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新概念第一册课文词汇讲解,尹立 华师外院 ,Lesson 99-100 What is the matter? I slipped and fell downstairs. 他怎么了? 他头疼/感冒了/牙疼。 他们怎么了? 他们口渴。/他们都得了流感。 你怎么了? 我昨天在街上滑到了。 没事吧? 我把我的背摔坏了,腿也骨折了,需要住院一个月。 可怜的孩子! 我真倒霉!,2. Fall (fell, fell) 1) The leaves begin to fall when autumn comes. 秋天来临时, 树叶开始落下。 2) Babies often fall when they are learning to walk. 幼儿学步时常会跌跤. 3) The wind fell during the night. 夜里风力减弱了。 4) One after another, all of them fell asleep. 那些人一个接一个地睡着了. 5) I dont want to fall behind others in English. 6) I fall in love with that girl and want to get dibs.,3. Hurt (hurt, hurt) 使受伤,伤害; 使伤心,使痛心 1) He hurt his leg in the match. 他比赛中伤了腿。 2) I didnt hurt your pride on purpose. 我不是故意伤害你的自尊心。 3) You should not hurt your parents. 你不应该伤你父母的心。 4) My feet hurt when I walk. 我走路时脚痛。,I think that I have hurt my back. I am afraid that I cant stand up. I think that the doctor had better see you. The doctor says he will come at once. She says that she is cold. He thinks that he needs an X-ray. The mechanic knows that he can repair the car. They believe that they will earn more money. I am sure that you will come. I am very sorry that your wife is ill. 我们都希望他们会赢。 我们都知道地球围绕太阳转。 我认为你们都会通过英语考试。,He,says thinks believes knows understands is afraid is sorry is sure,that he,is feels has got needs wants can must will is going to,Lesson 101-105 Youth:青年时期;青春, 活力;青年人,年轻人 1) They studied together in their youth. 青少年时期他们就在一起学习。 2) She kept her youth. 她青春依旧。 3) He lost his youth a long time ago. 他早已失去了青春活力。 4) The youth of today has greater opportunities than ever before. 现在的年轻人比以往任何时候都有更多的机会。 5) Some youths were standing near the bus stop. 一些年轻人正站在车站旁边。,Soon 不久; 即刻, 马上 1) We shall soon start. 我们不久就出发。 2) He will go back home soon. 3) They will finish their project soon. 4) Soon learn, soon forget. 快学快遗忘。 5) Soon up, soon down. 一步登天,一落千丈。,3. Write 写;写信 1) When he was very young, he began to learn to read and write. 他很小的时候就开始学习读书写字了。 2) She writes gracefully. 她字迹秀丽。 3) Lets write a notice of next Fridays meeting. 我们来写一份关于下星期五开会的通知。 4) He wrote what he saw. 他写下了所看到的情况.,5) Write me, and let me know how things go. 望来信, 谈谈你那儿的情况。 6) My son wrote to say he was coming from Paris this week. 我的儿子来信说他这个星期从巴黎来。 7) She writes that she is leaving tomorrow. 她信上说她明天要走。 8) I wrote my mother a letter hurriedly. 我匆忙地给我母亲写了封信。 9) Please write us the result. 请把结果函告我们。 10) Dont forget to write all the news to me. 不要忘记把一切消息都写信告诉我。 11) She wrote Bass that his father was not well. 她给巴斯写信, 说他爸爸身体不舒服。,Lesson 103 Pass v. 通过,及格;经过,走过;批准;递给 1) 我认为这个学期我可以通过英语考试。 I think (that) I can pass the English exam this semester. 2) The parade passed. 游行队伍走过去了。 3) When will the ship pass the channel? 那轮船什么时候通过这海峡? 4) The bill passed and became law. 法案通过了, 成了法律。,5) A week passed quickly. 一星期很快就过去了。 6) Helen passed her weekend at her uncles. 海伦在她叔叔家过周末。 7) Dick passed the football to Jim quickly. 狄克迅速地将球传给吉姆。 8) After they passed the forest, they came to a river. 他们穿过那个树林后,便来到一条河边。,2. Question n.v. 问题,难题,麻烦;询问,质问;怀疑 1) I asked you a question and you didnt answer. 我问了你一个问题, 但你没有回答。 2) At the end of the meeting, a number of important questions were still unresolved. 会议结束时, 一些重大的问题仍悬而未决。 3) If you have any questions, ask the director. 若有问题, 你可问主任。 4) Its a difficult question to decide. 这是个难以决定的问题。 5) The police questioned the witness. 警察询问了证人。 6) I would never question his honesty. 我绝不会怀疑他的诚实。,3. Easy 容易的,不费力的 1) That is an easy question. 那是一个容易回答的问题。 2) He is easy to deal with. 他很容易相处。 3) It is not easy to climb a bluff mountain. 登上陡峭的山可不容易。 短语: an easy life 安逸生活 free and easy 悠然自得, 毫不拘束 an easy mind 平静的心情 an easy pace 从容的步子 an easy teacher 不严的教师 an easy language 易懂的语言,4. Enough adv. 足够的;adj. 足够的,充足的 1) She plays well enough for a beginner. 对于初学者来说, 她弹奏得已相当不错了。 2) He didnt run fast enough to catch the train. 他跑得不够快, 没赶上火车。 3) Is 100 enough for all your expenses? 100英镑够你全部的花销吗? 4) We have enough money to spend. 我们有足够的钱花。 5) There is enough food for everybody. 有足够的食物供大家吃。,5. Fail 失败,不及格;使失望;辜负 1) He failed to pass the examination through carelessness. 由于粗心, 他考试没及格。 2) The teacher failed me in mathematics. 老师给我数学不及格。 3) Some college courses are graded in terms of either a pass or a fail. 有些大学课程按及格或不及格评分。 4) When I wanted his help, he failed me. 当我需要他帮助时, 他却使我失望。,6. Hate 憎恨,讨厌;不喜欢 1) He hates his little sister because she destroyed all his toys. 他讨厌他的小妹妹, 因为她弄坏了他所有的玩具。 2) I hate Sunday. 我讨厌星期天。 3) I hate you to use such vulgar words. 我讨厌你用这种下流的字眼。 4) My cat hates dogs. 我家的猫不喜欢狗。 5) He hates leaving (to leave)the office and going on holiday. 他不愿离开办公室去度假。,7. Cheer 振作,振奋;欢呼,喝彩 1) Your visit has cheered the sick man. 你的来访鼓舞了病人。 2) When they saw us, they waved and cheered. 看到我们时, 他们又挥手又欢呼。 3) Lets cheer the victory 让我们为胜利而欢呼 4) The boys cheered their football team. 男孩子们为他们的足球队喊加油。 cheer-leader n. 啦啦队长 cheerless tls adj. 无精打采的; cheer up (用话)鼓舞(某人); 高兴起来, 振奋起来; 打起精神来! 别灰心!,8. too, very, enough I could not speak to the boss. He was too busy. They could not see that film.
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