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安徽省安庆市2013届高三英语联考试题(含解析,扫描版)2013年安庆市示范中学联考英语试题参考答案及评分标准Keys:1-20: ABACA BCBCB CABCA CACBA21-35:BCCBA BDACB CDCAC36-55:BACCC ABCCB CDBCD ACBCD56-75:ACBC CCDB CBDC CCBC ADBC 76-8576. Telephone 77. necessary 78. emergency 79. waste80. harmful/painful 81. except/but 82. writing 83. Problems/troubles 84.nobody 85. hurries/rushes参考范文:(115)Nowadays, more and more people own private cars. As a result, the expanding of road systems becomes extremely urgent. Then the growing amount of money required in building new roads arouses a question about who should be the payer, governments or the car owners.Some people are convinced that it is the responsibility of the government because one of the main roles the government is to provide basic constructions, including a well built of roads. They view convenient transportation as a part of welfare.However, someone else argue that the car owners ought to pay because they use road more often than those having no cars and it is they who cause most of traffic jams. In all, my view is that both should share because they both have duty to solve this problem.- 10 -
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