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Unit6 Do you like bananas?教学重点复习句型 I like/ dont like. Do you like?教学难点画出喜欢吃的食品。三维目标知识与能力通过谈论和书写自己早餐、午餐、晚餐喜欢吃什么,进一步巩固所识,强化学生说和写的能力。 过程与方法采用Acting,Saying and Writing 等策略,积极开展富有成效的Pair work, Group work, 等口语交际活动,使学生积极参与,谈论自己或他人好恶。情感目标谈论三餐饮食,增进同学友谊。教学过程 Step 1 Reading (3c)检查作业,让学生读他们写的那段话。其他学生指出他们三餐喜欢吃什么。1. 学生标出他们认识的单词,不认识的单词问同桌或其他同学,并让学生大声读读这些单词,找几个学生起来读一下。纠正发音。2. Write new words.3. Draw the food students like to eat for lunch.4. Make survey. Ask the classmates what they like to eat lunch. 让学生调查一下同学们午餐喜欢吃什么,运用句型 Do you like ? Yes, I do. / No, I dont. 一般在小组范围内询问,做好统计,填入表格。5. Find someone who likes to eat the same lunch as you.6. Say the food students like to eat for lunch.Step 4语言能力养成性评价( ) 1. He likes some _. A. apple B. banana C. broccoli D. salad( ) 2. Please read your list _ food to us. A. at B. in C. of D. on( ) 3. She doesnt like _. A. tomato B. tomatoes C. tomatos D. a tomato( ) 4. _ Clark _ French fries? A. do;like B. does;like C. Does;like D. Do;likes( ) 5. I have chicken and fruit _ dinner. A. of B. for C. at D. in( ) 6. Sandra Clark is a _ star. A. run B. running C. runner D. runs( ) 7. Bill and Sandra _ like eating eggs. A. does B. dont C. not D. doesStep 5 Homework谈论家人三餐喜欢吃什么。板书设计Picture Name Food 3实 用 文 档
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