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BBC英语听力2012年03月合辑(文本翻译):BBC0307The Red Cross says the first seven people have been evacuated from the Baba Amr district in the Syrian city of Homs to a local hospital. An official in Geneva, Carla Haddad, said a joint team of the International Red Cross and Syrian Red Crescent had begun rescuing those in urgent need of medical assistance.红十字会称已将第一批的7个人从叙利亚胡姆斯市Baba Amr区撤离并送至当地一家医院,日内瓦官员Carla Haddad说,一个由国际红十字会和叙利亚红新月会组成的联合团队已开始营救继续医疗救助的人。The ICRC teams and the Syrian Arab Red Crescent volunteers have been in Homs since the afternoon, negotiating with the Syrian authorities and the opposition to enter Baba Amr and evacuate the wounded and sick. What happened just a few moments ago is that the operation of evacuation started, and the Syrian Arab Red Crescent team entered with three ambulances inside Baba Amr and just evacuated seven women and children to, I mean, hospitals in Homs.“国际红十字团队和叙利亚阿拉伯红新月会的志愿者们从下午开始就在胡姆斯市忙碌着,他们与叙利亚当局和反对派协商进入Baba Amr并撤出伤病员。就在刚才,撤离行动开始了,叙利亚阿拉伯红新月会开了三辆救护车进入Baba Amr,将7名妇女和儿童撤离送至胡姆斯的医院。”The city of Homs has been under heavy bombardment for several days. As well as countless Syrians, two seriously injured foreign journalists are among those needing urgent help.几天来,胡姆斯市一直遭受强烈轰击。除了无数叙利亚人,还有两名受伤严重的外国记者也急需援助。The American Secretary of State Hillary Clinton says the day-long international conference on Syria held in Tunis has agreed a series of measures that should help provide more humanitarian aid to the people of the country. Mrs Clinton said the 60 countries involved would increase the pressure on the Syrian government and prepare for a democratic transition.美国国务卿希拉里称,在突尼斯举行了一整天的叙利亚问题国际会议已达成一系列措施,将为该国人民提供更多人道主义救援。希拉里说,与会的60个国家将对叙利亚政府施加更多压力,准备进行民主过渡。Today the friends of the Syrian people sent a strong and unified message that the Assad regimes escalating violence is an affront to the international community, a threat to regional security and a grave violation of universal human rights.“今天,叙利亚人民的朋友联合发出强烈的信号,那就是,阿萨德政权暴力活动的升级是对国际社会的侮辱,威胁了地区安定,严重违反了普遍人权。”Neither Moscow nor Beijing were at the meeting.俄罗斯和中国都没有参加会议。The Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin has accused Western powers of using fears over Irans nuclear programme as a pretext to bring about regime change in Tehran. Mr Putin said Russia took a different stand and would resist such efforts. James Reynolds reports.俄罗斯总理普京谴责西方国家,称它们拿人们对伊朗核项目的恐惧作为借口,企图使德黑兰当局政权更迭。普京称俄罗斯的立场截然不同,将反对这样的行为。James Reynolds报道。Russia is often suspicious of the Wests approach to Iran, and the Prime Minister Vladimir Putin now suggests that Western fears over Irans nuclear ambitions may conceal a hidden agenda. Under the appearance of a struggle to prevent the proliferation of nuclear weapons, he warned, attempts are being made to change the regime. Mr Putins comments come as the latest report by the International Atomic Energy Agency is made public. In its 11-page report, the IAEA makes one overriding point: Iran is not fully cooperating with the agency.俄罗斯经常怀疑西方国家对伊朗的行动,如今,总理普京称,西方对伊朗核项目恐惧的背后,可能还隐藏着别的打算。他警告说,尽管西方看起来要努力阻止核武器扩散,它们却在设法改变该政权。普京之所以发此言论,是因为最近国际原子能机构(IAEA)公布了一项最新报告。在这份长达11页的报告中,IAEA表达的主要观点是:伊朗并未完全与IAEA合作。At least 12 people have been killed in anti-American protests in Afghanistan over the burning of Korans at a US base. Several others were injured when police clashed with demonstrators after Friday prayers. Many of the casualties were reported from the western province of Herat as well as the capital Kabul.由于一美军基地焚烧可兰经,阿富汗爆发反美抗议,至少12人丧生。警察在周五祈祷后与游行者发生冲突,另有数人受伤。据悉,大多数伤亡者都来自西部省份赫拉特和首都喀布尔。Officials in Haiti say the Prime Minister Garry Conille has resigned unexpectedly. Mr Conille reportedly sent the President Michel Martelly a resignation letter after serving less than five months in office. There had been rumours about disagreements between Mr Conille and President Martelly. Vanessa Buschschluter has more.海地官方称总理Garry Conille已意外辞职,据悉,Conille向总统Michel Martelly递交了辞职书,而他任职还不到五个月。有传闻说Conille和总统Martelly之间不和。Vanessa Buschschluter报道。Garry Conille took office in October after months of delay in forming a government. President Martellys two previous candidates failed to get the necessary endorsement by the Haitian parliament, which is dominated by the opposition. His resignation is likely to worsen political infighting in Haiti as Mr Martelly and parliament struggle to agree on another candidate. Its also likely to further slow down reconstruction efforts after the earthquake which devastated much of the country two years ago.去年,政府推迟数月后才组建成立,随后Garry Conille于去年十月份开始任职。总统Martelly之前的两名候选人都没有得到海地议会必要的支持,议会主要由反对派把持。由于Martelly和议会难以就另一位候选人达成一致,Conille的辞职可能进一步加剧海地的政治内讧。或许还会使震后的重建工作进一步放缓,两年前的地震摧毁了海地大部分地区。A leading presidential candidate in Egypt, Abdul Moneim Abu al-Futuh, is recovering in hospital after an attack in which his car was stolen. Mr Abu al-Futuh was returning to Cairo after an election rally when he was attacked by three masked men. But members of his pol
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