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Chengdu Wuhou Temple,China experienced a lot of dynasties .But there is a period which is very famous .That is the Three kingdoms Period.,Did you read a famous Chinese classic novel named the Romance of the Three Kingdoms?,At the end of eastern Han dynasty, the emperor was very atrocious 残暴的and treated his civilians百姓 very bad .He just knew how to play and flirt 调情with women .His civilians were very angry with him. At last, lots of peasants rebellions农民起义broke out .However, the generals将军 of Han dynasty didnt help the bad emperor suppress 镇压that instead of taking this opportunity to establish their own kingdoms. Thus lots of wars happened among the generals .,You can imagine the chaotic 一片混乱的society of that time. After several years fighting, only three kingdoms survived .they were Wei , Shu and Wu. Here I particularly need to mention the Shu kingdom. Actually it was the ancient name of Sichuan province. Thats why you can enjoy the rich culture of Shu kingdom in Sichuan province .,Han Zhaolie Miao which means Han Zhaolie Temple in English .Han is the ancient name of Shu kingdom. Zhaolie is LiuBeis posthumous 死后的title the people gave .,In Tang and Song dynasties, there were two temples belonged to Liu Bei and Zhu Geliang respectively各自的. Unfortunately more and more people went to Zhus temple for worship尊敬. They thought Zhus contribution was superior 较高的 to LiuBei. Thus fewer people went to Liu Beis temple. In Ming dynasty ,a member of imperial 皇家的 family thought that was improper不合适的 because Liu Bei was the emperor .Zhu Geliang was only a subordinate 部下of him .He demolished摧毁 the Zhus Temple and moved Zhu Geliangs statues 雕像 into Liu Beis. however this behavior could not be accepted by other people ,especially those who worshiped Zhu Geliang very much. They spontaneously 自发的 built up a temple behind this one .and called it Wuhou Temple.Gradually, people were used to call like that. Later When we get in you will find that .,now you are standing in the axis 轴线line of the temple .You know Chains architecture 建筑学 considered symmetry 对称美 .So you can find that there is a tablet碑 on either side .,On your right is Tang Tablet. It is also called “San Jue” tablet. San means three in English, Jue means excellence卓越 .What are the excellence you may ask ? First one is the article composed创作 by the prime minister of Tang dynasty .second is the calligraphy 书法 written by a very famous calligrapher in Tang dynasty .Third one is the carving雕刻. That is marvelous非凡的.,On your left that is Ming Tablet. Strangely you will find that the tablet is on the back of an animal .,Do you know what is the animal carrying the tablet? It is called “Bi Xi” 赑屃(bx)即霸下. Legend said, Dragon has 9 sons, and the sixth is Bi Xi. For Bi Xi is very strong, people let him carry the stele.,Now you may find that on either side there is a corridor 走廊with lots of statues雕像 .thats right .On your right that is Ministers大臣 statues ; on your left that is Generals statues. All of the figures are from Shu kingdom .they did great contribution to his country .Lets go and have a visit .,Now the building in front you is Liu Beis hall. Maybe you have noticed that there is a small room on either side of the hall .Ok lets visit that first from left to right .,the statue you see is ZhangFei .you can see he had a black face. Actually black refers to honesty and justice in China,it is said that he is a handsome man .because he had a very bad temper and treated his subordinates very bad as a result of being killed by his subordinates.,Guan was a general of Shu kingdom. You may ask me why Guan Yu was dressing like a emperor? That is connected with GuanYu sense of honor. People regarded him as the emperor of the sense of honor .,GuanYu and Zhang Fei are sworn宣过誓的,感情极深的 brothers of Liu Bei. There is a hall only to commemorate the three brothers in Wuhou Temple . More details will be given to you when we get there .,The statue is the biggest one among the others. In the novel, Liubei is characterized by his big ears. It is believed the one who owns a pair of big ears always has good fortune.,The board holding in the Kings hands is called “Yu Gui”. It is made of jade 玉. The 7 dippers on it stands for the highest power. Liubei died in 62, governing the state for 2 years only. His son “A Dou” Liuchan carried on for 40 years. At the right side of him standing the statue of his grand son Liu Chen,So at the left side should be the statue of his son. But, where is it?,When State Wei invading侵略 Shu, Liu Chen tried to persuade his father A Dou fight to the last, and not to give up. But his father didnt listen to him. The moment Wei army broke into Chengdu. Liu Chen killed his family and then suicide自杀. But his father A Dou was living happily after given in, and totally forgot the shame. From him comes the saying: “too happy to remember Shu”乐不思蜀. People hate A Dou, not willing to memorize him, so there is no statue for him.,Come into the hall, we can see Zhugeliang wavin
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