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Unit 2 Cambridge is a beautiful city in the east of England.课型Reading and vocabulary教学目标Knowledge: To describe the location of a place To get information about Cambridge, London and English To write about your home town Key vocabulary: north, south, west, home town, be famous for, island, area, low, mountain, countryside, umbrellaKey structures: It has a population of about 120,000. so it is bigger and busier than Cambridge. It is never very hot in summer or very cold in winter.教学重点(1)能听并读懂介绍家乡的文章,了解文章的主旨 (2)运用所学语言学会简单介绍自己的家乡教学难点学会运用形容词的比较级谈论描述自己的家乡教学方法PWP Communicative教学用具Multi-Media (or Tape recorder, OHP)教学过程Preparationl. Look at the map of England and read the sentences. Ask the students to look at the map and tell what it shows. Read the four compass points (north, south, east, west) separately and then have the students repeat. Read out the sentences while they follow. Read the sentences again and have the students repeat chorally and individually. 2. Read the passage and choose a title for each picture below. Ask the students to look at the pictures and elicit what they can see. Ask them to guess which places the pictures show and predict the title for each picture. Ask them to read the passage and check whether their guesses and predictions were right. Ask them to choose the correct titles and check the answers with a partner.Extension: Write one true and one false example statements on the board for the students to check. For example:Cambridge is in the east of England. (T)London is about 1,000 years old. (F) Ask the students to work in pairs and write as many true/false statements as possible. Go around the class and check if the statements are grammatically correct. Tell the students to give their statements to another pair to decide whether they are true or false. Elicit a few pairs to present their statements to the class. 3. Complete the table comparing Cambridge with London. Ask the students to look at the table to see what information they have to find. Tell them to scan the passage quickly to find the key information and underline it. Ask them to complete the table on their own. Ask them to check answers with a partner. Elicit answers in full sentences from the whole class.4. Complete the passage with the words and expression in the box. Read through the words and expression in the box with the class. Make sure they are clear about the meanings. Ask the students to read the passage. Make clear what it is about. Tell them to read again and complete the passage. Elicit answers from the whole class. Nominate a few students to read the passage aloud line by line.Language points1. in the south of in the south of意为“在(内部)的南部”,与此类似的还有in the east / west / north of ., 意为“在(内部)的东/西/北部”。如: Shanghai is in the east of China. 上海位于中国的东部。广州在中国的南部。 _ (Guangzhou is in the south of China. )2. 以west(西方)为例,讲讲方位词和不同的介词搭配时的意思。 A. Gansu is in the west of China. 甘肃在中国的西部。 B. Shanxi is on the west of Hebei. 山西在河北西部。 C. China is to the west of Japan. 中国在日本的西方。例句A中, Gansu位于China范围内的西方, 本句用的介词是in;例句B中, Shanxi在Hebei的西部, 彼此接壤, 本句用的介词是on;例句C中, China位于日本范围外的西方, 本句用的介词是to。 in指在某地域范围之内的某个方位; on指与某一地域边界相接的某个方位; to指在某一地域范围之外某个方位。3. be famous for be famous for是一固定短语,意为“因而闻名/出名”。如: Hangzhou is famous for the West Lake. 杭州以西湖而闻名。 中国以长城而闻名。 _(China is famous for the Great Wall.)辨析 be famous for; be famous as都是“以而出(著)名”的意思,但它们会在含义和用法上有区别。 (1)当主语是表示人的名词时,be famous for表示“以某种知识、技能、作品或特征而出名”,be famous as 则表示“以某身份而出名”。试比较:Einstein was famous for his Theory of Relativity. 爱因斯坦以他的相对论而著名。 Einstein was famous as a great scientist. 爱因斯坦以一位伟大的科学家而著称。 He is famous for his novels. 他因他的小说而出名。 Lu Xun was famous as a writer. 鲁迅是位著名的作家。(2)当主语是地点名词时,be famous for 表示“以某种特点(产品)而出名”;be famous as 则表示“以什么样的产地而出名”。如:Scotland has many lakes and mountains, and is famous for its beautiful countryside. 苏格兰有许多湖泊和山脉,并以其乡村美景著称。The area is famous as a green tea producing place. 这个地区以绿茶产地而出名。(3)当主语是事物名词时,be famous for表示“以其内容、特征、价值等而被人所知”;be famous as 则表示“以某种形式出名”。如:This grammar book is famous for its practical usage. 这本语法书以其实用性而被人所知。This book is famous as a reference book. 这是一本有名的参考书。China is _ the Great Wall and pandas. A. famous as B. famous for C. ready to D. ready for4. with seven and a half million people.million意为“百万”,当million与具体数字连用时,million要用单数形式,且不和of搭配;而当million意为 “成百万的;数以百万的”,表达不确切的数字概念时,应该用 millions of 。He was prepared to pay two million. 他愿意支付200万。 A careless mistake cost the company millions of pounds.
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