/kognit.dfki.de/category/uncategorized/ 2. 3. http:/onu-,聚焦调节器,低延迟OLED FHD屏,内置视频运行程序,位置追踪,摄像头,立体环绕扬声器,人眼跟踪系统,人眼跟踪系统,模组贴附板,其他光学组件,Vrvana Totem,VR设备中的传感器&制约体验的因素,内容:内容是否丰富 屏幕刷新率:决定画面延迟程度 交互方式:不干扰沉浸体验 眩晕感:舒适度 可视角度:与视野范围 屏幕分辨率:清晰度 设备重量:舒适度,制约体验的因素,AR基本结构及原理,Augmented reality (AR) , is a live direct or indirect view of a physical, real-world environment whose elements are augmented by computer-generated sensory input such as sound, video, graphics or GPS data.,http:/hyper-reality.co/,AR&VR厂商,Thank you!,
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