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pep六年级英语下册Unit1-2单元测试题精品文档班级_ 姓名_Listening Part(听力部分)一、 Listen and drawJorL. 二、 Listen and circle (听一听,圈一圈).personillnesshave a headache have a toothache have a sore throathave a cold hurt the leg have a fever have a toothache have a cold hurt the legshave a sore throat have a fever have a coldhave a sore throat have a headache have a toothache 三、 Listen and choose (听录音,根据问句选择正确答语)( ) 1. A. Im five. B. Im fine. C. Thank you( ) 2. A. He feels sick. B. I feel sick. C. I feel fever.( ) 3.A. My leg hurts. B. My leg is good. C. My leg hurt( ) 4.A. Yes, I am. B. No, I am. C. Yes, she is.( ) 5.A. She is sad. B. He is sad. C. Im sad.四、 Listen and fill the blank. (听录音,填空)1.Whats the _ with you? My _ hurts.2.I _ a _.3.How _ John feel? He is _.4.How are you, Zhangpeng ? You _ so _.5.You are _ and _ than me .五、 Listen and tick ()or cross ().( )1. Today is Sunday.( )2. They are going to have a basketball match.( )3. John won the game.( )4. When he gets home, he is very excited.( )5. Johns favourite food is noodles.Writing Part(笔试部分)一、 Finish the sentences with the words (选词填空).bored tired happy sad angry1. No one plays with Mike, so he feels_.2. Toms father gives Tom a new CD player, so Tom is very _.3. We do too much homework on the weekend, so we feel _.4. Amy is _ because she failed the math test.5. The teacher is very _, because the boy breaks the windows of the classroom.二、 Look, read and write (看图填空).Chen: How _ are you?Mike: _ 13.Chen: Youre one year _ _ me. John: _ the _ _ you?Amy. I have a _.John: Im _ to hear that. Youd better see a _ and take some _.Amy: Yes, I will 三、 Read and choose (单项选择). ( ) 1. How _ she feel? A. do B. does C. is( ) 2. Whats the matter _ you? A. to B. for C. with( ) 3. You are older than _. A. me B. your C. I( ) 4. Whats wrong with you? -My nose _. A. ache B. hurts C. sorer( ) 5. She _ sick. A. feel B. feels C. does( ) 6. A boy is _. A.35m B. 35cm C.35kg( ) 7. I _ a headache. A. having B. has C. have( ) 8.My sister is tall. 改为一般疑问句为:_ A. Is your sister tall? B. Is my sister tall? C. Are your sister tall?( ) 9.How _you feel? A. do B. is C. does( ) 10. Chen Jies hands are bigger than _. A. Sarah B. Sarahs C. the Sarahs( ) 11. How long is _ tail?.A. its B. it C. its( ) 12. Im because I got a new story book.A. angry B. tired C. happy( ) 13. I wear _. A. size 17. B. the size 17. C. 17 size.( ) 14. Is your throat sore?-_. A. Yes, it is. B. Yes, I am. C. Yes, she is.( ) 15. _ monkey do you like? - I like the brown one. A. What B. Which C. Who四、 按要求写单词比较级:tall _ thin _ good _ fat _ nice _反义词:new _ younger _ thinner _ shorter _ 复数形式:leg _ arm _ foot _ tooth _ 单三形式:do _ have _ feel _ look _ 五、 Read , match and write (将单词按读音归类). fine tail paint coat house know baby how rose dive/ei/Bi/ _ _/aU/EU/ _ _6、 根据答句写问句1. A:_ B:Im 13 years old.2. A:_ B:She is 160 cm tall.3. A:_ B:Im 40 kg.4. A:_ B:I wear size 17.5. A:_ B:I have a headache.七、 阅读理解,判断正(T)误(F)。AIts Sunday afternoon. The weather is fine. There is a football match between class 2 and class 4. Many students are watching .Theyre excited.Now Zhang Peng has the ball. He passes it to Wu Yifan .But h
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