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Lesson 11Task 1: A Way of Life(生活方式)Doctor: Well Mr. Thomson. The first and important thing I have to tell you is that . mm . there is really nothing seriously wrong with you . physically that is. My . er . my very thorough re-examination and the . the analysts report show that basically you are very fit. Yes . very fit. Mr. Thomson: So . Why is it doctor that Im always so nervy . tense . ready to jump on anybodymy wife, children, colleagues? Doctor: I think . erm . I think your condition has a lot to do with erWhat shall we call it? Way of life? Habits? Mr. Thomson: Way of life? Habits? Doctor: Yes . now tell me Mr. Thomson . You smoke, dont you? Mr. Thomson: Yes . Im afraid . Im afraid I do, doctor. Doctor: And . er . rather heavily I imagine. Mr. Thomson: Well . yes. I smokewhat . about forty . fifty a day I suppose. Doctor: You should do your best to stop, you know. Mr. Thomson: Yes . I see . But er . Well . it wont be the first time. Ive tried to give up smoking several times but its . its no good. Doctor: You see . fifty a day is overdoing it . you must admit. You must cut it down . at least that. Oh yes. I know that when youre feeling tense you . you probably feel that a cigarette relaxes you. But in the long run . I do advise you to make . to make a real effort. Mr. Thomson: Of course. But . well . its easy to say give it up or cut it down . but . oh you know . Doctor: Well in my opinion you have no choice. Either you make a real effort or . or theres no real chance of your feeling better. You see . well obviously I could prescribe some kind of tranquillizer . but would that help? Id preferand Im quite sure youll agreeId prefer to see you really back to normal . not just seemingly so. And thats my reason for asking you several more questions about . about your other habits. Mr. Thomson: Right. Doctor: Your eating habits for example. What do you eat normally . during a normal day? Mr. Thomson: Yes . well . Im a good eater. Yes, Id say Im a good eater. Now lets see . Up at eight in the morning and my wife has a good breakfast ready. Doctor: A good breakfast? Mr. Thomson: The usual. A cereal followed by bacon and eggs with fried bread and perhaps a tomato or two. Then toast and marmalade . all washed down with a couple of cups of tea. I er . yes . I really enjoy my breakfast. Doctor: Er . yes . I can see you do. But Id advise you to eat rather less. Well come to that later. Go on. Mr. Thomson: Then lunch . no, first brunch. A cup of coffee and a bun at eleven. Lunch has to be quick because theres so much to do in the office about that time. So I have a pint and a sandwich in the pub. All very hurried. Doctor: Try to be in less of a hurry. Mr. Thomson: But I make up for it in the evening. I get home at about seven. Dinners round about eight. Er . yes . My wifes an excellent cook . excellent. Its usually some meat dish . and we like spaghetti as a first course. Spaghetti, a meat dish, cheese, a sweet. But er . but then . at the end of the day shall we say . then . well then I begin to feel on edge again. Most evenings after dinner we read or watch TV . but I . I get this terrible feeling of tension. Doctor: Well . Im sorry to have to say this because you obviously enjoy your food . but . er . I really do recommend that you . that you eat less andsecondlythat you eat more healthily. Instead of having that enormous breakfast for example . er . well . try to be content with a fruit juice and some cereal. Mr. Thomson: I see . but er . Doctor: Elevenses . right . well thats all right. But lunch should be more leisurely. Remember your health is at stake not your job. As for dinner . er . Id advise you to eat a soup perhaps . with a salad . a salad followed by some fruit. Mr. Thomson: But my wifes cooking . Doctor: . is superb. Granted. And she probably enjoys preparing delicious meals for you. If you like . well . er . Ill have a word with your wife . Mr. Thomson: No . that wont be necessary . erm . thanks just the same, doctor. But no . Doctor: And on that subject Mr. Thomson . erm . er . Just one other thing . er . Im sure this wont embarrass you. You say you feel tense in the evenings after dinner. Might I ask about your relationshipyour sexual relationship that iswith your wife? Mr. Thomson: Well . erm . er . you see . er .Task 2: Do It Yourself (DIY) (Do It Yourself magazine organizes a competition every summer to find the Handyman of the Year. The winner this year is Mr. Roy Miller, a Sheffield postman. A journalist and a photographer have come to his house. The journalist is interviewing Mr. Miller for an article in the magazine.) Jo
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