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British Culture,Chapter 5,Introduction,Focus of this chapter Similarities shared by the British people Contemporary middle-class culture,General Traits of the British People,reserved,generous and was crowned on June 2, 1953.,Coronation (加冕礼),The Westminster Abbey 威斯敏斯特大教堂/西敏寺,帝国王冠和权杖,Elizabeth IIs crown,Elizabeth IIs crown,Elizabeth IIs crown,Elizabeth IIs hats,Elizabeth IIs hats,She was married to the Prince Philip, the Duke of Edinburgh, on November 20, 1947.,The Prince of Wales, eldest son of Queen Elizabeth II and Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh, is heir apparent to the throne.,Former Princess of Wales, Diana,the present Princess of Wales, Duchess of Cornwall,Prince William and Prince Harry,Prince William and Kate,The Duke of York , the second son and the third child of The Queen and The Duke of Edinburgh.,The Princess Royal(长公主), the second child and only daughter of The Queen and The Duke of Edinburgh.,The Earl of Wessex is the third son and youngest child of The Queen and The Duke of Edinburgh.,The Buckingham Palace,Q: Why do the British continue to support their monarchy? Scandals: ceaseless coverage from the mass media Spending: 36,700,000 (2005) Symbol of the nation Public trust in the Queen is much higher than in other politicians,A Rigid Class System,The Upper Class: the aristocracy the royal families, the peerages and the offshoots of these families Peerage system Duke Marquess Earl Viscount Baron,A Rigid Class System,The Middle Class the upper-middle class: the professionals the lower-middle class: white-collar workers and shop owners The Working Class: blue-collar workers The Under Class Interesting facts An ingrained class consciousness Money has little to do with the class system in England. Differences in education, language patterns and regional accents, leisure activities and even food Few people try to move out of their class,Stiff Upper Lips 玩转上等人,Education,3-5: nursery schools or day care facilities (paid) 5-12: primary schools (free) expensive public schools/ independent schools: Eton or Harrow (private schools) less expensive public schools free state schools 12-16: secondary schools (free) grammar schools comprehensive schools 16-18: tertiary schools Who plan to enter the university Who choose some kind of vocational training Forms Advanced degrees: evening classes Associate degree: 2 years College degree: 3 years,Education,18: A-Level (Advanced Level) examinations a requirement to enter a university Degrees Bachelors: 3 years Masters: 2 years Doctorate: 2 years Open University by correspondence through TV,The Health Care System,National Health Care System (NHC)/ National Health Service (NHS)国民医疗服务制度 free for all British people Dental care, glasses and prescription: paid financed by taxation and social insurance system General Practitioner (GP) 全科医师: Family Doctor Community Health Services Hospitals at different levels Free system for emergency and for pregnancy and Baby Clinics Reservation and Waiting for your turn Medical insurance from private companies,Family and Childcare,A nuclear family Father + Mother + Children An extended family (+ Grandparents + other family members) Breadwinner Traditionally: Father Double-income family DINK Daily walks Early bedtime Sleep with parents ,Baby in Pram,(Double Income, No Kids),Housing,Types of houses in England Detached 独立房屋 Semi-detached 半独立房屋 Terrace 连排别墅 Flats (apartments) 公寓 Bungalow 平房(一层) Gardens and Gardening private gardens public gardens,Detached,Semi-detached,Terrace,Flats (Apartments),Bungalow: a house without stairs,A private garden,Food,“Full English Breakfast” replaced by simple and basic breakfast Tea-break : 11:00 a.m. Lunch: 12:30-2:00 p.m. Sunday Roast: a traditional meal eaten by a family at Sunday lunchtime Tea-time (Afternoon tea): 3:30-5:00 p.m. High Tea: in the early evening (the Scots) Supper: 7:00-8:30 p.m. Snacks: between meals (sweets and crisps) British Pubs (Public Houses): Bar + Restaurant a social institution: multifunctional (restaurant, hotel, leisure and social center) a representation of British life,An ancient British pub,“斜屋”酒吧,95-year-old bartender (2009),Religion,The Church of England Not regular church-goers Married in church,St. Pauls Cathedral 圣保罗大教堂,Entertainment,hobbies,Mass MediaTV,BBC: the British Broadcasting Company BBC English: RP Received Pronunciation TV licenses Domestic for-profit stations,Mass Medianewspapers,Quality newspapers: to inform The Times 泰晤士报 The Daily Telegraph 每日电讯报 The Guardian卫报 The Financial Times金融时报 The Observer观察家 Popular newspapers: to entertain The Sun太阳报 Daily Mirror镜报 News of the World世界新闻报,Sports,Attitudes a nation of sports lovers but a less competitive people: sportsmanship over competition Why? Types annual contests between Amateur groups: the Gentlemen annual contests between Professional groups: the Players Great Events Wimbledon: tennis (温布尔登网球公开赛) the Soccer Cup Final (The English Premier League)(英格兰足总杯) the English Derby (德比赛马会):
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