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The origin and meaning of metafunction,Metafunction(纯理功能 or 元功能),韩礼德(Michael Halliday) The London school: a tradition of laying stress on the functions of language and attaching great importance to contexts of situation and the system aspect of language.,Systemic-functional Grammar(系统功能语法),The term metafunction originates in systemic functional linguistics and is considered to be a property of all languages. According to Halliday, though languages vary in how and what they do, and what humans do with them in the contexts of human cultural practice, all languages are considered to be shaped and organised in relation to three functions, or metafunctions. 纯理功能思想是系统功能语法核心思想之一韩礼德认为语言的性质决定人们对语言的要求,在语言所必须完成的众多功能中,尽管这些功能千变万化,我们可以把它们归纳为若干个有限的最为抽象,最具概括性的功能,即纯理功能(元功能)它们是语言所固有的,具有语言的普遍特征。,Hallidays systemic Grammar contains a functional component,that is ,the interpretation of grammatical patterns in terms of configurations of functions.Since he sees these functions as particularly relevant to te analysis of text(by which he means everything that is said or written ), Halliday defines a functional grammar as essentially a nature grammar,in the sense that every thing in it can be explained,ultimately , by reference to how language is used.Halliday believes that language is what it is because it has to serve certain functions. In other words,social demand on language has helped to shapeits stucture.He interprets language from a functional point of view and formulates a functonal theory of language.,Origin,Halliday views language development in children as the mastery of linguistic function,and learning a language is learninf how to mean . So he proposes seven functions in childrens model of language:(1)the instrumental function (工具功能);(2)the regulatory function(控制功能);(3)the interactional function(交互功能);(4)the personal function(自指性功能);(5)the heuristic function(探索功能);(6)the imaginative function(想象功能);(7)the informative function(信息功能).,According to Halliday,the adults language becomes much more complex and it has to serve many more functions,and the original functional range of the childs language is gradually reduced to a set of highly coded and abstract functions, which are metafunctions:the the ideational, interpersonal, and textual functions. The ideational function is further divided into the experiential and logical. 从16个半月开始,幼儿语言开始向成人语言转化。在这个时期,幼儿开始运用成人语言中的词汇和语法。他们的语言功能也更为抽象和复杂。由于成人的语言更为复杂而且要完成很多功能,因此幼儿语言最初的功能范围逐渐缩小为一组高度字符化并且抽象的功能,,即元功能。,Metafunctions are systemic clusters; that is, they are groups of semantic systems that make meanings of a related kind. Halliday argues that the concept of metafunction is one of a small set of principles that are necessary to explain how language works; this concept of function in language is necessary to explain the organisation of the semantic system of language. ,Meaning,The three metafunctions are mapped onto the structure of the clause.For this reason, systemic linguists analyse a clause from three perspectives. These metafunctions appears at a new level in the linguistic system,taking the form of grammar. The grammatical system, as it were, a functional input and a structuarl output; it provides the machanism for different functions to be combined in one utterance in the way the adult requires.In SFL, the metafunctions operate simultaneously, and any utterance is a harmony of choices across all three functions.,Metafunction纯理功能,Ideational function (概念功能),Interpersonal function (人际功能),experiential function(经验功能),Textual function (语篇功能),logical function(逻辑功能),Ideational function 概念功能 The ideational function is to convey new information, to communicate a content that is unknown to the hearer. Present in all language uses , the ideational function is a meaning potential , because whatever specifc use one is making of language he has to referto categories of his experience of the world .It includes the experiential function and the logical function.,The ideational function mainly consists of transitivity(及物性系统) and voice(语态) . This function not only specifies the available options in meaning but also determines the nature of their structural realisations. For example , John built a new house can be analysed as a configuration of the function roles : Actor : John Process : Material : Creation:built Goal : Affected : a new house ,Experiential function 经验功能 The experiential function refers to the grammatical choices that enable speakers to make meanings about the world around us and inside us: 经验功能指的是语言对人们在现实世界(包括内心世界)中的各种经历的表达。换言之,就是反映客观世界中所发生的事、所牵涉的人和物以及与之有关的时间、地点等环境因素。 Logical function逻辑功能 Halliday describes the logical function as those systems “which set up logicalsemantic relationships between one clausal unit and another” 指的是是语言对两个或两个以上的意义单位之间逻辑关系的表达。,Interpersonal function(人际功能) The Interpersonal function embodies all uses of language to express social and personal relations . This includes the various ways the speaker enters a speech situation and performs a speech act .
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